
788 B


Django project to power Bornhack.

Features do not include:

  • Create camp
  • Control expenses for a camp
  • Manage signups for attendees for a camp
  • ...


Create a virtual environment and activate it:

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

(venv) $ pip install -r requirements/development.txt

Copy environment file and change settings like DATABASE_URL:

(venv) $ cp bornhack/settings/env.dist bornhack/settings/.env

Run make

(venv) $  make

Which is equivalent with this:

(venv) $ ./ migrate --settings=bornhack.settings.development
(venv) $ ./ createsuperuser --settings=bornhack.settings.development
(venv) $ ./ runserver --settings=bornhack.settings.development