goodpasswd: man page.

This commit is contained in:
Ole Tange 2016-05-23 00:27:43 +02:00
parent 96c4ccc982
commit 4fee394e4a
3 changed files with 71 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -1,25 +1,31 @@
all: blink/blink.1 histogram/histogram.1 upsidedown/upsidedown.1 tracefile/tracefile.1 timestamp/timestamp.1
all: blink/blink.1 histogram/histogram.1 upsidedown/upsidedown.1 tracefile/tracefile.1 timestamp/timestamp.1 rand/rand.1 goodpasswd/goodpasswd.1
blink/blink.1: blink/blink
pod2man blink/blink > blink/blink.1
goodpasswd/goodpasswd.1: goodpasswd/goodpasswd
pod2man goodpasswd/goodpasswd > goodpasswd/goodpasswd.1
histogram/histogram.1: histogram/histogram
pod2man histogram/histogram > histogram/histogram.1
upsidedown/upsidedown.1: upsidedown/upsidedown
pod2man upsidedown/upsidedown > upsidedown/upsidedown.1
rand/rand.1: rand/rand
pod2man rand/rand > rand/rand.1
timestamp/timestamp.1: timestamp/timestamp
pod2man timestamp/timestamp > timestamp/timestamp.1
tracefile/tracefile.1: tracefile/tracefile.pod
pod2man tracefile/tracefile.pod > tracefile/tracefile.1
timestamp/timestamp.1: timestamp/timestamp
pod2man timestamp/timestamp > timestamp/timestamp.1
upsidedown/upsidedown.1: upsidedown/upsidedown
pod2man upsidedown/upsidedown > upsidedown/upsidedown.1
wssh/wssh.1: wssh/wssh
#pod2man wssh/wssh > wssh/wssh.1
mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
parallel ln -sf `pwd`/{}/{} /usr/local/bin/{} ::: blink reniced em field forever neno rn stdout tracefile w4it-for-port-open upsidedown histogram goodpasswd mtrr not summer timestamp transpose wssh
parallel eval ln -sf `pwd`/*/{} /usr/local/bin/{} ::: blink reniced em field forever neno rn stdout tracefile w4it-for-port-open upsidedown histogram goodpasswd mtrr not summer timestamp transpose wssh aptsearch rand
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1
parallel ln -sf `pwd`/{} /usr/local/share/man/man1/{/} ::: */*.1

View file

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ forever - Run the same command or list of commands every second.
neno - No error no output. Only print STDERR and STDOUT if the command fails.
rand - Generate (pseudo-)random data
reniced - Renice all commands running more than 1 CPU minute unless they are niced or whitelisted.
rn - Move file(s)/dir(s) to ~/.rm/ (wastebasket).

View file

@ -1,20 +1,62 @@
# This program generates passwords that:
# * are hard to guess
# * will be displayed unambigously in any (normal) font
# * will survive being passed through a bad fax machine
# * will survive being passed through handwriting
# * has UPPER lower number and sign
# Too close: B8 cC g9 6G kK lI l1 oO O0 pP sS uU vV xX zZ Z2 ,. :; `' S5
# Causes problems in URLs: @/:
# Causes problems in shell: ! " # $ & ( ) [ ] { } ? | < > \ * =
# SQL uses: % for wildcard
# Hard to type: ^ ~ ¨ ¤ § ½ æ ø å Æ Ø Å
# Never 2 same chars next to eachother. (--) is bad
# Do not start with '-' or '+' as that looks like an (long) option
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
goodpasswd - generate good access codes
B<goodpasswd> generates access codes that:
=over 3
=item Z<>* are hard to guess
=item Z<>* will be displayed unambigously in any (normal) font
=item Z<>* will survive being passed through a bad fax machine
=item Z<>* will survive being passed through handwriting
=item Z<>* will survive unquoted in most scripts
=item Z<>* has characters from the character classes UPPER lower number and sign
=head2 Characters considered too close
These character couples are too similar either in different fonts or
in a bad copy and are thus forbidden: B8 cC g9 6G kK lI l1 oO O0 pP sS uU vV xX zZ Z2 ,. :; `' S5
These characters cause problems in URLs: @/:
These characters cause problems in shell: ! " # $ & ( ) [ ] { } ? | < > \ * =
These characters cause problems in SQL (wildcard): %
These characters are hard to type: ^ ~ ¨ ¤ § ½ æ ø å Æ Ø Å
=head2 Other restrictions
Never use the same chars twice in a row: e.g. -- is bad.
Do not start with '-' or '+' as that looks like an (long) option
=head1 EXAMPLE
B<goodpasswd> will give output similar to FJiY7j+7DQ-D.
# US-kbd: ~!@#$%^&*()_+ [] {} ;'\ :"| < > ,./ <>?
# DK-kbd: §!"#¤%&/()=?` å" Å^ æø' ÆØ* < > ,.- ;:_