# Site settings title: XMPP.DK jabber server email: jesper@graffen.dk description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" xmpp.dk is a secure, free and public XMPP/Jabber server that allows registration. baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog url: "https://xmpp.dk" # the base hostname & protocol for your site twitter_username: xmppdk fingerprints: otr: 6A99F136 E66972B9 B169D5B3 458828D1 4003240F tls: sha-256: 61:8D:5A:2B:6C:EE:A3:4C:B5:38:0B:11:97:95:C9:97:8C:16:10:C4:4B:FF:21:7C:60:09:05:EB:51:1A:49:52 sha-1: 84:1C:5A:63:E2:DD:E6:76:1D:7A:03:70:E2:4D:B3:76:B3:73:6B:23 expiry: May 9 11:15:43 2019 GMT # Build settings markdown: kramdown sass: sass_dir: _sass style: compressed include: ['_pages']