
1096 lines
31 KiB
Raw Blame History

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Ole Tange, and Free Software and Foundation, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# Simple jobs that never fails
# Each should be taking 0.3-1s and be possible to run in parallel
# I.e.: No race conditions, no logins
stdsort() {
"$@" 2>&1 | LC_ALL=C sort;
export -f stdsort
# Test amount of parallelization
# parallel --shuf --jl /tmp/myjl -j1 'export JOBS={1};'bash tests-to-run/ ::: {1..16} ::: {1..5}
par_uninstalled_sshpass() {
echo '### sshpass must be installed for --sshlogin user:pass@host'
sshpass=$(command -v sshpass)
sudo mv "$sshpass" "$sshpass".hidden
parallel -S user:pass@host echo ::: must fail
sudo mv "$sshpass".hidden "$sshpass"
par_bug43654() {
echo "bug #43654: --bar with command not using {} - only last output line "
COLUMNS=80 stdout parallel --bar true {.} ::: 1 | perl -pe 's/.*\r/\r/'
par_eof_on_command_line_input_source() {
echo '### Test of eof string on :::'
parallel -k -E ole echo ::: foo ole bar
par_empty_string_command_line() {
echo '### Test of ignore-empty string on :::'
parallel -k -r echo ::: foo '' ole bar
par_ll_no_newline() {
echo 'bug #64030: parallel --ll echo -n ::: foo'
parallel --ll echo -n ::: two lines | sort
parallel --ll echo -n '>&2' ::: two lines | sort
parallel --linebuffer 'echo -n last {}' ::: line
stdout parallel --linebuffer 'echo -n last {} >&2' ::: line
par_ll_long_followed_by_short() {
parallel --ll 'echo A very long line;sleep 0.2;echo' ::: OK | puniq
par_PARALLEL_HOME_not_exist() {
echo '### bug #62311: --pipepart + ::: fail'
rm "$tmp1"
PARALLEL_HOME="$tmp1" parallel echo ::: OK
rm -r "$tmp1"
echo Should warn:
PARALLEL_HOME=/does-not-exist parallel -k echo ::: should warn
par_colour_failed() {
echo '--colour-failed --colour'
parallel --colour-failed -kv 'seq {1};exit {2}' ::: 1 2 ::: 0 1 2
parallel --colour --colour-failed -kv 'seq {1};exit {2}' ::: 1 2 ::: 0 1 2
par_pipepart_triple_colon() {
echo '### bug #62311: --pipepart + ::: fail'
seq 3 >"$tmp1"
parallel --pipepart -a "$tmp1" wc ::: a
rm "$tmp1"
par_open-tty() {
echo '### bug #62310: xargs compatibility: --open-tty'
parallel --open-tty ::: tty
parallel -o ::: tty
par_shellcompletion() {
echo '### --shellcompletion'
# This will change, if you change options
parallel --shellcompletion bash | md5sum
bash -c 'parallel --shellcompletion auto;true' | md5sum
parallel --shellcompletion zsh | md5sum
zsh -c 'parallel --shellcompletion auto;true' | md5sum
par_ctagstring() {
echo '### --ctag --ctagstring should be different from --tag --tagstring'
echo tag/ctag 8 37
parallel --tag echo ::: 1 ::: a| wc -c
parallel --ctag echo ::: 1 ::: a | wc -c
echo tagstring/ctagstring 10 39
parallel --tagstring 'I{1}\tB{2}' echo ::: 1 ::: a | wc -c
parallel --ctagstring 'I{1}\tB{2}' echo ::: 1 ::: a | wc -c
par_env_parallel_pipefail() {
cat <<'EOF' | bash
echo "### test env_parallel with pipefail + inherit_errexit"
. env_parallel.bash
env_parallel --session
set -Eeuo pipefail
shopt -s inherit_errexit
env_parallel echo ::: OK
par_crnl() {
echo '### Give a warning if input is DOS-ascii'
printf "b\r\nc\r\nd\r\ne\r\nf\r\n" |
stdout parallel -k 'sleep 0.01; echo {}a'
echo This should give no warning because -d is set
printf "b\r\nc\r\nd\r\ne\r\nf\r\n" | parallel -k -d '\r\n' echo {}a
echo This should give no warning because line2 has newline only
printf "b\r\nc\nd\r\ne\r\nf\r\n" | parallel -k echo {}a
par_tmpl1() {
cat <<'EOF' > "$tmp1"
Xval: {x}
Yval: {y}
FixedValue: 9
Seq: {#}
Slot: {%}
# x with 2 decimals
DecimalX: {=x $_=sprintf("%.2f",$_) =}
TenX: {=x $_=$_*10 =}
RandomVal: {=1 $_=0.1+0.9*rand() =}
cat <<'EOF' > "$tmp2"
X,Y: {x},{y}
val1,val2: {1},{2}
myprog() {
echo "$@"
cat "$@"
export -f myprog
parallel -k --header : --tmpl "$tmp1"={#}.t1 \
--tmpl "$tmp2"=/tmp/tmpl-{x}-{y}.t2 \
myprog {#}.t1 /tmp/tmpl-{x}-{y}.t2 \
::: x 1.1 2.22 3.333 ::: y 111.111 222.222 333.333 |
perl -pe 's/0.\d{12,}/0.RANDOM_NUMBER/' |
perl -pe 's/Slot: \d/Slot: X/'
rm "$tmp1" "$tmp2"
par_tmpl2() {
cat <<'EOF' > "$tmp1"
=== Start tmpl1 ===
1: Job:{#} Slot:{%} All:{} Arg[1]:{1} Arg[-1]:{-1} Perl({}+4):{=$_+=4=}
cat <<'EOF' > "$tmp2"
2: Job:{#} Slot:{%} All:{} Arg[1]:{1} Arg[-1]:{-1} Perl({}+4):{=$_+=4=}
parallel --colsep , -j2 --cleanup --tmpl "$tmp1"=t1.{#} --tmpl "$tmp2"=t2.{%} \
'sleep 0.{#}; cat t1.{#} t2.{%}' ::: 1,a 1,b 2,a 2,b
echo should give no files
ls t[12].*
parallel -j2 --cleanup --tmpl "$tmp1"=t1.{#} --tmpl "$tmp2"=t2.{%} \
'sleep 0.{#}; cat t1.{#} t2.{%}' ::: 1 2 ::: a b
echo should give no files
ls t[12].*
rm "$tmp1" "$tmp2"
par_resume_k() {
echo '### --resume -k'
parallel -k --resume --joblog "$tmp" echo job{}id\;exit {} ::: 0 1 2 3 0 5
echo try 2 = nothing
parallel -k --resume --joblog "$tmp" echo job{}id\;exit {} ::: 0 1 2 3 0 5
echo two extra
parallel -k --resume --joblog "$tmp" echo job{}id\;exit 0 ::: 0 1 2 3 0 5 6 7
rm -f "$tmp"
par_empty_string_quote() {
echo "bug #37694: Empty string argument skipped when using --quote"
parallel -q --nonall perl -le 'print scalar @ARGV' 'a' 'b' ''
par_trim_illegal_value() {
echo '### Test of --trim illegal'
stdout parallel --trim fj ::: echo
par_dirnamereplace() {
echo '### Test --dnr'
parallel --dnr II -k echo II {} ::: a a/b a/b/c
echo '### Test --dirnamereplace'
parallel --dirnamereplace II -k echo II {} ::: a a/b a/b/c
par_negative_replacement() {
echo '### Negative replacement strings'
parallel -X -j1 -N 6 echo {-1}orrec{1} ::: t B X D E c
parallel -N 6 echo {-1}orrect ::: A B X D E c
parallel --colsep ' ' echo '{2} + {4} = {2} + {-1}=' '$(( {2} + {-1} ))' ::: "1 2 3 4"
parallel --colsep ' ' echo '{-3}orrect' ::: "1 c 3 4"
par_replacement_string_on_utf8() {
echo '### test {} {.} on UTF8 input'
inputlist() {
echo "中国 (Zhōngguó)/China's (中国) road.jpg"
echo "中国.(中国)"
echo /tmp/test-of-{.}-parallel/subdir/file
echo '/tmp/test-of-{.}-parallel/subdir/file{.}.funkyextension}}'
inputlist | parallel -k echo {} {.}
par_rpl_repeats() {
echo '### Test {.} does not repeat more than {}'
seq 15 | perl -pe 's/$/.gif/' | parallel -j1 -s 80 -kX echo a{}b{.}c{.}
seq 15 | perl -pe 's/$/.gif/' | parallel -j1 -s 80 -km echo a{}b{.}c{.}
par_do_not_export_PARALLEL_ENV() {
echo '### Do not export $PARALLEL_ENV to children'
. env_parallel.bash
env_parallel --session
doit() {
echo Should be 0
echo "$PARALLEL_ENV" | wc
echo Should give 60k and not overflow
PARALLEL_ENV="$PARALLEL_ENV" parallel echo '{=$_="\""x$_=}' ::: 60000 | wc
# Make PARALLEL_ENV as big as possible
PARALLEL_ENV="a='$(seq 100000 | head -c $((149000-$(set|wc -c) )) )'"
env_parallel doit ::: 1
par_compress_stdout_stderr() {
echo '### Test compress - stdout'
parallel --compress echo ::: OK
echo '### Test compress - stderr'
parallel --compress ls /{} ::: OK-if-missing-file 2>&1 >/dev/null
par_regexp_chars_in_template() {
echo '### Test regexp chars in template'
seq 1 6 | parallel -j1 -I :: -X echo 'a::b::^c::[.}c'
par_i_t() {
echo '### Test -i'
(echo a; echo END; echo b) | parallel -k -i -eEND echo repl{.}ce
echo '### Test --replace'
(echo a; echo END; echo b) | parallel -k --replace -eEND echo repl{.}ce
echo '### Test -t'
(echo b; echo c; echo f) | parallel -k -t echo {.}ar 2>&1 >/dev/null
echo '### Test --verbose'
(echo b; echo c; echo f) | parallel -k --verbose echo {.}ar 2>&1 >/dev/null
par_pipe_float_blocksize() {
echo '### Test --block <<non int>>'
seq 5 | parallel --block 3.1 --pipe wc
par_opt_gnu() {
echo '### Test --tollef'
stdout parallel -k --tollef echo -- 1 2 3 ::: a b c | LC_ALL=C sort
echo '### Test --tollef --gnu'
stdout parallel -k --tollef --gnu echo ::: 1 2 3 -- a b c
echo '### Test --gnu'
parallel -k --gnu echo ::: 1 2 3 -- a b c
par_colsep_default() {
echo "bug #37956: --colsep does not default to '\t' as specified in the man page."
printf "A\tB\n1\tone" | parallel --header : echo {B} {A}
par_tmux_command_not_found() {
echo '### PARALLEL_TMUX not found'
PARALLEL_TMUX=not-existing parallel --tmux echo ::: 1
par_echo_jobseq() {
echo '### bug #44995: parallel echo {#} ::: 1 2 ::: 1 2'
parallel -k echo {#} ::: 1 2 ::: 1 2
par_no_joblog_with_dryrun() {
echo 'bug #46016: --joblog should not log when --dryrun'
parallel --dryrun --joblog - echo ::: Only_this
par_tagstring_with_d() {
echo 'bug #47002: --tagstring with -d \n\n'
(seq 3; echo; seq 4) |
parallel -k -d '\n\n' --tagstring {#} echo ABC';'echo
par_xargs_nul_char_in_input() {
echo 'bug #47290: xargs: Warning: a NUL character occurred in the input'
perl -e 'print "foo\0not printed"' | parallel echo
par_maxproc() {
echo '### Test --max-procs and -P: Number of processes'
seq 1 10 | parallel -k --max-procs +0 echo max proc
seq 1 10 | parallel -k -P 200% echo 200% proc
par_maxchar_s() {
echo '### Test --max-chars and -s: Max number of chars in a line'
(echo line 1;echo line 1;echo line 2) | parallel -k --max-chars 25 -X echo
(echo line 1;echo line 1;echo line 2) | parallel -k -s 25 -X echo
par_no_run_if_empty() {
echo '### Test --no-run-if-empty and -r: This should give no output'
echo " " | parallel -r echo
echo " " | parallel --no-run-if-empty echo
par_help() {
echo '### Test --help and -h: Help output (just check we get the same amount of lines)'
echo Output from -h and --help
parallel -h | wc -l
parallel --help | wc -l
par_version() {
echo '### Test --version: Version output (just check we get the same amount of lines)'
parallel --version | wc -l
par_verbose_t() {
echo '### Test --verbose and -t'
(echo b; echo c; echo f) | parallel -k -t echo {}ar 2>&1 >/dev/null
(echo b; echo c; echo f) | parallel -k --verbose echo {}ar 2>&1 >/dev/null
par_test_zero_args() {
echo '### Test 0-arguments'
seq 1 2 | parallel -k -n0 echo n0
seq 1 2 | parallel -k -L0 echo L0
seq 1 2 | parallel -k -N0 echo N0
par_l0_is_l1() {
echo '### Because of --tollef -l, then -l0 == -l1, sorry'
seq 1 2 | parallel -k -l0 echo l0
par_replace_replacementstring() {
echo '### Test replace {}'
seq 1 2 | parallel -k -N0 echo replace {} curlies
par_arguments_on_cmdline() {
echo '### Test arguments on commandline'
parallel -k -N0 echo args on cmdline ::: 1 2
par_nice_locally() {
echo '### Test --nice locally'
parallel --nice 1 -vv 'PAR=a bash -c "echo \$PAR {}"' ::: b
par_disk_full() {
echo '### Disk full'
cd /tmp
sudo umount -l smalldisk.img
dd if=/dev/zero of=smalldisk.img bs=100k count=1k
yes|mkfs smalldisk.img
sudo mkdir -p $SMALLDISK
sudo mount smalldisk.img $SMALLDISK
sudo chmod 777 $SMALLDISK
) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
cat /dev/zero >$SMALLDISK/out
stdout parallel --tmpdir $SMALLDISK echo ::: OK |
grep -v 'Warning: unable to close filehandle.* No space left on device'
sudo umount -l /tmp/smalldisk.img
par_delimiter() {
echo '### Test --delimiter and -d: Delimiter instead of newline'
echo '# Yes there is supposed to be an extra newline for -d N'
echo line 1Nline 2Nline 3 | parallel -k -d N echo This is
echo line 1Nline 2Nline 3 | parallel -k --delimiter N echo This is
printf "delimiter NUL line 1\0line 2\0line 3" | parallel -k -d '\0' echo
printf "delimiter TAB line 1\tline 2\tline 3" | parallel -k --delimiter '\t' echo
par_argfile() {
echo '### Test -a and --arg-file: Read input from file instead of stdin'
seq 1 10 >"$tmp"
parallel -k -a "$tmp" echo
parallel -k --arg-file "$tmp" echo
rm "$tmp"
par_pipe_unneeded_procs() {
echo '### Test bug #34241: --pipe should not spawn unneeded processes'
seq 3 |
parallel -j30 --pipe --block-size 10 cat\;echo o 2> >(grep -Ev 'Warning: Starting|Warning: Consider')
par_results_arg_256() {
echo '### bug #42089: --results with arg > 256 chars (should be 1 char shorter)'
parallel --results parallel_test_dir echo ::: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456;
cat parallel_test_dir/1/*/stdout
ls parallel_test_dir/1/
rm -rf parallel_test_dir
par_pipe_to_func() {
echo '### bug #45998: --pipe to function broken'
myfunc() { echo $1; cat; }
export -f myfunc
echo pipefunc OK | parallel --pipe myfunc {#}
echo pipefunc and more OK | parallel --pipe 'myfunc {#};echo and more OK'
par_roundrobin_k() {
echo '### Test -k --round-robin'
seq 1000000 | parallel -j4 -k --round-robin --pipe wc
par_pipepart_roundrobin() {
echo '### bug #45769: --round-robin --pipepart gives wrong results'
seq 10000 >"$tmp"
parallel -j2 --pipepart -a "$tmp" --block 14 --round-robin wc | wc -l
rm "$tmp"
par_pipepart_header() {
echo '### bug #44614: --pipepart --header off by one'
seq 10 >"$tmp"
parallel --pipepart -a "$tmp" -k --block 5 'echo foo; cat'
parallel --pipepart -a "$tmp" -k --block 2 --regexp --recend 3'\n' 'echo foo; cat'
rm "$tmp"
par_quote() {
echo '### Test -q'
parallel -kq perl -e '$ARGV[0]=~/^\S+\s+\S+$/ and print $ARGV[0],"\n"' ::: "a b" c "d e f" g "h i"
echo '### Test -q {#}'
parallel -kq echo {#} ::: a b
parallel -kq echo {\#} ::: a b
parallel -kq echo {\\#} ::: a b
par_read_from_stdin() {
echo '### Test empty line as input'
echo | parallel echo empty input line
echo '### Tests if (cat | sh) works'
perl -e 'for(1..25) {print "echo a $_; echo b $_\n"}' | parallel 2>&1 | sort
echo '### Test if xargs-mode works'
perl -e 'for(1..25) {print "a $_\nb $_\n"}' | parallel echo 2>&1 | sort
par_total_from_joblog() {
echo 'bug #47086: [PATCH] Initialize total_completed from joblog'
parallel -j1 --joblog "$tmp" --halt now,fail=1 echo '{= $_=$Global::total_completed =};exit {}' ::: 0 0 0 1 0 0
parallel -j1 --joblog "$tmp" --halt now,fail=1 --resume echo '{= $_=$Global::total_completed =};exit {}' ::: 0 0 0 1 0 0
rm "$tmp"
par_xapply() {
echo '### Test bug #43284: {%} and {#} with --xapply'
parallel --xapply 'echo {1} {#} {%} {2}' ::: a ::: b
parallel -N2 'echo {%}' ::: a b
echo '### bug #47501: --xapply for some input sources'
# Wrapping does not work yet
parallel -k echo ::: a b c aWRAP :::+ aa bb cc ::: A B :::+ AA BB AAwrap
par_exit_val() {
echo '### Test bug #45619: "--halt" erroneous error exit code (should give 0)'
seq 10 | parallel --halt now,fail=1 true
echo $?
echo '### Test exit val - true'
echo true | parallel
echo $?
echo '### Test exit val - false'
echo false | parallel
echo $?
par_long_cmd_mem_use() {
echo '### Test long commands do not take up all memory'
seq 1 100 |
parallel -j0 -qv perl -e '$r=rand(shift); for($f = 0; $f < $r; $f++){ $a = "a"x100 } print shift,"\n"' 10000 2>/dev/null |
par_test_L_context_replace() {
echo '### Test -N context replace'
seq 19 | parallel -k -N 10 echo a{}b
echo '### Test -L context replace'
seq 19 | parallel -k -L 10 echo a{}b
par_test_r_with_pipe() {
echo '### Test of -r with --pipe - the first should give an empty line. The second should not.'
echo | parallel -j2 -N1 --pipe cat | wc -l
echo | parallel -r -j2 -N1 --pipe cat | wc -l
par_test_tty() {
echo '### Test --tty'
seq 0.1 0.1 0.5 | parallel -j1 --tty tty\;sleep
par_no_command_given() {
echo '### Test bugfix if no command given'
(echo echo; seq 1 5; perl -e 'print "z"x1000000'; seq 12 15) |
stdout parallel -j1 -km -s 10
par_inefficient_L() {
echo "bug #37325: Inefficiency of --pipe -L"
seq 2000 | parallel -k --pipe --block 1k -L 4 wc\;echo FOO | uniq
par_pipe_record_size_in_lines() {
echo "bug #34958: --pipe with record size measured in lines"
seq 10 | parallel -k --pipe -L 4 cat\;echo bug 34958-1
seq 10 | parallel -k --pipe -l 4 cat\;echo bug 34958-2
par_pipe_no_command() {
echo '### --pipe without command'
seq -w 10 | stdout parallel --pipe
par_expansion_in_colsep() {
echo '### bug #36260: {n} expansion in --colsep files fails for empty fields if all following fields are also empty'
echo A,B,, | parallel --colsep , echo {1}{3}{2}
par_extglob() {
bash -O extglob -c '. env_parallel.bash;
env_parallel --session
_longopt () {
case "$prev" in
echo foo;;
env_parallel echo ::: env_parallel 2>&1
par_tricolonplus() {
echo '### bug #48745: :::+ bug'
parallel -k echo ::: 11 22 33 ::::+ <(seq 3) <(seq 21 23) ::: a b c :::+ aa bb cc
parallel -k echo :::: <(seq 3) <(seq 21 23) :::+ a b c ::: aa bb cc
parallel -k echo :::: <(seq 3) :::: <(seq 21 23) :::+ a b c ::: aa bb cc
par_colsep_0() {
echo 'bug --colsep 0'
parallel --colsep 0 echo {2} ::: a0OK0c
parallel --header : --colsep 0 echo {ok} ::: A0ok0B a0OK0b
par_empty() {
echo "bug #:"
parallel echo ::: true
par_empty_line() {
echo '### Test bug: empty line for | sh with -k'
(echo echo a ; echo ; echo echo b) | parallel -k
par_append_joblog() {
echo '### can you append to a joblog using +'
parallel --joblog "$tmp" echo ::: 1
parallel --joblog +"$tmp" echo ::: 1
wc -l < "$tmp"
rm "$tmp"
par_file_ending_in_newline() {
echo '### Hans found a bug giving unitialized variable'
echo >/tmp/parallel_f1
echo >/tmp/parallel_f2'
echo /tmp/parallel_f1 /tmp/parallel_f2 |
stdout parallel -kv --delimiter ' ' gzip
rm /tmp/parallel_f*
par_python_children() {
echo '### bug #49970: Python child process dies if --env is used'
fu() { echo joe; }
export -f fu
echo foo | stdout parallel --env fu python -c \
\""import os; f = os.popen('uname -p'); output =; rc = f.close()"\"
par_pipepart_block_bigger_2G() {
echo '### Test that --pipepart can have blocks > 2GB'
echo foo >"$tmp"
parallel --pipepart -a "$tmp" --block 3G wc
rm "$tmp"
par_retries_replacement_string() {
qtmp=$(parallel -0 --shellquote ::: "$tmp")
parallel --retries {//} "echo {/} >>$qtmp;exit {/}" ::: 1/11 2/22 3/33
sort "$tmp"
rm "$tmp"
par_tee() {
export PARALLEL='-k --tee --pipe --tag'
seq 1000000 | parallel 'echo {%};LC_ALL=C wc' ::: {1..5} ::: {a..b}
seq 300000 | parallel 'grep {1} | LC_ALL=C wc {2}' ::: {1..5} ::: -l -c
par_parset_tee() {
. env_parallel.bash
export PARALLEL='-k --tee --pipe --tag'
parset a,b 'grep {}|wc' ::: 1 5 < <(seq 10000)
echo $a
echo $b
par_tagstring_pipe() {
echo 'bug #50228: --pipe --tagstring broken'
seq 3000 | parallel -j4 --pipe -N1000 -k --tagstring {%} LC_ALL=C wc
par_link_files_as_only_arg() {
echo 'bug #50685: single ::::+ does not work'
parallel -k echo ::::+ <(seq 10) <(seq 3) <(seq 4)
par_newline_in_command() {
echo Command with newline and positional replacement strings
parallel "
echo {1
} {2}
" ::: O ::: K
par_wd_3dot_local() {
echo 'bug #45993: --wd ... should also work when run locally'
parallel --wd /bi 'pwd; echo "$OLDPWD"; echo' ::: fail
parallel --wd /bin 'pwd; echo "$OLDPWD"; echo' ::: OK
parallel --wd / 'pwd; echo "$OLDPWD"; echo' ::: OK
parallel --wd /tmp 'pwd; echo "$OLDPWD"; echo' ::: OK
parallel --wd ... 'pwd; echo "$OLDPWD"; echo' ::: OK
parallel --wd . 'pwd; echo "$OLDPWD"; echo' ::: OK
) |
replace_tmpdir |
perl -pe 's:/mnt/4tb::; s:/home/tange:~:;' |
perl -pe 's:parallel./:parallel/:;' |
perl -pe 's/'`hostname`'/hostname/g; s/\d+/0/g'
par_X_eta_div_zero() {
echo '### bug #34422: parallel -X --eta crashes with div by zero'
# We do not care how long it took
seq 2 | stdout parallel -X --eta echo |
grep -E -v 'ETA:.*AVG' |
perl -pe 's/\d+/0/g' |
perl -pe 's/Comp.* to complete//' |
perl -ne '/../ and print'
par_parcat_args_stdin() {
echo 'bug #51690: parcat: read args from stdin'
# parcat reads files line by line
# so this does not work if TMPDIR contains \n
TMPDIR='/tmp/Y/ </i'
mkdir -p "$TMPDIR"
echo OK1 > "$tmp1"
echo OK2 > "$tmp2"
(echo "$tmp1"; echo "$tmp2") | parcat | sort
rm "$tmp1" "$tmp2"
par_parcat_rm() {
echo 'bug #51691: parcat --rm remove fifo when opened'
echo OK1 > "$tmp1"
parcat --rm "$tmp1"
rm "$tmp1" 2>/dev/null || echo OK file removed
par_linebuffer_files() {
echo '### bug #48658: --linebuffer --files'
stdout parallel --files --linebuffer 'sleep .1;seq {};sleep .1' ::: {1..10} |
replace_tmpdir | perl -pe 's:/par......par:/parXXXXX.par:'
par_halt_one_job() {
echo '# Halt soon if there is a single job'
echo should run 0 1 = job 1 2
parallel -j1 --halt now,fail=1 'echo {#};exit {}' ::: 0 1 0
echo should run 1 = job 1
parallel -j1 --halt now,fail=1 'echo {#};exit {}' ::: 1 0 1
echo should run 0 1 = job 1 2
parallel -j1 --halt soon,fail=1 'echo {#};exit {}' ::: 0 1 0
echo should run 1 = job 1
parallel -j1 --halt soon,fail=1 'echo {#};exit {}' ::: 1 0 1
par_blocking_redir() {
echo 'bug #52740: Bash redirection with process substitution blocks'
echo Test stdout
echo 3 | parallel seq > >(echo stdout;wc) 2> >(echo stderr >&2; wc >&2)
echo Test stderr
echo nOfilE | parallel ls > >(echo stdout;wc) 2> >(echo stderr >&2; wc >&2)
) 2>&1 | LC_ALL=C sort
par_pipepart_recend_recstart() {
echo 'bug #52343: --recend/--recstart does wrong thing with --pipepart'
seq 10 > "$tmp1"
parallel -k --pipepart -a "$tmp1" --recend '\n' --recstart '6' --block 1 'echo a; cat'
parallel -k --pipe < "$tmp1" --recend '\n' --recstart '6' --block 1 'echo a; cat'
rm "$tmp1" 2>/dev/null
par_pipe_tag_v() {
echo 'pipe with --tag -v'
seq 3 | parallel -v --pipe --tagstring foo cat
# This should only give the filename
seq 3 | parallel -v --pipe --tagstring foo --files cat |
replace_tmpdir |
perl -pe 's:/par.*.par:/tmpfile.par:'
par_dryrun_append_joblog() {
echo '--dry-run should not append to joblog'
parallel -k --jl "$tmp" echo ::: 1 2 3
parallel --dryrun -k --jl +"$tmp" echo ::: 1 2 3 4
# Job 4 should not show up: 3 lines + header = 4
wc -l < "$tmp"
rm "$tmp"
par_0_no_newline() {
echo 'A single zero without \n should not be ignored'
echo -n 0 | parallel echo
par_csv() {
(echo '"col1""x3""","new'
echo 'line col2","new2'
echo 'line col3",col 4') |
parallel --csv echo {1}-{2}-{3}-{4}
echo '"2""x3"" board","Value with ,",Column 3' |
parallel --csv echo {1}-{2}-{3}
par_csv_pipe() {
echo 'Only pass full records to tail'
echo 'Too small block size'
perl -e 'for $b(1..10) {
print join",", map {"\"$_\n$_\""} $b*1000..$b*1000+1000;
print "\n"
}' |
stdout parallel --pipe --csv -k --block 10k tail -n1 |
sort -n
echo 'More records in single block'
perl -e 'for $b(1..10) {
print join",", map {"\"$_\n$_\""} $b*1000..$b*1000+1000;
print "\n"
}' |
stdout parallel --pipe --csv -k --block 100k tail -n1 |
sort -n
par_slow_pipe_regexp() {
echo "### bug #53718: --pipe --regexp -N blocks"
echo This should take a few ms, but took more than 2 hours
seq 54000 80000 |
parallel -N1000 --regexp --pipe --recstart 4 --recend 5 -k wc
echo "### These should give same output"
seq 54000 80000 |
parallel -N1000 --regexp --pipe --recstart 4 --recend 5 -k cat |
seq 54000 80000 | md5sum
par_results() {
echo "### --results test.csv"
parallel -k --results "$tmp"-dir echo ::: a b c
cat "$tmp"-dir/*/*/stdout
rm -r "$tmp" "$tmp"-dir
par_results_json() {
echo "### --results test.json"
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
parallel -k --results "$tmp"/foo.json seq ::: 2 3 ::: 4 5
cat "$tmp"/foo.json | perl -pe 's/\d+\.\d{3}/9.999/g'
rm -r "$tmp"
parallel -k --results -.json seq ::: 2 3 ::: 4 5 |
perl -pe 's/\d+\.\d{3}/9.999/g'
par_locale_quoting() {
echo "### quoting in different locales"
printf '\243`/tmp/test\243`\n'
printf '\243`/tmp/test\243`\n' | LC_ALL=zh_HK.big5hkscs xargs echo '$LC_ALL'
# LC_ALL should be zh_HK.big5hkscs, but that makes quoting hard.
printf '\243`/tmp/test\243`\n' | LC_ALL=zh_HK.big5hkscs parallel -v echo '$LC_ALL'
echo '### PARALLEL_ENV as variable'
PARALLEL_ENV="v='OK as variable'" parallel {} '$v' ::: echo
echo '### PARALLEL_ENV as file'
echo "v='OK as file'" > "$PARALLEL_ENV"
PARALLEL_ENV="$PARALLEL_ENV" parallel {} '$v' ::: echo
echo '### PARALLEL_ENV as fifo'
mkfifo "$PARALLEL_ENV"
# () needed to avoid [1]+ Done
(echo "v='OK as fifo'" > "$PARALLEL_ENV" &) 2>/dev/null
PARALLEL_ENV="$PARALLEL_ENV" parallel {} '$v' ::: echo
par_pipe_recend() {
echo 'bug #54328: --pipe --recend '' blocks'
seq 3 | parallel -k --pipe --regexp --recend '' -n 1 xxd
seq 3 | parallel -k --pipe --recend '' -n 1 xxd
par_perlexpr_with_newline() {
echo 'Perl expression spanning 2 lines'
mkdir -p tmp
cd tmp
touch "Dad's \"famous\" 1' pizza"
# Important with newline in perl expression:
parallel mv {} '{= $a=pQ($_); $b=$_;
$_=qx{date -r "$a" +%FT%T}; chomp; $_="$_ $b" =}' \
::: "Dad's \"famous\" 1' pizza"
rm *"Dad's \"famous\" 1' pizza"
par_empty_command() {
echo 'bug #54647: parset ignores empty lines'
# really due to this. Should give an empty line due to -v:
parallel -v :::: <(echo)
. env_parallel.bash
parset a,b,c :::: <(echo echo A; echo; echo echo C)
echo Empty: $b
parset a,b,c :::: <(echo echo A; echo echo B; echo echo C)
echo B: $b
par_empty_input_on_stdin() {
echo ''
echo 'This should give no output'
true | stdout parallel --shuf echo
par_space_envvar() {
echo "### bug: --gnu was ignored if env var started with space: PARALLEL=' --gnu'"
export PARALLEL=" -v" && parallel echo ::: 'space in envvar OK'
par_pipe_N1_regexp() {
echo 'bug #55131: --regexp --recstart hangs'
echo "These should give the same"
printf 'begin\n%send\n' '' a b c |
parallel -kN1 --recstart 'begin\n' --pipe --regexp echo JOB{#}\;cat\;echo END
printf 'begin\n%send\n' '' a b c |
parallel -kN1 --recstart 'begin\n' --pipe echo JOB{#}\;cat\;echo END
par_sem_quote() {
echo '### sem --quote should not add empty argument'
sem --id sem_quote --fg --quote -v echo
par_halt_on_error_division_by_zero() {
echo '### --halt-on-error soon,fail=100% with no input should not give division by zero'
stdout parallel --halt-on-error soon,fail=100% echo </dev/null
echo $?
par_wd_dotdotdot() {
echo '### parallel --wd ... should clean up'
parallel --wd ... 'pwd;true' ::: foo | parallel ls 2>/dev/null
echo $? == 1
echo '### $OLDPWD should be the dir in which parallel starts'
cd /tmp
parallel --wd ... 'echo $OLDPWD' ::: foo
par_fish() {
echo '###'
echo OK | stdout fish -c 'parallel --pipe cat'
par_japanese_chars_in_replacement_string() {
echo '### bug #43817: Some JP char cause problems in positional replacement strings'
parallel -k echo ::: '<27><<3C>>' '<27><1 $_=2<>>' 'ワ'
parallel -k echo {1} ::: '<27><<3C>>' '<27><1 $_=2<>>' 'ワ'
parallel -Xj1 echo ::: '<27><<3C>>' '<27><1 $_=2<>>' 'ワ'
parallel -Xj1 echo {1} ::: '<27><<3C>>' '<27><1 $_=2<>>' 'ワ'
par_rpl_that_is_substring_of_longer_rpl() {
echo '### --rpl % that is a substring of longer --rpl %D'
parallel --rpl '{+.} s:.*\.::' --rpl '%' \
--rpl '%D $_=::shell_quote(::dirname($_));' \
--rpl '%B s:.*/::;s:\.[^/.]+$::;' \
--rpl '%E s:.*\.::' \
'echo {}=%;echo %D={//};echo %B={/.};echo %E={+.};echo %D/%B.%E={}' ::: a.b/c.d/e.f
par_unquote_replacement_string() {
echo '### Can part of the replacement string be unquoted using uq()?'
parallel echo '{}{=uq()=}' ::: '`echo foo`'
par_delimiter_space() {
echo '### Does space as delimiter work?'
parallel -k -d " " echo ::: "1 done"
par_recend_not_regexp() {
echo '### bug #56558: --rrs with --recend that is not regexp'
echo 'a+b' | parallel -k --pipe --rrs --recend '+' -N1 'cat;echo end'
par_profile() {
echo '### Test -J profile, -J /dir/profile, -J ./profile'
echo --tag > testprofile_local
parallel -J ./testprofile_local echo ::: local
rm testprofile_local
echo --tag > testprofile_abs
parallel -J "`pwd`"/testprofile_abs echo ::: abs
rm testprofile_abs
echo --tag > ~/.parallel/testprofile_config
parallel -J testprofile_config echo ::: config
rm ~/.parallel/testprofile_config
par_cr_newline_header() {
echo '### --header : should set named replacement string if input line ends in \r\n'
printf "foo\r\nbar\r\n" |
parallel --colsep , --header : echo {foo}
par_PARALLEL_HOME_with_+() {
echo 'bug #59453: PARALLEL_HOME with plus sign causes error: config not readable'
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
export PARALLEL_HOME="$tmp/ space /a+b"
mkdir -p "$PARALLEL_HOME"
parallel echo ::: Parallel_home_with+
rm -rf "$tmp"
par_group-by_colsep_space() {
echo '### --colsep " " should work like ","'
input() {
printf "a\t${sep}b\n"
printf "a${sep}${sep}b\n"
printf "b${sep}${sep}a\n"
printf "b${sep}a${sep}b\n"
input ',' | parallel --pipe --group-by 2 --colsep ',' -kN1 wc
input ' ' | parallel --pipe --group-by 2 --colsep ' ' -kN1 wc
par_json() {
printf '"\t\\"' | parallel -k --results -.json echo :::: - ::: '"' '\\' |
perl -pe 's/\d/0/g'
par_hash_and_time_functions() {
echo '### Functions for replacement string'
parallel echo '{= $_=join(" ",
hhmm()) =}' ::: 1 |
perl -pe 's/\d/9/g'
parallel echo '{= $_=hash($_) =}' ::: 1 |
perl -pe 's/[a-f0-9]+/X/g'
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
parallel --timeout 1000% -j6 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1' |
perl -pe 's:/usr/bin:/bin:g'