2012-03-06 15:47:41 +01:00

158 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
sub init_whitelist {
my @whitelist_commands;
my @whitelist_users = ("root", "syslog", "ntp", "bind", "snmp", "postfix");
if(-f "/etc/reniced/whitelist.users") {
@whitelist_users = `cat /etc/reniced/whitelist.users`;
for (@whitelist_users) {
$Global::whitelist_users{$_} = 1;
if(-f "/etc/reniced/whitelist.commands") {
@whitelist_commands = `cat /etc/reniced/whitelist.commands`;
for (@whitelist_commands) {
$Global::whitelist_commands{$_} = 1;
sub renice_all {
my $cpu_seconds = shift;
my $ps = ps();
my @pids_to_renice = grep_ps($cpu_seconds,$ps);
my $user_pid_list = user_pid_list($ps,@pids_to_renice);
my ($login,$pass,$uid,$gid);
for my $user (keys %$user_pid_list) {
if($user =~ /^\d+$/) {
# All digits username => probably a >8 char username => lookup uid
($login,$pass,$uid,$gid) = getpwuid($user);
} else {
$login = $user;
renice_user($cpu_seconds, $login, $ps, @{$user_pid_list->{$user}});
sub renice_user {
my ($cpu_seconds, $user, $ps, @pid) = (@_);
my @command;
for my $pid (@pid) {
# Convert pid to human readable:
# my_command (1192)
push @command, $ps->{$pid}{'cmd'}."(".$pid.")";
mail($cpu_seconds, $user, @command);
sub mail {
my($cpu_seconds, $user, @command) = @_;
my @mail =
'From: Ole Tanges renice program <tange@binf.ku.dk>',
"To: <$user>",
'Subject: Your program has been reniced',
"Hi $user.",
'Your program:',
" @command",
"has been using more than $cpu_seconds CPU seconds. I have therefore niced it to nice level 19.",
'If you want to avoid that in the future, you can start the program with a different nice level:',
' nice -n XX your_command',
'where XX is:',
' 1 - urgent',
' 10 - normal',
' 15 - low',
' 18 - only use spare capacity',
"Ole Tange's renice program",
open(S,"|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t") or die;
print S map { $_,"\n" } @mail;
close S;
open(LOG,">>/tmp/reniced") || die;
print LOG map { $_,"\n" } @mail;
close LOG;
sub user_pid_list {
# given $ps and @pid return {user => @pids}
my ($ps,@pid) = @_;
my $user;
for my $pid (@pid) {
push @{$user->{$ps->{$pid}{'user'}}}, $pid;
return $user;
sub renice {
my @pid = @_;
`renice -n 19 -p @pid 2>&1`;
return $?;
sub ps {
# return: {pid}->{'nice' => nicelevel, 'user' => username, 'cmd' => command, 'cputime' => cpu_seconds_used}
my @out = `ps -eo '%p %u %n %x %c'`;
my $ps;
shift @out; # Remove header
for (@out) {
if(/^\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+.*)$/) {
# pid user nice cputime command
my($pid, $user, $nice, $cputime, $cmd) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
$ps->{$pid}{'user'} = $user;
$ps->{$pid}{'cmd'} = $cmd;
$ps->{$pid}{'nice'} = ($nice eq "-") ? 0 : $nice;
if($cputime=~/((\d+)-)?(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/) {
my $days = $2 ? $2 : 0;
$ps->{$pid}{'cputime'} = $days*24*60*60+$3*60*60+$4*60+$5;
} else {
warn("cputime not matched: $cputime");
} else {
warn("ps line not matched: $_");
return $ps;
sub grep_ps {
my ($maxcputime,$ps) = (@_);
my @result;
for my $pid (keys %$ps) {
if($Global::whitelist_users{$ps->{$pid}{'user'}}) {
# User is on the whitelist
if($Global::whitelist_commands{$ps->{$pid}{'cmd'}}) {
# Command is on the whitelist
if($ps->{$pid}{'nice'} >= 1) {
# Command is already niced
if($ps->{$pid}{'cputime'} > $maxcputime) {
push @result, $pid;
return @result;