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Version 1.3.0

Removed unused modules and streamlined things more: All specific categories are in the namespace Cat.Categories.

Lemmas about categories are now in the appropriate record e.g. IsCategory. Also changed how category reexports stuff.

Rename the module Properties to Yoneda - because that's all it talks about now.

Rename Opposite to opposite

Add documentation in Category-module

Formulation of monads in two ways; the "monoidal-" and "kleisli-" form.

WIP: Equivalence of these two formulations

Also use hSets in a few concrete categories rather than just pure Set.

Version 1.2.0

This version is mainly a huge refactor.

I've renamed

  • distrib to isDistributive
  • arrowIsSet to arrowsAreSets
  • ident to isIdentity
  • assoc to isAssociative

And added "type-synonyms" for all of these. Their names should now match their type. So e.g. isDistributive has type IsDistributive.

I've also changed how names are exported in Functor to be in line with Category.

Version 1.1.0

In this version categories have been refactored - there's now a notion of a raw category, and a proper category which has the data (raw category) as well as the laws.

Furthermore the type of arrows must be homotopy sets and they must satisfy univalence.

I've made a module Cat.Wishlist where I just postulate things that I hope to implement upstream in cubical.

I have proven that IsCategory is a mere proposition.

I've also updated the category of sets to adhere to this new definition.