2017-10-26 17:03:26 +02:00

4.7 KiB

+++ title = "Shortcodes" weight = 40 +++

While Markdown is good at writing, it isn't great when you need write inline HTML to add some styling for example.

To solve this, Gutenberg borrows the concept of shortcodes from WordPress. In our case, the shortcode corresponds to a template that is defined in the templates/shortcodes directory or a built-in one.

Writing a shortcode

Let's write a shortcode to embed YouTube videos as an example. In a file called youtube.html in the templates/shortcodes directory, paste the following:

<div {% if class %}class="{{class}}"{% endif %}>
        src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/{{id}}{% if autoplay %}?autoplay=1{% endif %}" 

This template is very straightforward: an iframe pointing to the YouTube embed URL wrapped in a <div>. In terms of input, it expects at least one variable: id. Since the other variables are in a if statement, we can assume they are optional.

That's it, Gutenberg will now recognise this template as a shortcode named youtube (the filename minus the .html extension).

Using shortcodes

There are two kinds of shortcodes:

  • ones that do not take a body like the YouTube example above
  • ones that do, a quote for example

In both cases, their arguments must be named and they will all be passed to the template.

Any shortcodes in code blocks will be ignored.

Lastly, a shortcode name (and thus the corresponding .html file) as well as the arguments name can only contain numbers, letters and underscores, or in Regex terms the following: [0-9A-Za-z_]. While theoretically an argument name could be a number, it will not be possible to use it in the template in that case.

Argument values can be of 4 types:

  • string: surrounded by double quotes "..."
  • bool: true or false
  • float: a number with a . in it
  • integer: a number without a . in it

Malformed values will be silently ignored.

Shortcodes without body

On a new line, call the shortcode as if it was a Tera function in a variable block. All the examples below are valid calls of the YouTube shortcode.

Here is a YouTube video:

{{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ") }}

{{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ", autoplay=true) }}

{{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ", autoplay=true, class="youtube") }}

Shortcodes with body

For example, let's imagine we have the following shortcode quote.html template:

    {{ body }} <br>
    -- {{ author}}

We could use it in our markup file like so:

As someone said:

{% quote(author="Vincent") %}
A quote
{% end %}

The body of the shortcode will be automatically passed down to the rendering context as the body variable and needs to be in a newline.

Built-in shortcodes

Gutenberg comes with a few built-in shortcodes. If you want to override a default shortcode template, simply place a {shortcode_name}.html file in the templates/shortcodes directory and Gutenberg will use that instead.


Embed a responsive player for a YouTube video.

The arguments are:

  • id: the video id (mandatory)
  • class: a class to add the div surrounding the iframe
  • autoplay: whether to autoplay the video on load

Usage example:

{{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ") }}

{{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ", autoplay=true) }}

{{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ", autoplay=true, class="youtube") }}

Result example:

{{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ") }}


Embed a player for a Vimeo video.

The arguments are:

  • id: the video id (mandatory)
  • class: a class to add the div surrounding the iframe

Usage example:

{{ vimeo(id="124313553") }}

{{ vimeo(id="124313553", class="vimeo") }}

Result example:

{{ vimeo(id="124313553") }}


Embed a player for a Streamable video.

The arguments are:

  • id: the video id (mandatory)
  • class: a class to add the div surrounding the iframe

Usage example:

{{ streamable(id="2zt0") }}

{{ streamable(id="2zt0", class="streamble") }}

Result example:

{{ streamable(id="2zt0") }}


Embed a Github gist.

The arguments are:

  • url: the url to the gist (mandatory)
  • file: by default, the shortcode will pull every file from the URL unless a specific filename is requested
  • class: a class to add the div surrounding the iframe

Usage example:

{{ gist(url="https://gist.github.com/Keats/e5fb6aad409f28721c0ba14161644c57") }}

{{ gist(url="https://gist.github.com/Keats/e5fb6aad409f28721c0ba14161644c57", class="gist") }}

Result example:

{{ gist(url="https://gist.github.com/Keats/e5fb6aad409f28721c0ba14161644c57") }}