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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
histogram - make and display a histogram on the command line
B<histogram> [--delimiter <delim>|-d <delim>]
[--log|-l] [--input <format>|-i <format>]
[--format <format>|-f <format>] [<list of numbers>]
B<cat> <file with numbers> | B<histogram> [options]
B<histogram> creates a bar chart in your terminal of data. The width
of the histogram is scaled to fit your terminal and uses a resolution
of 1/8th of a character.
The list of numbers can be formatted as:
=over 2
=item *
Line with CSV: B<histogram> -d , 1,1.01,3.1
=item *
Line with white space separated values: B<histogram> -i v 1 1.01 3.1
=item *
Line with white space separated headers+values: B<histogram> 'a 1' 'b 1.01' 'c 3.1'
=item *
One value per line: (echo 1; echo 1.01; echo 3.1) | B<histogram> -i v
=item *
One white space separated header+value per line: (echo a 1; echo b 1.01; echo c 3.1) | B<histogram>
=item *
One comma separated header+value per line: (echo a,1; echo b,1.01; echo c,3.1) | B<histogram> -d ,
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 9
=item B<--delimiter> I<delim>
=item B<-d> I<delim>
Use I<delim> as delimiter between elements.
=item B<--log>
=item B<-l>
Take the logarithm of all values.
=item B<--input> I<input_format>
=item B<-i> I<input_format>
Give format of input. B<histogram> will try to guess the input format
based on different heuristics. If it guesses wrong, you can override
it with B<--input>. I<input_format> is a string consisting of:
=over 13
=item Z<>B<h>
This column is a header.
=item Z<>B<H>
The rest of the line is a header.
=item Z<>B<v>
This column is a value.
=item Z<>B<i>
This column is ignored.
=item Z<>B<other char>
This char is a delimiter
If there are no delimiter is given, it will be guessed.
=over 13
=item B<--input h,v>
Column 1 is header, column 2 is value, separated by B<,>.
=item B<--input hv>
Column 1 is header, column 2 is value, guess separator.
=item B<--input ihv>
Column 1 is ignored, column 2 is header, column 3 is value, guess separator.
=item B<--format> I<output_format>
=item B<-f> I<output_format>
Give format of output. I<output_format> is a string consisting of:
=over 5
=item Z<>B<b>
The bar.
=item Z<>B<c>
Percent of total outside bar.
=item Z<>B<C>
Percent of total inside bar.
=item Z<>B<h>
Header outside bar.
=item Z<>B<H>
Header inside bar.
=item Z<>B<p>
Percent of max outside bar.
=item Z<>B<p>
Percent of max inside bar.
=item Z<>B<v>
Value outside bar.
=item Z<>B<V>
Value inside bar.
A format must contain 'b'. Default is VbHP.
=head1 EXAMPLE: file sizes in current dir
ls -l|tail -n +2| histogram --input iiiiviiih
=head1 EXAMPLE: run time of processes
ps -e | tail -n +2 | perl -pe 's/.*(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (.*)/($1*3600+$2*60+$3)." $4"/e' | sort -n | histogram
=head1 EXAMPLE: git statistics
Number of commits and percentage in the last year, by author:
git shortlog -s --after="1 years" | histogram --input vH --format VbHC
Number of commits per day:
git log --format=%ai | cut -d\ -f1 | uniq -c | histogram
Number of commits by hour of the day:
git log --format=%ai | perl -pe 's/.* (\d\d):.*/$1/' | sort -n | uniq -c | histogram
Number of commits by day of the week:
git log --format=%ad |cut -d\ -f1 | sort -n | uniq -c | histogram
=head1 EXAMPLE: Visualize ping times
ping -ni .2 -c 10 google.com | grep -oP 'time=\K\S*' | histogram
=head1 EXAMPLE: Visualize disk usage
du -s * | histogram --format VbHC
=head1 EXAMPLE: Number of HTTP requests per day
cat access.log | cut -d\ -f4 | cut -d: -f 1 | uniq -c | histogram
=head1 EXAMPLE: Letter frequencies in a text file
cat file | perl -ne 'print map {uc($_),"\n"} split//,$_' | sort | uniq -c | histogram
=head1 BUGS
None known.
Report bugs to <bug-parallel@gnu.org>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2012,2013,2014 Ole Tange, http://ole.tange.dk and Free
Software Foundation, Inc.
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
at your option any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
=head2 Documentation license I
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this documentation
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
Texts. A copy of the license is included in the file fdl.txt.
=head2 Documentation license II
You are free:
=over 9
=item B<to Share>
to copy, distribute and transmit the work
=item B<to Remix>
to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
=over 9
=item B<Attribution>
You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or
licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or
your use of the work).
=item B<Share Alike>
If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute
the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible
With the understanding that:
=over 9
=item B<Waiver>
Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from
the copyright holder.
=item B<Public Domain>
Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under
applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license.
=item B<Other Rights>
In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:
=over 2
=item *
Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable
copyright exceptions and limitations;
=item *
The author's moral rights;
=item *
Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in
how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
=over 9
=item B<Notice>
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the
license terms of this work.
A copy of the full license is included in the file as cc-by-sa.txt.
B<histogram> uses Perl, and the Perl module Getopt::Long.
=head1 SEE ALSO
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
("delimiter|d=s" => \$opt::delimiter,
"log" => \$opt::log,
"input|i=s" => \$opt::input,
"format|f=s" => \$opt::format,
"debug|D" => \$opt::debug,
) || die_usage();
my @raw;
if($#ARGV != -1) {
@raw = @ARGV;
} else {
@raw = (<>);
chomp @raw;
if(not @raw) {
# Empty input
my ($max_value_length, $max_header_length, $max_value_header_length, $header_ref, $value_ref);
if(not defined $opt::input) {
my $delimiter;
if($opt::delimiter) {
# override guessed delimiter if given
$delimiter = $opt::delimiter;
} else {
# Guess opt::delimiter
$delimiter = guess_delimiter(@raw);
if(defined $delimiter) {
# guess format: (v delimiter h) or (h delimiter v)
($max_value_length, $max_header_length, $max_value_header_length, $header_ref, $value_ref) =
} else {
# guess format: v
($max_value_length, $max_header_length, $max_value_header_length, $header_ref, $value_ref) =
$header_ref = $value_ref;
$max_value_length = $max_header_length;
$max_value_header_length = $max_value_length + $max_header_length;
if(scalar(grep /^\d*(\.\d*)?$/, @$header_ref)
scalar(grep /^\d*(\.\d*)?$/, @$value_ref)) {
# More headers have numbers than values: swap them
($header_ref, $value_ref) = ($value_ref, $header_ref);
} else {
($max_value_length, $max_header_length, $max_value_header_length, $header_ref, $value_ref) =
parse_raw_given_opt_input($opt::input, @raw);
my $max_value = undef_as_zero(max(@$value_ref));
my $total_value = undef_as_zero(sum(@$value_ref));
$max_value ||= 1;
$total_value ||= 1;
sub parse_raw_given_opt_input {
my ($input,@raw) = @_;
# --input overrides --delimiter
# --input i v h delimiter
# --input ivh => delimiter = \s+ (whitespace)
# \S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)
# --input i,v;h => ignore , value ; header
# \S+\,(\S+)\;(\S+)
$input =~ /v.*v/ and die("Only one v is allow in --input");
$input =~ /h.*h/ and die("Only one h is allow in --input");
if($input =~ /^[Hivh]+$/) {
# No delimiters => '\s+' (whitespace)
$input = join('\s+', split//, $input);
# strip prepending white space in input to avoid splitting on that
for(@raw) { s/^\s+//; }
my %part_map = (
"h" => '(\S*)',
"H" => '(\S*(?:.*\S)*)',
"i" => '\S*',
"v" => '(\S*)',
my (@regexp_part, $first_meta_var,$header,$value,@header,@value);
for(split //, $input) {
# Header, Value
if(/[Hhv]/) {
# Is this h...v or v...h
$first_meta_var ||= $_;
# Header, Value, Ignore
if(/[Hhiv]/) {
push @regexp_part, $part_map{$_};
# Delimiters
push @regexp_part, $_;
my $regexp = join("",@regexp_part);
debug("Input: $input The regexp: $regexp\n");
for my $rawline (@raw) {
$rawline =~ /$regexp/ || die("$regexp not matching $rawline");
if(defined $2) {
if($first_meta_var eq "v") {
# value,header
$value = $1; $header = $2;
} else {
# header,value
$header = $1; $value = $2;
} else {
$header = $1; $value = $1;
# Remove white space
$header =~ s/^\s+//;
$header =~ s/\s+$//;
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
# Find the max string length
$max_value_length = max(length($value),$max_value_length);
$max_header_length = max(length($header),$max_header_length);
$max_value_header_length = max(length($value)+length($header),$max_value_header_length);
# Add the values to the table
debug("Header: $header Value: $value\n");
return ($max_value_length, $max_header_length, $max_value_header_length, \@header, \@value);
my $term_width = terminal_width();
my $format = ($opt::format || "VbHP");
if($format !~ /b/) {
my ($front, $end) = split /b/, $format;
my ($front_inside, $front_outside) = ($front,$front);
$front_inside =~ s/[a-z]//g; # Remove outsides
$front_outside =~ s/[A-Z]//g; # Remove insides
my ($end_inside, $end_outside) = ($end,$end);
$end_inside =~ s/[a-z]//g; # Remove outsides
$end_outside =~ s/[A-Z]//g; # Remove insides
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#$value_ref; $i++) {
# $front_outside, ( $front_inside, BAR, $end_inside ), $end_outside,
my $header = $header_ref->[$i];
my $value = undef_as_zero($value_ref->[$i]);
my %end_repl = (
'V' => sprintf(" %".$max_value_length."s",$value),
'H' => sprintf(" %".$max_header_length."s",$header),
'P' => sprintf(" %3d%%",int($value/$max_value*100+0.5)),
'C' => sprintf(" %3d%%",int($value/$total_value*100+0.5)),
my %front_repl = (
'V' => sprintf("%".$max_value_length."s ",$value),
'H' => sprintf("%-".$max_header_length."s ",$header),
'P' => sprintf("%3d%% ",int($value/$max_value*100+0.5)),
'C' => sprintf(" %3d%%",int($value/$total_value*100+0.5)),
my $front_outside_string = $front_outside;
$front_outside_string =~ s/(.)/$front_repl{uc($1)}/g;
my $end_outside_string = $end_outside;
$end_outside_string =~ s/(.)/$end_repl{uc($1)}/g;
my $front_inside_string = $front_inside;
$front_inside_string =~ s/(.)/$front_repl{uc($1)}/g;
my $end_inside_string = $end_inside;
$end_inside_string =~ s/(.)/$end_repl{uc($1)}/g;
my $bar_length = $term_width - length($front_outside_string) - length($end_outside_string);
my $factor;
if($opt::log) {
$factor = log($value)/log($max_value);
} else {
$factor = $value/$max_value;
my $bar = bar_string($bar_length-1, $factor, $front_inside_string, $end_inside_string);
print $front_outside_string, $bar, $end_outside_string, "\n";
sub max {
# Returns:
# Maximum value of array
my $max;
no warnings 'numeric';
for (@_) {
# Skip undefs
defined $_ or next;
# Skip empty
$_ eq "" and next;
# Set $_ to the first non-undef (convert "10a" => 0+10)
defined $max or do { $max = 0+$_; next; };
$max = ($max > $_) ? 0+$max : $_;
return $max;
sub sum {
# Returns:
# Sum of values of array
my @args = @_;
my $sum = 0;
no warnings 'numeric';
for (@args) {
# Skip undefs
$_ and do { $sum += $_; }
return $sum;
my $columns;
sub terminal_width {
if(not $columns) {
$columns = $ENV{'COLUMNS'};
if(not $columns) {
my $resize = qx{ resize 2>/dev/null };
$resize =~ /COLUMNS=(\d+);/ and do { $columns = $1; };
$columns ||= 80;
return $columns;
sub bar_string {
my ($width,$factor,$front,$end) = @_;
my @eight = (qw(█ ▉ ▊ ▋ ▌ ▍ ▎ ▏));
my $l = $width * $factor;
my $partial;
my $black = int($l);
my $white = $width-int($l);
my $rev = '';
my $reset = '';
$front =~ s/ *$//;
$end =~ s/^ *//;
if(length $front < $black) {
# Paint $front reverse
$black -= length $front;
$width -= length $front;
$front = $rev . $front . $reset;
} else {
# label overlaps white
$white = $width - length $front;
$front = $rev . substr($front,0,$black). $reset.substr($front,$black);
$black = 0;
$partial = " ";
if(length $end < $white) {
# Just append $end
$white -= length $end;
$width -= length $end;
} else {
# label overlaps black
$black = $width - length($end);
$end = $rev . substr($end,0,length($end)-$white). $reset.substr($end,length($end)-$white);
$white = 0;
$partial = $eight[0];
$partial ||= ($eight[7-(int($l*8))%8]);
my $middle = ($eight[0] x $black). $partial . (" "x$white);
return $front . $middle . $end;
sub guess_delimiter {
my @raw = @_;
my %charcount;
for(split//,join("",@raw)) {
# [a-zA-Z0-9] should never be auto chosen for delimiter
/[a-zA-Z0-9]/ and next;
my $guess;
for my $g (
# Force trying these first:
"\0", "\t", ";", ",", " ",
sort { $charcount{$b} <=> $charcount{$a} } keys %charcount) {
# The delimiter must be found in every single line
if(grep !/\Q$g\E/, @raw) {
$guess = $g;
if(defined $guess and $guess =~ /\s/) {
# If the guess is a white space, then use 1+ whitespaces
$guess = '\s+';
debug("Guessed delimiter: ".undef_as_empty($guess)."\n");
return $guess;
sub undef_as_zero {
my $a = shift;
return $a ? $a : 0;
sub undef_as_empty {
my $a = shift;
return $a ? $a : "";
sub debug {
# Returns: N/A
$opt::debug or return;
@_ = grep { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } @_;
print @_;
sub warning {
my @w = @_;
my $fh = $Global::original_stderr || *STDERR;
my $prog = $Global::progname || "parallel";
print $fh $prog, ": Warning: ", @w;
sub error {
my @w = @_;
my $fh = $Global::original_stderr || *STDERR;
my $prog = $Global::progname || "parallel";
print $fh $prog, ": Error: ", @w;
sub die_usage {
# Returns: N/A
sub usage {
# Returns: N/A
print join
"histogram [--delimiter <delim>|-d <delim>] [--log|-l]",
" [--input <format>|-i <format>] [--format <format>|-f <format>]",
" [<list of numbers>]",
"cat <file with numbers> | histogram [options]",