goodpasswd: difference between US and DK keyboard.

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Ole Tange 2014-04-26 11:02:32 +02:00
parent bed89b3579
commit b0b791142b

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@ -7,15 +7,19 @@
# * will survive being passed through a bad fax machine # * will survive being passed through a bad fax machine
# * has UPPER lower number and sign # * has UPPER lower number and sign
# #
# Too close: B8 cC g9 kK lI l1 oO O0 pP sS uU vV xX zZ ,. :; `' S5 # Too close: B8 cC g9 kK lI l1 oO O0 pP sS uU vV xX zZ Z2 ,. :; `' S5
# Causes problems in URLs: @/: # Causes problems in URLs: @/:
# Causes problems in shell: ! " # $ & ( ) [ ] { } ? | < > \ * = # Causes problems in shell: ! " # $ & ( ) [ ] { } ? | < > \ * =
# SQL uses: % for wildcard # SQL uses: % for wildcard
# Hard to type: ^ ~ ¨ ¤ § ½ æ ø å Æ Ø Å # Hard to type: ^ ~ ¨ ¤ § ½ æ ø å Æ Ø Å
# Never 2 same chars next to eachother. (--) is bad # Never 2 same chars next to eachother. (--) is bad
# US-kbd: ~!@#$%^&*()_+ [] {} ;'\ :"| < > ,./ <>?
# DK-kbd: §!"#¤%&/()=?` å" Å^ æø' ÆØ* < > ,.- ;:_
# Common: ! # % < > ,.
my $pw; my $pw;
my @chars=split //, 'abdefhijmnqrtyADEFGHJLMNQRTY23467+-'; my @chars=split //, 'abdefhijmnqrtyADEFGHJLMNQRTY3467+-';
do { do {
$pw = ""; $pw = "";
for (1..12) { for (1..12) {