Have yoneda without having a category of categories
I did break some things in Cat.Categories.Cat but since this is unprovable anyways it's not that big a deal.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ open import Data.Product renaming (proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd)
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category.Functor
open import Cat.Category.Product
open import Cat.Category.Exponential
open import Cat.Category.Exponential hiding (_×_ ; product)
open import Cat.Category.NaturalTransformation
open import Cat.Equality
@ -174,190 +174,211 @@ module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (unprovable : IsCategory (RawCat ℓ ℓ')) where
hasProducts = record { product = product }
-- Basically proves that `Cat ℓ ℓ` is cartesian closed.
module CatExponential {ℓ : Level} (ℂ 𝔻 : Category ℓ ℓ) where
open Data.Product
open import Cat.Categories.Fun
Categoryℓ = Category ℓ ℓ
open Fun ℂ 𝔻 renaming (identity to idN)
:func*: : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × Object ℂ → Object 𝔻
:func*: (F , A) = func* F A
prodObj : Categoryℓ
prodObj = Fun
module _ {dom cod : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × Object ℂ} where
F : Functor ℂ 𝔻
F = proj₁ dom
A : Object ℂ
A = proj₂ dom
G : Functor ℂ 𝔻
G = proj₁ cod
B : Object ℂ
B = proj₂ cod
:func→: : (pobj : NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ [ A , B ])
→ 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G B ]
:func→: ((θ , θNat) , f) = result
θA : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G A ]
θA = θ A
θB : 𝔻 [ func* F B , func* G B ]
θB = θ B
F→f : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* F B ]
F→f = func→ F f
G→f : 𝔻 [ func* G A , func* G B ]
G→f = func→ G f
l : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G B ]
l = 𝔻 [ θB ∘ F→f ]
r : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G B ]
r = 𝔻 [ G→f ∘ θA ]
-- There are two choices at this point,
-- but I suppose the whole point is that
-- by `θNat f` we have `l ≡ r`
-- lem : 𝔻 [ θ B ∘ F .func→ f ] ≡ 𝔻 [ G .func→ f ∘ θ A ]
-- lem = θNat f
result : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G B ]
result = l
open CatProduct renaming (obj to _×p_) using ()
module _ {c : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × Object ℂ} where
F : Functor ℂ 𝔻
F = proj₁ c
C : Object ℂ
C = proj₂ c
-- NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ .Arrow A B
-- :ident: : :func→: {c} {c} (identityNat F , ℂ .𝟙) ≡ 𝔻 .𝟙
-- :ident: = trans (proj₂ 𝔻.isIdentity) (F .isIdentity)
-- where
-- open module 𝔻 = IsCategory (𝔻 .isCategory)
-- Unfortunately the equational version has some ambigous arguments.
:ident: : :func→: {c} {c} (NT.identity F , 𝟙 ℂ {A = proj₂ c}) ≡ 𝟙 𝔻
:ident: = begin
:func→: {c} {c} (𝟙 (prodObj ×p ℂ) {c}) ≡⟨⟩
:func→: {c} {c} (idN F , 𝟙 ℂ) ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 [ identityTrans F C ∘ func→ F (𝟙 ℂ)] ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 [ 𝟙 𝔻 ∘ func→ F (𝟙 ℂ)] ≡⟨ proj₂ 𝔻.isIdentity ⟩
func→ F (𝟙 ℂ) ≡⟨ F.isIdentity ⟩
𝟙 𝔻 ∎
open module 𝔻 = Category 𝔻
open module F = Functor F
module _ {F×A G×B H×C : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × Object ℂ} where
F = F×A .proj₁
A = F×A .proj₂
G = G×B .proj₁
B = G×B .proj₂
H = H×C .proj₁
C = H×C .proj₂
-- Not entirely clear what this is at this point:
_P⊕_ = Category._∘_ (prodObj ×p ℂ) {F×A} {G×B} {H×C}
module _
-- NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ .Arrow A B
{θ×f : NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ [ A , B ]}
{η×g : NaturalTransformation G H × ℂ [ B , C ]} where
θ : Transformation F G
θ = proj₁ (proj₁ θ×f)
θNat : Natural F G θ
θNat = proj₂ (proj₁ θ×f)
f : ℂ [ A , B ]
f = proj₂ θ×f
η : Transformation G H
η = proj₁ (proj₁ η×g)
ηNat : Natural G H η
ηNat = proj₂ (proj₁ η×g)
g : ℂ [ B , C ]
g = proj₂ η×g
ηθNT : NaturalTransformation F H
ηθNT = Category._∘_ Fun {F} {G} {H} (η , ηNat) (θ , θNat)
ηθ = proj₁ ηθNT
ηθNat = proj₂ ηθNT
:isDistributive: :
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ θ C ] ∘ func→ F ( ℂ [ g ∘ f ] ) ]
≡ 𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ func→ G g ] ∘ 𝔻 [ θ B ∘ func→ F f ] ]
:isDistributive: = begin
𝔻 [ (ηθ C) ∘ func→ F (ℂ [ g ∘ f ]) ]
≡⟨ ηθNat (ℂ [ g ∘ f ]) ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H (ℂ [ g ∘ f ]) ∘ (ηθ A) ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ φ ∘ ηθ A ]) (H.isDistributive) ⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ func→ H f ] ∘ (ηθ A) ]
≡⟨ sym isAssociative ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ H f ∘ ηθ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ φ ]) isAssociative ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ 𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ func→ H f ∘ η A ] ∘ θ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ φ ]) (cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ φ ∘ θ A ]) (sym (ηNat f))) ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ 𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η B ∘ func→ G f ] ∘ θ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ φ ]) (sym isAssociative) ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ 𝔻 [ η B ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ G f ∘ θ A ] ] ]
≡⟨ isAssociative ⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ η B ] ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ G f ∘ θ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ φ ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ G f ∘ θ A ] ]) (sym (ηNat g)) ⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ func→ G g ] ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ G f ∘ θ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ func→ G g ] ∘ φ ]) (sym (θNat f)) ⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ func→ G g ] ∘ 𝔻 [ θ B ∘ func→ F f ] ] ∎
open Category 𝔻
module H = Functor H
eval : Functor (CatProduct.obj prodObj ℂ) 𝔻
-- :eval: : Functor (prodObj ×p ℂ) 𝔻
eval = record
{ raw = record
{ func* = :func*:
; func→ = λ {dom} {cod} → :func→: {dom} {cod}
; isFunctor = record
{ isIdentity = λ {o} → :ident: {o}
; isDistributive = λ {f u n k y} → :isDistributive: {f} {u} {n} {k} {y}
module _ (𝔸 : Category ℓ ℓ) (F : Functor (𝔸 ×p ℂ) 𝔻) where
-- open HasProducts (hasProducts {ℓ} {ℓ} unprovable) renaming (_|×|_ to parallelProduct)
: Functor 𝔸 prodObj → Functor ℂ ℂ
→ Functor (𝔸 ×p ℂ) (prodObj ×p ℂ)
transpose : Functor 𝔸 prodObj
eq : F[ eval ∘ (parallelProduct transpose (identity {C = ℂ})) ] ≡ F
-- eq : F[ :eval: ∘ {!!} ] ≡ F
-- eq : Catℓ [ :eval: ∘ (HasProducts._|×|_ hasProducts transpose (𝟙 Catℓ {o = ℂ})) ] ≡ F
-- eq' : (Catℓ [ :eval: ∘
-- (record { product = product } HasProducts.|×| transpose)
-- (𝟙 Catℓ)
-- ])
-- ≡ F
-- For some reason after `e8215b2c051062c6301abc9b3f6ec67106259758`
-- `catTranspose` makes Agda hang. catTranspose : ∃![ F~ ] (Catℓ [
-- :eval: ∘ (parallelProduct F~ (𝟙 Catℓ {o = ℂ}))] ≡ F) catTranspose =
-- transpose , eq
module _ (ℓ : Level) (unprovable : IsCategory (RawCat ℓ ℓ)) where
open Data.Product
open import Cat.Categories.Fun
Catℓ : Category (lsuc (ℓ ⊔ ℓ)) (ℓ ⊔ ℓ)
Catℓ = Cat ℓ ℓ unprovable
module _ (ℂ 𝔻 : Category ℓ ℓ) where
open Fun ℂ 𝔻 renaming (identity to idN)
:obj: : Object Catℓ
:obj: = Fun
module _ (ℂ 𝔻 : Category ℓ ℓ) where
open CatExponential ℂ 𝔻 using (prodObj ; eval)
-- Putting in the type annotation causes Agda to loop indefinitely.
-- eval' : Functor (CatProduct.obj prodObj ℂ) 𝔻
-- Likewise, using it below also results in this.
eval' : _
eval' = eval
-- private
-- -- module _ (ℂ 𝔻 : Category ℓ ℓ) where
-- postulate :isExponential: : IsExponential Catℓ ℂ 𝔻 prodObj :eval:
-- -- :isExponential: : IsExponential Catℓ ℂ 𝔻 :obj: :eval:
-- -- :isExponential: = {!catTranspose!}
-- -- where
-- -- open HasProducts (hasProducts {ℓ} {ℓ} unprovable) using (_|×|_)
-- -- :isExponential: = λ 𝔸 F → transpose 𝔸 F , eq' 𝔸 F
:func*: : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × Object ℂ → Object 𝔻
:func*: (F , A) = func* F A
module _ {dom cod : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × Object ℂ} where
F : Functor ℂ 𝔻
F = proj₁ dom
A : Object ℂ
A = proj₂ dom
G : Functor ℂ 𝔻
G = proj₁ cod
B : Object ℂ
B = proj₂ cod
:func→: : (pobj : NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ [ A , B ])
→ 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G B ]
:func→: ((θ , θNat) , f) = result
θA : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G A ]
θA = θ A
θB : 𝔻 [ func* F B , func* G B ]
θB = θ B
F→f : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* F B ]
F→f = func→ F f
G→f : 𝔻 [ func* G A , func* G B ]
G→f = func→ G f
l : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G B ]
l = 𝔻 [ θB ∘ F→f ]
r : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G B ]
r = 𝔻 [ G→f ∘ θA ]
-- There are two choices at this point,
-- but I suppose the whole point is that
-- by `θNat f` we have `l ≡ r`
-- lem : 𝔻 [ θ B ∘ F .func→ f ] ≡ 𝔻 [ G .func→ f ∘ θ A ]
-- lem = θNat f
result : 𝔻 [ func* F A , func* G B ]
result = l
_×p_ = product unprovable
module _ {c : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × Object ℂ} where
F : Functor ℂ 𝔻
F = proj₁ c
C : Object ℂ
C = proj₂ c
-- NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ .Arrow A B
-- :ident: : :func→: {c} {c} (identityNat F , ℂ .𝟙) ≡ 𝔻 .𝟙
-- :ident: = trans (proj₂ 𝔻.isIdentity) (F .isIdentity)
-- where
-- open module 𝔻 = IsCategory (𝔻 .isCategory)
-- Unfortunately the equational version has some ambigous arguments.
:ident: : :func→: {c} {c} (NT.identity F , 𝟙 ℂ {A = proj₂ c}) ≡ 𝟙 𝔻
:ident: = begin
:func→: {c} {c} (𝟙 (Product.obj (:obj: ×p ℂ)) {c}) ≡⟨⟩
:func→: {c} {c} (idN F , 𝟙 ℂ) ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 [ identityTrans F C ∘ func→ F (𝟙 ℂ)] ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 [ 𝟙 𝔻 ∘ func→ F (𝟙 ℂ)] ≡⟨ proj₂ 𝔻.isIdentity ⟩
func→ F (𝟙 ℂ) ≡⟨ F.isIdentity ⟩
𝟙 𝔻 ∎
open module 𝔻 = Category 𝔻
open module F = Functor F
module _ {F×A G×B H×C : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × Object ℂ} where
F = F×A .proj₁
A = F×A .proj₂
G = G×B .proj₁
B = G×B .proj₂
H = H×C .proj₁
C = H×C .proj₂
-- Not entirely clear what this is at this point:
_P⊕_ = Category._∘_ (Product.obj (:obj: ×p ℂ)) {F×A} {G×B} {H×C}
module _
-- NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ .Arrow A B
{θ×f : NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ [ A , B ]}
{η×g : NaturalTransformation G H × ℂ [ B , C ]} where
θ : Transformation F G
θ = proj₁ (proj₁ θ×f)
θNat : Natural F G θ
θNat = proj₂ (proj₁ θ×f)
f : ℂ [ A , B ]
f = proj₂ θ×f
η : Transformation G H
η = proj₁ (proj₁ η×g)
ηNat : Natural G H η
ηNat = proj₂ (proj₁ η×g)
g : ℂ [ B , C ]
g = proj₂ η×g
ηθNT : NaturalTransformation F H
ηθNT = Category._∘_ Fun {F} {G} {H} (η , ηNat) (θ , θNat)
ηθ = proj₁ ηθNT
ηθNat = proj₂ ηθNT
:isDistributive: :
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ θ C ] ∘ func→ F ( ℂ [ g ∘ f ] ) ]
≡ 𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ func→ G g ] ∘ 𝔻 [ θ B ∘ func→ F f ] ]
:isDistributive: = begin
𝔻 [ (ηθ C) ∘ func→ F (ℂ [ g ∘ f ]) ]
≡⟨ ηθNat (ℂ [ g ∘ f ]) ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H (ℂ [ g ∘ f ]) ∘ (ηθ A) ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ φ ∘ ηθ A ]) (H.isDistributive) ⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ func→ H f ] ∘ (ηθ A) ]
≡⟨ sym isAssociative ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ H f ∘ ηθ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ φ ]) isAssociative ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ 𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ func→ H f ∘ η A ] ∘ θ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ φ ]) (cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ φ ∘ θ A ]) (sym (ηNat f))) ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ 𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η B ∘ func→ G f ] ∘ θ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ φ ]) (sym isAssociative) ⟩
𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ 𝔻 [ η B ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ G f ∘ θ A ] ] ]
≡⟨ isAssociative ⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ func→ H g ∘ η B ] ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ G f ∘ θ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ φ ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ G f ∘ θ A ] ]) (sym (ηNat g)) ⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ func→ G g ] ∘ 𝔻 [ func→ G f ∘ θ A ] ]
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → 𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ func→ G g ] ∘ φ ]) (sym (θNat f)) ⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C ∘ func→ G g ] ∘ 𝔻 [ θ B ∘ func→ F f ] ] ∎
open Category 𝔻
module H = Functor H
:eval: : Functor ((:obj: ×p ℂ) .Product.obj) 𝔻
:eval: = record
{ raw = record
{ func* = :func*:
; func→ = λ {dom} {cod} → :func→: {dom} {cod}
; isFunctor = record
{ isIdentity = λ {o} → :ident: {o}
; isDistributive = λ {f u n k y} → :isDistributive: {f} {u} {n} {k} {y}
module _ (𝔸 : Category ℓ ℓ) (F : Functor ((𝔸 ×p ℂ) .Product.obj) 𝔻) where
open HasProducts (hasProducts {ℓ} {ℓ} unprovable) renaming (_|×|_ to parallelProduct)
transpose : Functor 𝔸 :obj:
eq : Catℓ [ :eval: ∘ (parallelProduct transpose (𝟙 Catℓ {A = ℂ})) ] ≡ F
-- eq : Catℓ [ :eval: ∘ (HasProducts._|×|_ hasProducts transpose (𝟙 Catℓ {o = ℂ})) ] ≡ F
-- eq' : (Catℓ [ :eval: ∘
-- (record { product = product } HasProducts.|×| transpose)
-- (𝟙 Catℓ)
-- ])
-- ≡ F
-- For some reason after `e8215b2c051062c6301abc9b3f6ec67106259758`
-- `catTranspose` makes Agda hang. catTranspose : ∃![ F~ ] (Catℓ [
-- :eval: ∘ (parallelProduct F~ (𝟙 Catℓ {o = ℂ}))] ≡ F) catTranspose =
-- transpose , eq
postulate :isExponential: : IsExponential Catℓ ℂ 𝔻 :obj: :eval:
-- :isExponential: : IsExponential Catℓ ℂ 𝔻 :obj: :eval:
-- :isExponential: = {!catTranspose!}
-- where
-- open HasProducts (hasProducts {ℓ} {ℓ} unprovable) using (_|×|_)
-- :isExponential: = λ 𝔸 F → transpose 𝔸 F , eq' 𝔸 F
-- :exponent: : Exponential (Cat ℓ ℓ) A B
:exponent: : Exponential Catℓ ℂ 𝔻
:exponent: = record
{ obj = :obj:
; eval = :eval:
; isExponential = :isExponential:
-- -- :exponent: : Exponential (Cat ℓ ℓ) A B
exponent : Exponential Catℓ ℂ 𝔻
exponent = record
{ obj = prodObj
; eval = {!evalll'!}
; isExponential = {!:isExponential:!}
open HasProducts (hasProducts unprovable) renaming (_×_ to _×p_)
open import Cat.Categories.Fun
open Fun
-- _×p_ = CatProduct.obj -- prodObj ℂ
-- eval' : Functor CatP.obj 𝔻
hasExponentials : HasExponentials Catℓ
hasExponentials = record { exponent = :exponent: }
hasExponentials = record { exponent = exponent }
@ -1,40 +1,44 @@
module Cat.Category.Exponential where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Product hiding (_×_)
open import Cubical
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category.Product
open Category
module _ {ℓ ℓ'} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') {{hasProducts : HasProducts ℂ}} where
open HasProducts hasProducts
open Product hiding (obj)
_×p_ : (A B : Object ℂ) → Object ℂ
_×p_ A B = Product.obj (product A B)
open Category ℂ
open HasProducts hasProducts public
module _ (B C : Object ℂ) where
IsExponential : (Cᴮ : Object ℂ) → ℂ [ Cᴮ ×p B , C ] → Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
IsExponential Cᴮ eval = ∀ (A : Object ℂ) (f : ℂ [ A ×p B , C ])
module _ (B C : Object) where
record IsExponential'
(Cᴮ : Object)
(eval : ℂ [ Cᴮ × B , C ]) : Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where
: ∀ (A : Object) (f : ℂ [ A × B , C ])
→ ∃![ f~ ] (ℂ [ eval ∘ f~ |×| Category.𝟙 ℂ ] ≡ f)
IsExponential : (Cᴮ : Object) → ℂ [ Cᴮ × B , C ] → Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
IsExponential Cᴮ eval = ∀ (A : Object) (f : ℂ [ A × B , C ])
→ ∃![ f~ ] (ℂ [ eval ∘ f~ |×| Category.𝟙 ℂ ] ≡ f)
record Exponential : Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where
-- obj ≡ Cᴮ
obj : Object ℂ
eval : ℂ [ obj ×p B , C ]
obj : Object
eval : ℂ [ obj × B , C ]
{{isExponential}} : IsExponential obj eval
-- If I make this an instance-argument then the instance resolution
-- algorithm goes into an infinite loop. Why?
exponentialsHaveProducts : HasProducts ℂ
exponentialsHaveProducts = hasProducts
transpose : (A : Object ℂ) → ℂ [ A ×p B , C ] → ℂ [ A , obj ]
transpose : (A : Object) → ℂ [ A × B , C ] → ℂ [ A , obj ]
transpose A f = proj₁ (isExponential A f)
record HasExponentials {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') {{_ : HasProducts ℂ}} : Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where
open Category ℂ
open Exponential public
exponent : (A B : Object ℂ) → Exponential ℂ A B
exponent : (A B : Object) → Exponential ℂ A B
_⇑_ : (A B : Object) → Object
A ⇑ B = (exponent A B) .obj
@ -27,9 +27,10 @@ module _ (ℓa ℓb : Level) where
open Category category public
{{hasProducts}} : HasProducts category
mempty : Object
empty : Object
-- aka. tensor product, monoidal product.
mappend : Functor (category × category) category
append : Functor (category × category) category
open HasProducts hasProducts public
record MonoidalCategory : Set ℓ where
@ -40,10 +41,10 @@ module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : MonoidalCategory ℓa ℓb) where
ℓ = ℓa ⊔ ℓb
module MC = MonoidalCategory ℂ
open HasProducts MC.hasProducts
open MonoidalCategory ℂ public
record Monoid : Set ℓ where
carrier : MC.Object
mempty : MC.Arrow (carrier × carrier) carrier
mappend : MC.Arrow MC.mempty carrier
carrier : Object
mempty : Arrow empty carrier
mappend : Arrow (carrier × carrier) carrier
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ record Product {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ'} (A B : Object ℂ) :
proj₂ : ℂ [ obj , B ]
{{isProduct}} : IsProduct ℂ proj₁ proj₂
-- | Arrow product
_P[_×_] : ∀ {X} → (π₁ : ℂ [ X , A ]) (π₂ : ℂ [ X , B ])
→ ℂ [ X , obj ]
_P[_×_] π₁ π₂ = proj₁ (isProduct π₁ π₂)
@ -39,16 +40,21 @@ record HasProducts {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') : Set (ℓ ⊔
product : ∀ (A B : Object ℂ) → Product {ℂ = ℂ} A B
open Product
open Product hiding (obj)
_×_ : (A B : Object ℂ) → Object ℂ
A × B = Product.obj (product A B)
-- The product mentioned in awodey in Def 6.1 is not the regular product of arrows.
-- It's a "parallel" product
_|×|_ : {A A' B B' : Object ℂ} → ℂ [ A , A' ] → ℂ [ B , B' ]
→ ℂ [ A × B , A' × B' ]
_|×|_ {A = A} {A' = A'} {B = B} {B' = B'} a b
= product A' B'
P[ ℂ [ a ∘ (product A B) .proj₁ ]
× ℂ [ b ∘ (product A B) .proj₂ ]
module _ (A B : Object ℂ) where
open Product (product A B)
_×_ : Object ℂ
_×_ = obj
-- | Parallel product of arrows
-- The product mentioned in awodey in Def 6.1 is not the regular product of
-- arrows. It's a "parallel" product
module _ {A A' B B' : Object ℂ} where
open Product (product A B) hiding (_P[_×_]) renaming (proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd)
_|×|_ : ℂ [ A , A' ] → ℂ [ B , B' ] → ℂ [ A × B , A' × B' ]
a |×| b = product A' B'
P[ ℂ [ a ∘ fst ]
× ℂ [ b ∘ snd ]
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ open Equality.Data.Product
-- category of categories (since it doesn't exist).
open import Cat.Categories.Cat using (RawCat)
module _ {ℓ : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ} (unprovable : IsCategory (RawCat ℓ ℓ)) where
module _ {ℓ : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ} where
open import Cat.Categories.Fun
open import Cat.Categories.Sets
@ -24,15 +24,17 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ} (unprovable : IsCategory (RawCat
open Functor
𝓢 = Sets ℓ
open Fun (opposite ℂ) 𝓢
Catℓ : Category _ _
Catℓ = Cat.Cat ℓ ℓ unprovable
prshf = presheaf ℂ
module ℂ = Category ℂ
_⇑_ : (A B : Category.Object Catℓ) → Category.Object Catℓ
A ⇑ B = (exponent A B) .obj
open HasExponentials (Cat.hasExponentials ℓ unprovable)
-- There is no (small) category of categories. So we won't use _⇑_ from
-- `HasExponential`
-- open HasExponentials (Cat.hasExponentials ℓ unprovable) using (_⇑_)
-- In stead we'll use an ad-hoc definition -- which is definitionally
-- equivalent to that other one.
_⇑_ = Cat.CatExponential.prodObj
module _ {A B : ℂ.Object} (f : ℂ [ A , B ]) where
:func→: : NaturalTransformation (prshf A) (prshf B)
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