2020-04-14 20:42:35 +02:00

963 B

+++ title = "Code Snippets" description = "Post about code snippets" +++

Code blocks.. with automatic syntax highlighting!

def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
println(add(1, 2)) // 3

See the docs for options.


Zola defines a few default shortcodes, including to embed a Github gist.

The arguments are:

  • url: the url to the gist (mandatory)
  • file: by default, the shortcode will pull every file from the URL unless a specific filename is requested
  • class: a class to add to the <div> surrounding the iframe

Usage example:

{{/* gist(url="") */}}

{{/* gist(url="", class="gist") */}}

Result example:

{{ gist(url="") }}