PLOTPIPE - plot data from a pipe - URL: We have all been there: You have a bunch of data from a pipe that you would like to get a better understanding of. You know you can plot them by saving the data to a file, opening the file in a spreadsheet, and making a graph; but it is just too much bother because you do not need a fancy graph: You just need a quick graph based on the data, and spending 5 minutes on generating that graph is just too much hassle. Plotpipe is designed for this situation. Plotpipe reads data from a pipe (or a file) and plots it. If the input is a CSV-file it tries to autodetect the separator and whether there is a column header. It assumes the first column is the x-axis and that all other columns are data series. If there is only a single column, the line number is treated as the x-axis. Examples: seq 1 100 | plotpipe seq 1 100 | shuf | plotpipe --smooth 10 --log y paste <(seq 1 100) <(seq 1 100) <(seq 1 100 | shuf) | plotpipe (echo "#Title"; echo "#Subtitle"; printf "Column 1\tColumn 2\tColumn 3\n"; paste <(seq 1 100) <(seq 51 150) <(seq 1 100 | shuf) ) | plotpipe Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Ole Tange, and Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. GNU plotpipe comes with no warranty.