Element.data.coop suggests logging in at matrix.data.coop
Element.data.coop suggests logging in at matrix.data.coop
When you open element.data.coop in a fresh browser session and hit "Sign In" it suggests using matrix.data.coop as homeserver. I believe it should be just data.coop, but please correct me if I'm…
Use pinafore as frontend for social.data.coop
I set pinafore up on pinafore.data.coop - I had forgot about this suggestion. As pinafore heavily uses indexeddb on the client it's not obvious to me how you can migrate pinafore to a different…
Change Pinafore domain to pinafore.testing.data.coop
Ah, oops. I forgot we had that discussion. Can we (exceptionally) keep it at this domain? It uses IndexedDB for local storage storing login credentials and such, I believe. I think this means we…