Tools developed by Ole Tange . Probably not useful for you, but then again you never now. em - Force emacs to run in terminal. Use xemacs if installed. field - Split on space. Give the given field number. Support syntax 1-3,6- forever - Run the same command or list of commands every second. neno - No error no output. Only print STDERR and STDOUT if the command fails. reniced - Renice all commands running more than 1 CPU minute unless they are niced or whitelisted. rn - Move file(s)/dir(s) to ~/.rm/ (wastebasket). stdout - Redirect both STDERR and STDOUT to STDOUT. tracefile - List files being accessed by program. w4it-for-port-open - Block until the given port opens on a given host. wssh - Shorthand for w4it-for-port-open $host 22; ssh $host