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This project aims to formalize some parts of category theory using cubical agda — an extension to agda permitting univalence. To learn more about this read the docs.

This project draws a lot of inspiration from the HoTT-book.

If you want more information about this project, then you're in luck. This is my masters thesis. Go ahead and read it:

cd doc/


To successfully compile the following is needed:

Also tested with:

  • Agda version 2.6.0-d3efe64


You can build the library with

git submodule update --init

The Makefile takes care of using the right dependencies. Unfortunately I have not found a way to automatically inform agda-mode that it should use these dependencies. So what you can do in stead is to copy these libraries to a global location and then add them system wide:

mkdir -p ~/.agda/libs
cd ~/.agda/libs
git clone $CAT/libs/std-lib
git clone $CAT/libs/cubical
echo << EOF | tee -a ~/.agda/libraries

Or you could symlink them as well if you want.

  1. At least version >= 707ce6042 ↩︎