plotpipe: Allow expressions.

This commit is contained in:
Ole Tange 2021-12-27 19:34:00 +01:00
parent 38c41f0e3a
commit 470a9570d2

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ plotpipe - Plot CSV data from a pipe
I<datagenerator> | B<plotpipe> [-n] [-H] [-0] [--log axis] [-C str] [-h] [-V]
I<datagenerator> | B<plotpipe> [-n] [-H] [-0] [--log axis] [-C str] [-h] [-V] [I<expression>]
@ -24,6 +24,16 @@ titles on the plot.
=over 4
=item I<expression>
Evaluate I<expression>. I<expression> consists of parts separated by
,. Each part is evaluated as a Perl expression. You can use {I<n>} as
the column value:
seq 10 | plotpipe '{1},{1},{1}**2,sqrt({1})'
(echo x y;paste <(seq 10) <(seq 11 20)) |
plotpipe {1},{2},{2}/{1}
=item B<--colsep> I<string>
=item B<-C> I<string>
@ -76,7 +86,7 @@ Use \0 (NUL) instead of newline (\n) as record separator.
=item B<-s> I<width>
Smooth values. Take the average of I<width> y-values.
Smooth values. Take the median of I<width> y-values.
=item B<--version>
@ -91,15 +101,15 @@ Show version
=head1 EXAMPLE
Plot the points (1,100) .. (100,1):
Plot (1,100) .. (100,1):
paste <(seq 100 -1 1) | plotpipe
Plot the points (1,101) .. (100,200):
Plot (1,101) .. (100,200):
paste <(seq 100) <(seq 101 200) | plotpipe
Plot the points (1,101) .. (100,200) and (1,300) .. (100,102):
Plot (1,101) .. (100,200) and (1,300) .. (100,102):
paste <(seq 100) <(seq 101 200) <(seq 300 -2 102) | plotpipe
@ -146,11 +156,10 @@ input.csv:
You are not limited to a simple graph, but can also do XY-line plots.
seq 0 0.001 6.29 |
perl -nE 'say sin($_*100)*0.3+0.5*cos($_*2),",",
sin($_*3)-cos($_*101)' |
plotpipe 'sin({1}*100)*0.3+0.5*cos({1}*2),
=head1 LIMITS
@ -189,7 +198,10 @@ B<pipeplot> uses B<gnuplot> and B<perl>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
B<gnuplot>, B<perl>
B<gnuplot>, B<perl>, B<ploticus>
(, B<feedgnuplot>
(, B<ttyplot>
@ -368,13 +380,15 @@ if(not GetOptions(options_hash())) {
$Global::progname = "plotpipe";
$Global::version = 20210222;
$Global::version = 20210302;
if($opt::version) { version(); exit 0; }
if($opt::help) { help(); exit 0; }
if($opt::null) { $/ = "\0"; }
my @eval_function = split/,/, join(" ",@ARGV);
# Read csv
my @csv = <>;
my @csv = <STDIN>;
# Title = lines starting with #
my @title = map { s/^#//; s/"/''/g; $_ } map { "$_" } grep { /^#/ } @csv;
@ -408,22 +422,41 @@ if($opt::header) {
# Convert input to perl table
my $ncols = split /$opt::colsep/, $csv[0];
my @tbl;
if($ncols >= 2 and not $opt::nox) {
# Column 1 = x-axis
for(@csv) {
my @row = split /$opt::colsep/, $_;
push @tbl,\@row;
for(@csv) {
my @row = split /$opt::colsep/, $_;
push @tbl,\@row;
# Eval
if(@eval_function) {
for(@eval_function) {
my $new_header = $_;
$new_header =~ s/\{(\d+)\}/$header[$1-1] || "\\\\{$1\\\\}"/ge;
push @new_header, $new_header;
$opt::header = 1;
@header = @new_header;
for my $row (@tbl) {
my @newrow = map {
eval "$_"
} map { $_ } @eval_function;
$row = \@newrow;
# Add x-axis if needed
my $ncols = $#{$tbl[0]}+1;
if($ncols >= 2 and not $opt::nox) {
# Column 1 = x-axis => Data is fine
} else {
# All data = y-axis, invent x-axis
# All data = y-axis => Invent x-axis
my $x = 0;
for(@csv) {
my @row = ($x++, split /$opt::colsep/, $_);
push @tbl,\@row;
for my $row (@tbl) {
my @newrow = ($x++, @$row);
$row = \@newrow;
# Prepend dummy header for x-axis
@ -438,19 +471,42 @@ if($opt::smooth) {
my $smooth = $opt::smooth-1;
for(my $x = 0; $x < $smooth; $x++) {
for (my $y = 0; $y <= $#{$tbl[$x]}; $y++) {
$sum[$y] += $tbl[$x][$y] / $opt::smooth;
sub median {
return ((sort { $a <=> $b } @_)[$#_/2]);
for(my $x = $smooth; $x <= $#tbl; $x++) {
sub avg {
my $s=0;
map { $s += $_ } @_;
return ($s / ($#_+1));
for(my $x = 0; $x < $#tbl-$smooth; $x++) {
for (my $y = 0; $y <= $#{$tbl[$x]}; $y++) {
$sum[$y] += $tbl[$x][$y] / $opt::smooth;
$new[$x-$smooth][$y] = $sum[$y];
$sum[$y] -= $tbl[$x-$smooth][$y] / $opt::smooth;
my @med;
for(my $m = $x; $m < $x+$smooth; $m++) {
push @med, $tbl[$m][$y];
$new[$x+$smooth/2][$y] = median(@med);
@tbl = @new;
sub do_average() {
for(my $x = 0; $x < $smooth; $x++) {
for (my $y = 0; $y <= $#{$tbl[$x]}; $y++) {
$sum[$y] += $tbl[$x][$y] / $opt::smooth;
for(my $x = $smooth; $x <= $#tbl; $x++) {
for (my $y = 0; $y <= $#{$tbl[$x]}; $y++) {
$sum[$y] += $tbl[$x][$y] / $opt::smooth;
$new[$x-$smooth][$y] = $sum[$y];
$sum[$y] -= $tbl[$x-$smooth][$y] / $opt::smooth;
@tbl = @new;
# Save data to tmpfile that will be read by Gnuplot