
1.2 KiB

Linux Plugin

Processor Extension

Reports the following metrics seen:

  • user - Percentage of CPU time spend on user processes.
  • sys - Percentage of CPU time spend on system processes.
  • wait - Percentage of CPU time spend on waiting (for i/o).
  • idle - Percentage of CPU time spend on idle (doing nothing).
  • busy - Percentage of CPU time not spend on idle (working).

Memory Extension

Reports the following metrics, from the free command:

  • total - The total amount of (installed) memory (in KB).
  • used - Used memory (calculated as total - free - buffers - cache) (in KB).
  • free - Unused memory (MemFree and SwapFree in /proc/meminfo) (in KB).
  • shared - Memory used (mostly) by tmpfs (Shmem in /proc/meminfo) (in KB).
  • buffers - Sum of buffers and cache (in KB).
  • available - Estimation of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping (in KB).
  • usage - Percentage of memory used out of the total amount of memory.

Disk Extension

Only reports first device found. Improvements on the TODO.

Metrics reported are:

  • device - Name of device.
  • reads - The total number of KB read.
  • writes - The total number of KB written.