Sam A. 023e14ba04
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2022-05-29 16:23:26 +02:00

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My Cryptographic Keys

PGP key

My public PGP key is the following:

pub   ed25519/0x3FC96B835B918FC3 2022-05-28 [C] [expires: 2024-05-27]
      Key fingerprint = 7D80 F5D8 4022 B8F5 E030  CC3E 3FC9 6B83 5B91 8FC3
uid                   [ unknown] Sam Al-Sapti <>
uid                   [ unknown] Sam Al-Sapti <>
sub   ed25519/0xCBBBE7371E81C4EA 2022-05-28 [S] [expires: 2022-11-24]
      Key fingerprint = 758F 1A17 C803 5FD9 3912  C9E2 CBBB E737 1E81 C4EA
sub   cv25519/0x914289689CF45D4F 2022-05-28 [E] [expires: 2022-11-24]
      Key fingerprint = 20D2 BBB4 63CA 6CB6 F295  F2BA 9142 8968 9CF4 5D4F
sub   ed25519/0x899C7CF4B526656F 2022-05-28 [A] [expires: 2022-11-24]
      Key fingerprint = FA9B 317E D1D3 4906 46CC  D154 899C 7CF4 B526 656F

You can download it here or from your preferred keyserver.

SSH key

If you need to give me shell access to your server or similar, please use the following public SSH key:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPd/4fQV7CL8/KVwbo/phiV5UdXFBIDlkZ+ps8C7FeRf cardno:14 336 332

You can download it here.