I like going to hacker events where I have in collaboration with other people made things from pizza ovens to tools that help journalists secure their cryptographic keys in [Qubes OS](https://www.qubes-os.org/) protecting their sources.
Some of the friends I made in this community got funding from the EU, the [NGI Pointer](https://ngi.pointer.eu/).
The fund supports open source projects working towards the Next Generation Internet with European values.
The funding for [Robur](https://robur.coop/) is to work on making it easier to run MirageOS applications.
This involves working with activist collectives and other interested parties such as
[Immderda.ch](https://www.immderda.ch/), [Autistici](https://www.autistici.org/), [Censurfridns.dk](https://censurfridns.dk/) and [data.coop](https://data.coop/).
[Robur](https://robur.coop/) is structured as a non-profit, and a certain percentage has to come from funds or donations.
The pay is far from market rate, but enough to live on and maybe pay for an affordable office space.
The deal is non-exclusive; with the company Sorbus ursina I set up I can make a business of the things I like to do. Or not. The structure is there.
With the the office I plan on working from there just about every weekday.
I am a social being and thrive around other people.
I look forward to coming to Frontløberne daily and share the space and ideas with the lovely people there.