2019-05-18 17:55:10 -07:00

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+++ title = "Pagination" weight = 30 +++

Two things can get paginated: a section or a taxonomy term.

Every paginated template gets a paginator variable of the Pager type:

// How many items per page
paginate_by: Number;
// The base URL for the pagination: section permalink + pagination path
// You can concatenate an integer with that to get a link to a given pagination page.
base_url: String;
// How many pagers in this paginator
number_pagers: Number;
// Permalink to the first page
first: String;
// Permalink to the last page
last: String;
// Permalink to the previous page, if there is one
previous: String?;
// Permalink to the next page, if there is one
next: String?;
// All pages for the current page
pages: Array<Page>;
// Which page are we on
current_index: Number;


A paginated section gets the same section variable as a normal section page minus its pages.

Taxonomy term

A paginated taxonomy gets two variables:

  • a taxonomy variable of type TaxonomyConfig
  • a term variable of type TaxonomyTerm.

See the taxonomies page for a detailed version of the types.