Provide composition of isEquiv's

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-04-05 20:41:14 +02:00
parent be56027c37
commit bbe9460647
3 changed files with 194 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -189,24 +189,16 @@ record IsPreCategory {a b : Level} ( : RawCategory a b) : Set (ls
iso→epi×mono iso = iso→epi iso , iso→mono iso iso→epi×mono iso = iso→epi iso , iso→mono iso
propIsAssociative : isProp IsAssociative propIsAssociative : isProp IsAssociative
propIsAssociative x y i = arrowsAreSets _ _ x y i propIsAssociative = propPiImpl (λ _ propPiImpl (λ _ propPiImpl (λ _ propPiImpl (λ _ propPiImpl (λ _ propPiImpl (λ _ propPiImpl λ _ arrowsAreSets _ _))))))
propIsIdentity : {f : {A} Arrow A A} isProp (IsIdentity f) propIsIdentity : {f : {A} Arrow A A} isProp (IsIdentity f)
propIsIdentity a b i propIsIdentity = propPiImpl (λ _ propPiImpl λ _ propPiImpl (λ _ propSig (arrowsAreSets _ _) λ _ arrowsAreSets _ _))
= arrowsAreSets _ _ (fst a) (fst b) i
, arrowsAreSets _ _ (snd a) (snd b) i
propArrowIsSet : isProp ( {A B} isSet (Arrow A B)) propArrowIsSet : isProp ( {A B} isSet (Arrow A B))
propArrowIsSet a b i = isSetIsProp a b i propArrowIsSet = propPiImpl λ _ propPiImpl (λ _ isSetIsProp)
propIsInverseOf : {A B f g} isProp (IsInverseOf {A} {B} f g) propIsInverseOf : {A B f g} isProp (IsInverseOf {A} {B} f g)
propIsInverseOf x y = λ i propIsInverseOf = propSig (arrowsAreSets _ _) (λ _ arrowsAreSets _ _)
h : fst x fst y
h = arrowsAreSets _ _ (fst x) (fst y)
hh : snd x snd y
hh = arrowsAreSets _ _ (snd x) (snd y)
in h i , hh i
module _ {A B : Object} {f : Arrow A B} where module _ {A B : Object} {f : Arrow A B} where
isoIsProp : isProp (Isomorphism f) isoIsProp : isProp (Isomorphism f)

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ open import Cubical.PathPrelude hiding (inverse ; _≃_)
open import Cubical.PathPrelude using (isEquiv ; isContr ; fiber) public open import Cubical.PathPrelude using (isEquiv ; isContr ; fiber) public
open import Cubical.GradLemma open import Cubical.GradLemma
open import Cat.Prelude using (lemPropF ; setPi ; lemSig ; propSet)
module _ {a b : Level} where module _ {a b : Level} where
private private
= a b = a b
@ -55,6 +57,50 @@ module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } {f : A → B}
re-ve : f g idFun B re-ve : f g idFun B
re-ve = s (f g) (idFun B) (recto-verso x) (recto-verso y) i re-ve = s (f g) (idFun B) (recto-verso x) (recto-verso y) i
module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } (f : A B)
(sA : isSet A) (sB : isSet B) where
propIsIso : isProp (Isomorphism f)
propIsIso = res
module _ (x y : Isomorphism f) where
module x = Σ x renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
module y = Σ y renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
module xA = AreInverses x.areInverses
module yA = AreInverses y.areInverses
-- I had a lot of difficulty using the corresponding proof where
-- AreInverses is defined. This is sadly a bit anti-modular. The
-- reason for my troubles is probably related to the type of objects
-- being hSet's rather than sets.
p : {f} g isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
p {f} g xx yy i = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
module xxA = AreInverses xx
module yyA = AreInverses yy
setPiB : {X : Set } isSet (X B)
setPiB = setPi (λ _ sB)
setPiA : {X : Set } isSet (X A)
setPiA = setPi (λ _ sA)
ve-re : g f idFun _
ve-re = setPiA _ _ xxA.verso-recto yyA.verso-recto i
re-ve : f g idFun _
re-ve = setPiB _ _ xxA.recto-verso yyA.recto-verso i
1eq : x.inverse y.inverse
1eq = begin
x.inverse ≡⟨⟩
x.inverse idFun _ ≡⟨ cong (λ φ x.inverse φ) (sym yA.recto-verso)
x.inverse (f y.inverse) ≡⟨⟩
(x.inverse f) y.inverse ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ y.inverse) xA.verso-recto
idFun _ y.inverse ≡⟨⟩
2eq : (λ i AreInverses f (1eq i)) [ x.areInverses y.areInverses ]
2eq = lemPropF p 1eq
res : x y
res i = 1eq i , 2eq i
-- In HoTT they generalize an equivalence to have the following 3 properties: -- In HoTT they generalize an equivalence to have the following 3 properties:
module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
record Equiv (iseqv : (A B) Set ) : Set (a b ) where record Equiv (iseqv : (A B) Set ) : Set (a b ) where
@ -132,7 +178,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
-- A wrapper around PathPrelude.≃ -- A wrapper around PathPrelude.≃
open Cubical.PathPrelude using (_≃_ ; isEquiv) open Cubical.PathPrelude using (_≃_)
private private
module _ {obverse : A B} (e : isEquiv A B obverse) where module _ {obverse : A B} (e : isEquiv A B obverse) where
inverse : B A inverse : B A
@ -202,6 +248,37 @@ module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
open Cubical.PathPrelude using (_≃_) open Cubical.PathPrelude using (_≃_)
module _ {c : Level} {C : Set c} {f : A B} {g : B C} where
composeIsomorphism : Isomorphism f Isomorphism g Isomorphism (g f)
composeIsomorphism a b = f~ g~ , inv
open Σ a renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to inv-a)
module A = AreInverses inv-a
open Σ b renaming (fst to g~ ; snd to inv-b)
module B = AreInverses inv-b
inv : AreInverses (g f) (f~ g~)
inv = record
{ verso-recto = begin
(f~ g~) (g f)≡⟨⟩
f~ (g~ g) f ≡⟨ cong (λ φ f~ φ f) B.verso-recto
f~ idFun _ f ≡⟨⟩
f~ f ≡⟨ A.verso-recto
idFun A
; recto-verso = begin
(g f) (f~ g~)≡⟨⟩
g (f f~) g~ ≡⟨ cong (λ φ g φ g~) A.recto-verso
g g~ ≡⟨ B.recto-verso
idFun C
composeIsEquiv : isEquiv A B f isEquiv B C g isEquiv A C (g f)
composeIsEquiv a b = Equiv≃.fromIso A C (composeIsomorphism a' b')
a' = Equiv≃.toIso A B a
b' = Equiv≃.toIso B C b
-- Gives the quasi inverse from an equivalence. -- Gives the quasi inverse from an equivalence.
module Equivalence (e : A B) where module Equivalence (e : A B) where
open Equiv≃ A B public open Equiv≃ A B public
@ -212,31 +289,10 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
open AreInverses (snd iso) public open AreInverses (snd iso) public
composeIso : {c : Level} {C : Set c} (B C) A C composeIso : {c : Level} {C : Set c} (B C) A C
composeIso {C = C} (g , g' , iso-g) = g obverse , inverse g' , inv composeIso {C = C} (g , iso-g) = g obverse , composeIsomorphism iso iso-g
module iso-g = AreInverses iso-g
inv : AreInverses (g obverse) (inverse g')
AreInverses.verso-recto inv = begin
(inverse g') (g obverse) ≡⟨⟩
(inverse (g' g) obverse)
≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ obverse) (cong (λ φ inverse φ) iso-g.verso-recto)
(inverse idFun B obverse) ≡⟨⟩
(inverse obverse) ≡⟨ verso-recto
idFun A
AreInverses.recto-verso inv = begin
g obverse inverse g'
≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ g') (cong (λ φ g φ) recto-verso)
g idFun B g' ≡⟨⟩
g g' ≡⟨ iso-g.recto-verso
idFun C
compose : {c : Level} {C : Set c} (B C) A C compose : {c : Level} {C : Set c} (B C) A C
compose {C = C} e = A≃C.fromIsomorphism is compose (f , isEquiv) = f obverse , composeIsEquiv (snd e) isEquiv
module B≃C = Equiv≃ B C
module A≃C = Equiv≃ A C
is : A C
is = composeIso (B≃C.toIsomorphism e)
symmetryIso : B A symmetryIso : B A
symmetryIso symmetryIso
@ -288,3 +344,111 @@ module NoEta {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
toIsomorphism : A B A B toIsomorphism : A B A B
toIsomorphism (_≃_.con f eqv) = f , Equiv≃.toIso _ _ eqv toIsomorphism (_≃_.con f eqv) = f , Equiv≃.toIso _ _ eqv
-- A few results that I have not generalized to work with both the eta and no-eta variable of ≃
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {P : A Set b} where
open NoEta
open import Cubical.Univalence using (_≃_)
-- Equality on sigma's whose second component is a proposition is equivalent
-- to equality on their first components.
equivPropSig : ((x : A) isProp (P x)) (p q : Σ A P)
(p q) (fst p fst q)
equivPropSig pA p q = fromIsomorphism iso
f : {p q} p q fst p fst q
f e i = fst (e i)
g : {p q} fst p fst q p q
g {p} {q} = lemSig pA p q
ve-re : (e : p q) (g f) e e
ve-re = pathJ (\ q (e : p q) (g f) e e)
(\ i j p .fst , propSet (pA (p .fst)) (p .snd) (p .snd) (λ i (g {p} {p} f) (λ i₁ p) i .snd) (λ i p .snd) i j ) q
re-ve : (e : fst p fst q) (f {p} {q} g {p} {q}) e e
re-ve e = refl
inv : AreInverses (f {p} {q}) (g {p} {q})
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
iso : (p q) (fst p fst q)
iso = f , g , inv
-- Sigma that are equivalent on all points in the second projection are
-- equivalent.
equivSigSnd : {c} {Q : A Set (c b)}
((a : A) P a Q a) Σ A P Σ A Q
equivSigSnd {Q = Q} eA = res
f : Σ A P Σ A Q
f (a , pA) = a , _≃_.eqv (eA a) pA
g : Σ A Q Σ A P
g (a , qA) = a , g' qA
k : Isomorphism _
k = Equiv≃.toIso _ _ (_≃_.isEqv (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (fst to g')
ve-re : (x : Σ A P) (g f) x x
ve-re x i = fst x , eq i
eq : snd ((g f) x) snd x
eq = begin
snd ((g f) x) ≡⟨⟩
snd (g (f (a , pA))) ≡⟨⟩
g' (_≃_.eqv (eA a) pA) ≡⟨ lem
open Σ x renaming (fst to a ; snd to pA)
k : Isomorphism _
k = Equiv≃.toIso _ _ (_≃_.isEqv (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (fst to g' ; snd to inv)
module A = AreInverses inv
-- anti-funExt
lem : (g' (_≃_.eqv (eA a))) pA pA
lem i = A.verso-recto i pA
re-ve : (x : Σ A Q) (f g) x x
re-ve x i = fst x , eq i
open Σ x renaming (fst to a ; snd to qA)
eq = begin
snd ((f g) x) ≡⟨⟩
_≃_.eqv (eA a) (g' qA) ≡⟨ (λ i A.recto-verso i qA)
k : Isomorphism _
k = Equiv≃.toIso _ _ (_≃_.isEqv (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (fst to g' ; snd to inv)
module A = AreInverses inv
inv : AreInverses f g
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
iso : Σ A P Σ A Q
iso = f , g , inv
res : Σ A P Σ A Q
res = fromIsomorphism iso
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
open NoEta
open import Cubical.Univalence using (_≃_)
-- Equivalence is equivalent to isomorphism when the domain and codomain of
-- the equivalence is a set.
equivSetIso : isSet A isSet B (f : A B)
isEquiv A B f Isomorphism f
equivSetIso sA sB f =
obv : isEquiv A B f Isomorphism f
obv = Equiv≃.toIso A B
inv : Isomorphism f isEquiv A B f
inv = Equiv≃.fromIso A B
re-ve : (x : isEquiv A B f) (inv obv) x x
re-ve = Equiv≃.inverse-from-to-iso A B
ve-re : (x : Isomorphism f) (obv inv) x x
ve-re = Equiv≃.inverse-to-from-iso A B sA sB
iso : isEquiv A B f Isomorphism f
iso = obv , inv ,
{ verso-recto = funExt re-ve
; recto-verso = funExt ve-re
in fromIsomorphism iso

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@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ open import Cubical.NType
open import Cubical.NType.Properties open import Cubical.NType.Properties
using using
( lemPropF ; lemSig ; lemSigP ; isSetIsProp ( lemPropF ; lemSig ; lemSigP ; isSetIsProp
; propPi ; propHasLevel ; setPi ; propSet) ; propPi ; propPiImpl ; propHasLevel ; setPi ; propSet
; propSig)
public public
propIsContr : { : Level} {A : Set } isProp (isContr A) propIsContr : { : Level} {A : Set } isProp (isContr A)