Merge branch 'master' of

This commit is contained in:
Ole Tange 2012-09-20 18:04:38 +02:00
commit 5777fa9159
3 changed files with 63 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ tracefile/tracefile.1: tracefile/tracefile.pod
pod2man tracefile/tracefile.pod > tracefile/tracefile.1
parallel ln -sf `pwd`/{}/{} /usr/local/bin/{} ::: blink reniced em field forever neno rn stdout tracefile w4it-for-port-open upsidedown histogram
parallel ln -sf `pwd`/{}/{} /usr/local/bin/{} ::: blink reniced em field forever neno rn stdout tracefile w4it-for-port-open upsidedown histogram goodpasswd
parallel ln -sf `pwd`/{} /usr/local/share/man/man1/{/} ::: */*.1

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@ -14,12 +14,16 @@ B<blink> I<action> I<what>
B<blink> blinks a device in an external harddisk enclosure.
B<blink> blinks a device in a harddisk enclosure.
If no I<action> is given the blinking be will toggled.
If no I<device> is given all detected disks in external enclosures will
be used.
If no I<device> is given all detected disks in enclosures will be
If no I<action> and no I<device> is given all detected harddisks will
be off and all empty slots or slots with non-detected harddisks in
enclosures will blink. These slots should be safe to remove.
=head1 OPTIONS
@ -92,13 +96,18 @@ B<blink /dev/sdf>
=head1 EXAMPLE: Blink all undetected slots
To blink all undetected slots we first blink all detected and then toggle all slots:
B<blink; blink -s>
It will be safe to remove disk from all the blinking slots as the
slots are either empty or not detected.
=head1 EXAMPLE: Turn off blinking of all slots
Turn off the blinking.
B<blink -s -f>
@ -160,6 +169,18 @@ if(@ARGV) {
if(not ($::opt_on or $::opt_off or $::opt_toggle or
$::opt_alldetected or $::opt_allslots or @ARGV)) {
# Default:
# Turn on all
# Turn off all-detected
$locate = "/sys/class/enclosure/*/*/locate";
$locate = "/sys/class/enclosure/*/*/device/enclosure*/locate";
if($::opt_alldetected) {
$locate = "/sys/class/enclosure/*/*/device/enclosure*/locate";
} elsif($::opt_allslots) {

goodpasswd/goodpasswd Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# This program generates passwords that:
# * are hard to guess
# * will be displayed unambigously in any (normal) font
# * will survive being passed through a bad fax machine
# * has UPPER lower number and sign
# Too close: B8 cC g9 kK lI l1 oO O0 pP sS uU vV xX zZ ,. :; `' S5
# Causes problems in URLs: @/:
# Causes problems in shell: ! " # $ & ( ) [ ] { } ? | < > \ *
# SQL uses: % for wildcard
# Hard to type: ^ ~ ¨ ¤ § ½ æ ø å Æ Ø Å
# Never 2 same chars next to eachother. (--) is bad
my $pw;
my @chars=split //, 'abdefhijmnqrtyADEFGHJLMNQRTY23467=+-';
do {
$pw = "";
for (1..12) {
do {
# avoid double chars (such as --)
$this = $chars[rand $#chars+1]
} while($last eq $this);
$last = $this;
$pw .= $this;
} while (not($pw =~ /[A-Z]/ and
$pw =~ /[a-z]/ and
$pw =~ /[0-9]/ and
$pw =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/));
print "$pw\n";