2024-08-06 01:06:11 +02:00

102 lines
2.6 KiB

Tools developed by Ole Tange <ole@tange.dk>.
Probably not useful for you, but then again you never now.
2search - binary search through sorted text files.
burncpu - use 100% of some CPU threads.
blink - blink disks in a disk enclosure.
decrypt-root-with-usb - patch for cryptroot to decrypt root with key on USB.
duplicate-packets - duplicate packets on an interface. Useful if wifi is bad.
em - force emacs to run in terminal. Use xemacs if installed.
encdir - mount encfs dir or create it if missing.
fanspeed - set fanspeed using IPMI on Dell R815.
field - split on whitespace. Give the given field number. Supports syntax 1-3,6-
find-first-fail - find the lowest argument that makes a command fail.
forever - run the same command or list of commands every second.
ft-udvalg - Download udvalgsmembers from folketing.dk as ODS.
G - shorthand for multi level grep.
gitdiffdir - git diff between two dirs.
gitedit - edit last 10 commits.
gitnext - checkout next revision. Opposite of 'checkout HEAD^'.
gitundo - undo commit.
histogram - make and display a histogram on the command line.
memtestiso - ISO-file for Memtest86+.
mirrorpdf - mirror PDF-file horizontally.
neno - no error no output. Only print STDERR and STDOUT if the command fails.
not - flip exit value of command.
off - turn off monitor.
pdfman - convert man page to pdf and display it using evince.
plotpipe - plot CSV data from a pipe.
puniq - print unique lines the first time they are seen.
ramusage - display the ram usage of a program using `time -v`.
rand - generate (pseudo-)random data.
rclean - remove files with MD5 sums recorded by rrm (see below).
reniced - renice all commands running more than 1 CPU minute unless they are niced or whitelisted.
rina - run if no activity.
rn - move file(s)/dir(s) to .rm/ (wastebasket).
rrm - record file's MD5 sum before removing it (see rclean).
shython - shebang wrapper for cython.
sound-reload - reload sound system.
stdout - redirect both STDERR and STDOUT to STDOUT.
swapout - force swapping out.
T - tee stdout to and from temporary files.
teetime - Save stdin including timing.
timestamp - prepend timestamp to output.
tracefile - list files/dirs being accessed by program.
upsidedown - flip input upside down.
vid - play videos matching strings in descending order of size.
w4it-for-port-open - block until the given port opens on a given host.
wastebasket - VLC extension for moving current file to a wastebasket.
wifi-reload - reload wifi drivers.
wssh - shorthand for w4it-for-port-open $host 22; ssh $host
ytv - download video and play it as soon as it is partially downloaded.
yyyymmdd - date in ISO8601 compressed format.