the_4n0nym0u53 e3baa27189
Solarized colorscheme (#1)
* Trying out a new rice :))

* Waybar: Move box-shadows to the top.

* Waybar: Revamp Waybar config, including new solarized colorscheme.

* Solarize background color on Waybar and Alacritty.

* Fully solarized.

* Adjust media module length.

* Waybar: Change some colors.

* Solarize the rest of it.

* Waybar: Change date format.
2021-12-06 20:06:58 +00:00

970 B

My dotfiles

This is a collection of some of my dotfiles for my Artix Linux system.


You can install these dotfiles by cloning this repository and executing

$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ chmod +x
$ ./

This configuration depends on the following packages:

  • alacritty
  • artix-backgrounds
  • doas*
  • git
  • grimshot
  • mako
  • neovim
  • pavucontrol
  • pipewire
  • playerctl
  • protonvpn-cli-ng
  • python
  • stow
  • sway
  • swaylock-effects
  • sway-launcher-desktop
  • waybar
  • wireplumber

* If you prefer sudo, then change all instances of doas to sudo. They're mainly in the sway config file and in my script.

Also, you need to make a doas/sudo rule that allows you to execute protonvpn, poweroff and reboot without a password, otherwise the keybindings for those won't work.