
963 B

System Monitor

... or some better name.


Runs on your host and collects metrics. Metrics are aggregated and sent to central collector.


Receives aggregated measurements from agents and saves metrics info InfluxDB.

Build & Test

Use the gradle build tool, which will download all required dependencies:

./gradlew clean build

Local Testing

InfluxDB container

Start the InfluxDB container:

docker run --name=influxdb --rm -d -p 8086:8086 influxdb:1.8-alpine

To execute the Influx client from within the container:

docker exec -it influxdb influx

Grafana container

Start the Grafana container, linking it to the InfluxDB container:

docker run --name grafana --link influxdb:influxdb --rm -d -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana:7.1.3

Setup Grafana to connect to the InfluxDB container by defining a new datasource on URL http://influxdb:8086 named sysmon.