2020-07-19 17:26:32 +05:30

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+++ title = "Vercel" weight = 20 +++

Vercel (previously zeit) is same as Netlify which makes deployment of site easy. The sites are hosted by Vercel and automatically deployed whenever we push a commit to our selected production branch (e.g, master).

If you don't have an account with Vercel, you can sign up here

Automatic deploys

Once you sign up you can import your site from a Git provider (Github, GitLab or Bitbucket). After import you can select settings for your project.

  • Choose Framework Preset as Other
  • Build command as zola build and make sure toggle on Override switch.
  • By default Vercel chooses output directory as public, if you have different out directory then specify output directory.
  • To add own domain, go to domain setting in left and add your domain.

All we have to is include a vercel.json in our projects root directory by specifying ZOLA_VERSION we want to use to deploy the site.

  "build": {
    "env": {
      "ZOLA_VERSION": "0.11.0"

And now your site is up and running.