A Videostore After the End of the World

The servers are down. The Streaming has stopped.
The cloud is gone.
Welcome to a Video Store After the End of the World.

A Video Store After the End of the World is an analogue video store, not a nostalgic but an alternative infrastructure set in an imaginary retro-future when cloud networks have ceased to exist. The world that has ended here is the world as a coherent narrative and cultural imaginary in a time of complex ecological disaster. The store becomes a temporary infrastructure that gathers materials into an evolving archive of practices within computation that resist the extractivist spatio-temporal regime of the cloud, with a focus on collaboratively maintained and de-scaled services of transversal and trans★feminist activists, artists and designers.


_ 8th of March 2023: Counter Cloud Action Day
For the 8th of March 2023, a transnational network of organisations, collectives and individuals have issued a call for a Trans★Feminist Digital Depletion Strike as a protest against cloud-based computing and its extractive logic. Also referred to as a Counter Cloud Action Day, it is meant to inspire different responses at the intersection of labour, care, and trans★feminist techno-politics. As part of the International Digital Trans*Feminist Depletion Strike, A Videostore After the End of the World pops up at the space Collega as a window installation and collective action calling for a scaledown of extractive digital services.
Read more about the strike and the call here https://varia.zone/8m/

10.00 – 16.00 : Window installation is open
15.00 : Join for a toast to the ruins of big tech and carry a strike banner with us to the demo of the International Women’s Day on Rådhuspladsen.

Location: Collega, Flensborggade 57, 1669 Copenhagen.

_ 24 April – May 7 2023: Arnestedet
A Videostore After the End of the World features non-extractive media practices at Arnestedet, Enghave Park, Copenhagen. Watch this page for updates!