2019-04-28 23:02:10 +02:00

319 lines
9.8 KiB

# Simple jobs that never fails
# Each should be taking 3-10s and be possible to run in parallel
# I.e.: No race conditions, no logins
par_resume_failed_k() {
echo '### bug #38299: --resume-failed -k'
parallel -k --resume-failed --joblog $tmp echo job{#} val {}\;exit {} ::: 0 1 2 3 0 1
echo try 2. Gives failing - not 0
parallel -k --resume-failed --joblog $tmp echo job{#} val {}\;exit {} ::: 0 1 2 3 0 1
echo with exit 0
parallel -k --resume-failed --joblog $tmp echo job{#} val {}\;exit 0 ::: 0 1 2 3 0 1
echo try 2 again. Gives empty
parallel -k --resume-failed --joblog $tmp echo job{#} val {}\;exit {} ::: 0 1 2 3 0 1
rm $tmp
par_resume_k() {
echo '### --resume -k'
parallel -k --resume --joblog $tmp echo job{}id\;exit {} ::: 0 1 2 3 0 5
echo try 2 = nothing
parallel -k --resume --joblog $tmp echo job{}id\;exit {} ::: 0 1 2 3 0 5
echo two extra
parallel -k --resume --joblog $tmp echo job{}id\;exit 0 ::: 0 1 2 3 0 5 6 7
rm -f $tmp
par_pipe_unneeded_procs() {
echo '### Test bug #34241: --pipe should not spawn unneeded processes'
seq 3 | parallel -j30 --pipe --block-size 10 cat\;echo o 2> >(grep -Ev 'Warning: Starting|Warning: Consider')
par_results_arg_256() {
echo '### bug #42089: --results with arg > 256 chars (should be 1 char shorter)'
parallel --results parallel_test_dir echo ::: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456;
ls parallel_test_dir/1/
rm -rf parallel_test_dir
par_slow_args_generation() {
echo '### Test slow arguments generation -'
seq 1 3 | parallel -j1 "sleep 2; echo {}" | parallel -kj2 echo
par_kill_term() {
echo '### Are children killed if GNU Parallel receives TERM? There should be no sleep at the end'
parallel -q bash -c 'sleep 120 & pid=$!; wait $pid' ::: 1 &
sleep 5
pstree $$
kill -TERM $T
sleep 1
pstree $$
par_kill_hup() {
echo '### Are children killed if GNU Parallel receives HUP? There should be no sleep at the end'
parallel -j 2 -q bash -c 'sleep {} & pid=$!; wait $pid' ::: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 &
sleep 2
pstree $$
kill -HUP $T
sleep 2
pstree $$
par_kill_int_twice() {
echo '### Are children killed if GNU Parallel receives INT twice? There should be no sleep at the end'
parallel -q bash -c 'sleep 120 & pid=$!; wait $pid' ::: 1 &
sleep 5
pstree $$
kill -INT $T
sleep 1
pstree $$
par_children_receive_sig() {
echo '### Do children receive --termseq signals'
show_signals() {
perl -e 'for(keys %SIG) { $SIG{$_} = eval "sub { print STDERR \"Got $_\\n\"; }";} while(1){sleep 1}';
export -f show_signals
echo | stdout parallel --termseq TERM,200,TERM,100,TERM,50,KILL,25 -u \
--timeout 1s show_signals
echo | stdout parallel --termseq INT,200,TERM,100,KILL,25 -u \
--timeout 1s show_signals
sleep 3
par_wrong_slot_rpl_resume() {
echo '### bug #47644: Wrong slot number replacement when resuming'
seq 0 20 |
parallel -kj 4 --delay 0.2 --joblog /tmp/parallel-bug-47558 \
'sleep 1; echo {%} {=$_==10 and exit =}'
seq 0 20 |
parallel -kj 4 --resume --delay 0.2 --joblog /tmp/parallel-bug-47558 \
'sleep 1; echo {%} {=$_==110 and exit =}'
par_pipepart_block() {
echo '### --pipepart --block -# (# < 0)'
seq 1000 > /run/shm/parallel$$
parallel -j2 -k --pipepart echo {#} :::: /run/shm/parallel$$
parallel -j2 -k --block -1 --pipepart echo {#}-2 :::: /run/shm/parallel$$
parallel -j2 -k --block -2 --pipepart echo {#}-4 :::: /run/shm/parallel$$
parallel -j2 -k --block -10 --pipepart echo {#}-20 :::: /run/shm/parallel$$
rm /run/shm/parallel$$
par_keeporder_roundrobin() {
echo 'bug #50081: --keep-order --round-robin should give predictable results'
export PARALLEL="-j13 --block 1m --pipe --roundrobin"
random500m() {
< /dev/zero openssl enc -aes-128-ctr -K 1234 -iv 1234 2>/dev/null |
head -c 500m;
a=$(random500m | parallel -k 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' | sort)
b=$(random500m | parallel -k 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' | sort)
c=$(random500m | parallel 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' | sort)
if [ "$a" == "$b" ] ; then
# Good: -k should be == -k
if [ "$a" == "$c" ] ; then
# Bad: without -k the command should give different output
echo 'Broken: a == c'
printf "$a\n$b\n$c\n"
echo OK
echo 'Broken: a <> b'
printf "$a\n$b\n$c\n"
par_multiline_commands() {
echo 'bug #50781: joblog format with multiline commands'
rm -f /tmp/jl.$$
parallel --jl /tmp/jl.$$ --timeout 2s 'sleep {}; echo {};
echo finish {}' ::: 1 2 4
parallel --jl /tmp/jl.$$ --timeout 5s --retry-failed 'sleep {}; echo {};
echo finish {}' ::: 1 2 4
rm -f /tmp/jl.$$
par_dryrun_timeout_ungroup() {
echo 'bug #51039: --dry-run --timeout 1.4m -u breaks'
seq 1000 | stdout parallel --dry-run --timeout 1.4m -u --jobs 10 echo | wc
par_sqlworker_hostname() {
echo 'bug #50901: --sqlworker should use hostname in the joblog instead of :'
parallel --sqlmaster $MY/hostname echo ::: 1 2 3
parallel -k --sqlworker $MY/hostname
sql $MY 'select host from hostname;' |
perl -pe "s/$hostname/<hostname>/g"
par_sqlandworker_uninstalled_dbd() {
echo 'bug #56096: dbi-csv no such column'
sudo mv /usr/share/perl5/DBD/ /usr/share/perl5/DBD/
parallel --sqlandworker csv:////%2Ftmp%2Flog.csv echo ::: must fail
sudo cp /usr/share/perl5/DBD/ /usr/share/perl5/DBD/
parallel --sqlandworker csv:////%2Ftmp%2Flog.csv echo ::: works
par_commandline_with_newline() {
echo 'bug #51299: --retry-failed with command with newline'
echo 'The format must remain the same'
parallel --jl - 'false "command
newlines"' ::: a b | sort
echo resume
parallel --resume --jl - 'false "command
newlines"' ::: a b c | sort
echo resume-failed
parallel --resume-failed --jl - 'false "command
newlines"' ::: a b c d | sort
echo retry-failed
parallel --retry-failed --jl - 'false "command
newlines"' ::: a b c d e | sort
) | perl -pe 's/\0/<null>/g;s/\d+/./g'
par_delay_human_readable() {
# Test that you can use d h m s in --delay
parallel --delay 0.1s echo ::: a b c
parallel --delay 0.01m echo ::: a b c
par_exitval_signal() {
echo '### Test --joblog with exitval and Test --joblog with signal -- timing dependent'
rm -f /tmp/parallel_sleep
cp /bin/sleep mysleep
chmod +x mysleep
parallel --joblog /tmp/parallel_joblog_signal \
'./mysleep {}' ::: 30 2>/dev/null &
parallel --joblog /tmp/parallel_joblog_exitval \
'echo foo >/tmp/parallel_sleep; ./mysleep {} && echo sleep was not killed=BAD' ::: 30 2>/dev/null &
while [ ! -e /tmp/parallel_sleep ] ; do
sleep 1
sleep 1
killall -6 mysleep
grep -q 134 /tmp/parallel_joblog_exitval && echo exitval=128+6 OK
grep -q '[^0-9]6[^0-9]' /tmp/parallel_joblog_signal && echo signal OK
rm -f /tmp/parallel_joblog_exitval /tmp/parallel_joblog_signal
par_do_not_export_PARALLEL_ENV() {
echo '### Do not export $PARALLEL_ENV to children'
doit() {
echo Should be 0
echo "$PARALLEL_ENV" | wc
echo Should give 60k and not overflow
PARALLEL_ENV="$PARALLEL_ENV" parallel echo '{=$_="\""x$_=}' ::: 60000 | wc
. `which env_parallel.bash`
# Make PARALLEL_ENV as big as possible
PARALLEL_ENV="a='$(seq 100000 | head -c $((139000-$(set|wc -c) )) )'"
env_parallel doit ::: 1
par_nice() {
echo 'Check that --nice works'
# parallel-20160422 OK
# wait for load < 8
parallel --load 8 echo ::: load_10
parallel -j0 --timeout 10 --nice 18 bzip2 '<' ::: /dev/zero /dev/zero &
# Should find 2 lines
# Try 5 times if the machine is slow starting bzip2
(sleep 1; ps -eo "%c %n" | grep 18 | grep bzip2) ||
(sleep 1; ps -eo "%c %n" | grep 18 | grep bzip2) ||
(sleep 1; ps -eo "%c %n" | grep 18 | grep bzip2) ||
(sleep 1; ps -eo "%c %n" | grep 18 | grep bzip2) ||
(sleep 1; ps -eo "%c %n" | grep 18 | grep bzip2) ||
(sleep 1; ps -eo "%c %n" | grep 18 | grep bzip2)
parallel --retries 10 '! kill -TERM' ::: $pid 2>/dev/null
par_test_diff_roundrobin_k() {
echo '### test there is difference on -k'
. $(which env_parallel.bash)
mytest() {
doit() {
# Sleep random time ever 10k line
# to mix up which process gets the next block
perl -ne '$t++ % 10000 or select(undef, undef, undef, rand()/1000);print' |
export -f doit
seq 1000000 |
parallel --block 65K --pipe $K --roundrobin doit |
export -f mytest
parset a,b,c mytest ::: -k -k ''
# a == b and a != c or error
if [ "$a" == "$b" ]; then
if [ "$a" != "$c" ]; then
echo OK
echo error a c
echo error a b
par_lb_mem_usage() {
long_line() {
perl -e 'print "x"x100_000_000'
export -f long_line
memusage() {
/usr/bin/time -v "$@" 2>&1 >/dev/null |
perl -ne '/Maximum resident set size .kbytes.: (\d+)/ and print $1,"\n"' |
perl -pe '$_ = int($_/'$round')."\n"'
# 1 line - RAM usage 1 x 100 MB
memusage 100000 parallel --lb ::: long_line
# 2 lines - RAM usage 1 x 100 MB
memusage 100000 parallel --lb ::: 'long_line; echo; long_line'
# 1 double length line - RAM usage 2 x 100 MB
memusage 100000 parallel --lb ::: 'long_line; long_line'
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
parallel -j6 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1'