[WIP] Univalence for the category of hSets

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-03-19 14:08:59 +01:00
parent f7f8953a42
commit f69ab0ee62
3 changed files with 120 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
build: src/**.agda
agda src/Cat.agda
rm src/**/*.agdai

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@ -6,18 +6,22 @@ open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Product
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Cubical hiding (_≃_ ; inverse)
open import Cubical.Univalence using (univalence ; con ; _≃_)
-- open import Cubical using (funExt ; refl ; isSet ; isProp ; _≡_ ; isEquiv ; sym ; trans ; _[_≡_] ; I ; Path ; PathP)
open import Cubical hiding (_≃_)
open import Cubical.Univalence using (univalence ; con ; _≃_ ; idtoeqv)
open import Cubical.GradLemma
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category.Functor
open import Cat.Category.Product
open import Cat.Wishlist
open import Cat.Equivalence as Eqv using (module NoEta)
open import Cat.Equivalence as Eqv renaming (module NoEta to Eeq) using (AreInverses)
module Equivalence = NoEta.Equivalence
module Eeq = NoEta
module Equivalence = Eeq.Equivalence
_⊙_ : {a b c : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c} (A B) (B C) A C
sym≃ : {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} A B B A
infixl 10 _⊙_
module _ ( : Level) where
@ -25,7 +29,7 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
open import Cubical.Universe
SetsRaw : RawCategory (lsuc )
RawCategory.Object SetsRaw = hSet
RawCategory.Object SetsRaw = hSet {}
RawCategory.Arrow SetsRaw (T , _) (U , _) = T U
RawCategory.𝟙 SetsRaw = Function.id
RawCategory._∘_ SetsRaw = Function._∘_
@ -40,125 +44,95 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
arrowsAreSets : ArrowsAreSets
arrowsAreSets {B = (_ , s)} = setPi λ _ s
isIso = Eqv.Isomorphism
module _ {hA hB : hSet {}} where
open Σ hA renaming (proj₁ to A ; proj₂ to sA)
open Σ hB renaming (proj₁ to B ; proj₂ to sB)
lem1 : (f : A B) isSet A isSet B isProp (isIso f)
lem1 f sA sB = res
module _ (x y : isIso f) where
module x = Σ x renaming (proj₁ to inverse ; proj₂ to areInverses)
module y = Σ y renaming (proj₁ to inverse ; proj₂ to areInverses)
module xA = AreInverses x.areInverses
module yA = AreInverses y.areInverses
-- I had a lot of difficulty using the corresponding proof where
-- AreInverses is defined. This is sadly a bit anti-modular. The
-- reason for my troubles is probably related to the type of objects
-- being hSet's rather than sets.
p : {f} g isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
p {f} g xx yy i = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
module xxA = AreInverses xx
module yyA = AreInverses yy
ve-re : g f Function.id
ve-re = arrowsAreSets {A = hA} {B = hA} _ _ xxA.verso-recto yyA.verso-recto i
re-ve : f g Function.id
re-ve = arrowsAreSets {A = hB} {B = hB} _ _ xxA.recto-verso yyA.recto-verso i
1eq : x.inverse y.inverse
1eq = begin
x.inverse ≡⟨⟩
x.inverse Function.id ≡⟨ cong (λ φ x.inverse φ) (sym yA.recto-verso)
x.inverse (f y.inverse) ≡⟨⟩
(x.inverse f) y.inverse ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ y.inverse) xA.verso-recto
Function.id y.inverse ≡⟨⟩
2eq : (λ i AreInverses f (1eq i)) [ x.areInverses y.areInverses ]
2eq = lemPropF p 1eq
res : x y
res i = 1eq i , 2eq i
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {P : A Set b} where
lem2 : ((x : A) isProp (P x)) (p q : Σ A P)
(p q) (proj₁ p proj₁ q)
lem3 : {Q : A Set b} ((x : A) P x Q x)
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
lem4 : isSet A isSet B (f : A B)
isEquiv A B f isIso f
module _ {hA hB : Object} where
A = proj₁ hA
isSetA : isSet A
isSetA = proj₂ hA
sA = proj₂ hA
B = proj₁ hB
isSetB : isSet B
isSetB = proj₂ hB
sB = proj₂ hB
toIsomorphism : A B hA hB
toIsomorphism e = obverse , inverse , verso-recto , recto-verso
-- lem3 and the equivalence from lem4
step0 : Σ (A B) isIso Σ (A B) (isEquiv A B)
-- univalence
step1 : Σ (A B) (isEquiv A B) (A B)
-- lem2 with propIsSet
step2 : (A B) (hA hB)
-- Go from an isomorphism on sets to an isomorphism on homotopic sets
trivial? : (hA hB) Σ (A B) isIso
trivial? = sym≃ (Eeq.fromIsomorphism res)
fwd : Σ (A B) isIso hA hB
fwd (f , g , inv) = f , g , inv.toPair
open Equivalence e
fromIsomorphism : hA hB A B
fromIsomorphism iso = con obverse (gradLemma obverse inverse recto-verso verso-recto)
obverse : A B
obverse = proj₁ iso
inverse : B A
inverse = proj₁ (proj₂ iso)
-- FIXME IsInverseOf should change name to AreInverses and the
-- ordering should be swapped.
areInverses : IsInverseOf {A = hA} {hB} obverse inverse
areInverses = proj₂ (proj₂ iso)
verso-recto : a (inverse obverse) a a
verso-recto a i = proj₁ areInverses i a
recto-verso : b (obverse Function.∘ inverse) b b
recto-verso b i = proj₂ areInverses i b
univIso : (A B) Eqv.≅ (A B)
univIso = Eeq.toIsomorphism univalence
obverse' : A B A B
obverse' = proj₁ univIso
inverse' : A B A B
inverse' = proj₁ (proj₂ univIso)
-- Drop proof of being a set from both sides of an equality.
dropP : hA hB A B
dropP eq i = proj₁ (eq i)
-- Add proof of being a set to both sides of a set-theoretic equivalence
-- returning a category-theoretic equivalence.
addE : A Eqv.≅ B hA hB
addE eqv = proj₁ eqv , (proj₁ (proj₂ eqv)) , asPair
areeqv = proj₂ (proj₂ eqv)
asPair =
let module Inv = Eqv.AreInverses areeqv
in Inv.verso-recto , Inv.recto-verso
obverse : hA hB hA hB
obverse = addE Eeq.toIsomorphism obverse' dropP
-- Drop proof of being a set form both sides of a category-theoretic
-- equivalence returning a set-theoretic equivalence.
dropE : hA hB A Eqv.≅ B
dropE eqv = obv , inv , asAreInverses
obv = proj₁ eqv
inv = proj₁ (proj₂ eqv)
areEq = proj₂ (proj₂ eqv)
asAreInverses : Eqv.AreInverses obv inv
asAreInverses = record { verso-recto = proj₁ areEq ; recto-verso = proj₂ areEq }
isoToEquiv : A Eqv.≅ B A B
isoToEquiv = Eeq.fromIsomorphism
-- Add proof of being a set to both sides of an equality.
addP : A B hA hB
addP p = lemSig (λ X propPi λ x propPi (λ y propIsProp)) hA hB p
inverse : hA hB hA hB
inverse = addP inverse' isoToEquiv dropE
-- open AreInverses (proj₂ (proj₂ univIso)) renaming
-- ( verso-recto to verso-recto'
-- ; recto-verso to recto-verso'
-- )
-- I can just open them but I wanna be able to see the type annotations.
verso-recto' : inverse' obverse' Function.id
verso-recto' = Eqv.AreInverses.verso-recto (proj₂ (proj₂ univIso))
recto-verso' : obverse' inverse' Function.id
recto-verso' = Eqv.AreInverses.recto-verso (proj₂ (proj₂ univIso))
verso-recto : (iso : hA hB) obverse (inverse iso) iso
verso-recto iso = begin
obverse (inverse iso) ≡⟨⟩
( addE Eeq.toIsomorphism
obverse' dropP addP
inverse' isoToEquiv
dropE) iso
( addE Eeq.toIsomorphism
inverse' isoToEquiv
dropE) iso
≡⟨ {!!} -- obverse' inverse' are inverses
( addE Eeq.toIsomorphism isoToEquiv dropE) iso
≡⟨ {!!} -- should be easy to prove
-- _≃_.toIsomorphism ∘ isoToEquiv ≡ id
(addE dropE) iso
-- Similar to above.
recto-verso : (eq : hA hB) inverse (obverse eq) eq
recto-verso eq = begin
inverse (obverse eq) ≡⟨ {!!}
-- Use the fact that being an h-level is a mere proposition.
-- This is almost provable using `Wishlist.isSetIsProp` - although
-- this creates homogenous paths.
isSetEq : (p : A B) (λ i isSet (p i)) [ isSetA isSetB ]
isSetEq = {!!}
res : hA hB
proj₁ (res i) = {!!}
proj₂ (res i) = isSetEq {!!} i
module inv = AreInverses inv
bwd : hA hB Σ (A B) isIso
bwd (f , g , x , y) = f , g , record { verso-recto = x ; recto-verso = y }
res : Σ (A B) isIso Eqv.≅ (hA hB)
res = fwd , bwd , record { verso-recto = refl ; recto-verso = refl }
conclusion : (hA hB) (hA hB)
conclusion = trivial? step0 step1 step2
t : (hA hB) (hA hB)
t = sym≃ conclusion
-- TODO Is the morphism `(_≃_.eqv conclusion)` the same as
-- `(id-to-iso (λ {A} {B} → isIdentity {A} {B}) hA hB)` ?
res : isEquiv (hA hB) (hA hB) (_≃_.eqv t)
res = _≃_.isEqv t
module _ {hA hB : hSet {}} where
univalent : isEquiv (hA hB) (hA hB) (id-to-iso (λ {A} {B} isIdentity {A} {B}) hA hB)
univalent = {!gradLemma obverse inverse verso-recto recto-verso!}
univalent = let k = _≃_.isEqv (sym≃ conclusion) in {!!}
SetsIsCategory : IsCategory SetsRaw
IsCategory.isAssociative SetsIsCategory = refl

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@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ module _ {a b : Level} where
obverse = f
reverse = g
inverse = reverse
toPair : Σ _ _
toPair = verso-recto , recto-verso
Isomorphism : (f : A B) Set _
Isomorphism f = Σ (B A) λ g AreInverses f g
@ -28,6 +30,21 @@ module _ {a b : Level} where
_≅_ : Set a Set b Set _
A B = Σ (A B) Isomorphism
module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } {f : A B}
(g : B A) (s : {A B : Set } isSet (A B)) where
propAreInverses : isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
propAreInverses x y i = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
open AreInverses
ve-re : g f idFun A
ve-re = s (g f) (idFun A) (verso-recto x) (verso-recto y) i
re-ve : f g idFun B
re-ve = s (f g) (idFun B) (recto-verso x) (recto-verso y) i
-- In HoTT they generalize an equivalence to have the following 3 properties:
module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
record Equiv (iseqv : (A B) Set ) : Set (a b ) where
@ -130,54 +147,18 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
module NoEta {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
open import Cubical.PathPrelude renaming (_≃_ to _≃η_)
open import Cubical.Univalence using (_≃_)
doEta : A B A ≃η B
doEta (_≃_.con eqv isEqv) = eqv , isEqv
deEta : A ≃η B A B
deEta (eqv , isEqv) = _≃_.con eqv isEqv
module Equivalence (e : A B) where
doEta : A B A ≃η B
doEta = {!!}
deEta : A ≃η B A B
deEta = {!!}
e = doEta e
module E = Equivalence e
open E hiding (toIsomorphism ; fromIsomorphism ; _~_) public
open Equivalence (doEta e) hiding (toIsomorphism ; fromIsomorphism ; _~_) public
fromIsomorphism : A B A B
fromIsomorphism (f , iso) = _≃_.con f (Equiv≃.fromIso _ _ iso)
toIsomorphism : A B A B
toIsomorphism (_≃_.con f eqv) = f , Equiv≃.toIso _ _ eqv
-- private
-- module Equiv (e : A ≃ B) where
-- open _≃_ e renaming (eqv to obverse)
-- private
-- inverse : B → A
-- inverse b = fst (fst (isEqv b))
-- -- We can extract an isomorphism from an equivalence.
-- --
-- -- One way to do it would be to use univalence and coersion - but there's
-- -- probably a more straight-forward way that does not require breaking the
-- -- dependency graph between this module and Cubical.Univalence
-- areInverses : AreInverses obverse inverse
-- areInverses = record
-- { verso-recto = verso-recto
-- ; recto-verso = recto-verso
-- }
-- where
-- postulate
-- verso-recto : inverse ∘ obverse ≡ idFun A
-- recto-verso : obverse ∘ inverse ≡ idFun B
-- toIsomorphism : A ≅ B
-- toIsomorphism = obverse , (inverse , areInverses)
-- open AreInverses areInverses
-- equiv≃ : Equiv A B (isEquiv A B)
-- equiv≃ = {!!}
-- -- A wrapper around Univalence.≃
-- module Equiv≃ = Equiv {!!}