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2016-05-22 22:55:10 +00:00
use Digest::MD5::File qw(dir_md5_hex file_md5_hex url_md5_hex);
my $dir = shift || ".";
chdir $dir;
# Table of which files have a given size
open(IN,"-|",'find "`pwd`" -type f -printf "%s\t%p\0"') || die;
my %size;
while(<IN>) {
chop; # Remove \0
my($s,$f) = split /\t/,$_;
push @{$size{$s}}, $f;
close IN;
# Read md5sum of removed files of a given size
my %rrm;
my $rrmfile = find_rrm_file(".") || ".rrm";
open(RRM,"<",$rrmfile) || die;
while(<RRM>) {
my($size,$md5,$file) = split /\t/,$_;
close RRM;
# Which existing files are the same size as some of the removed files?
for my $size (keys %rrm) {
for my $file (@{$size{$size}}) {
if(-e $file) {
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
# Do they have the same md5sum?
if($rrm{$size}{$md5->hexdigest}) {
# remove this
print "$file\n";
sub find_rrm_file {
my $dir = shift;
if(-r "$dir/.rrm") {
return "$dir/.rrm";
if(join(" ",stat $dir) eq join(" ",stat "$dir/..")) {
# root
return undef;
} else {
return find_rrm_file("$dir/..");