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2024-01-24 01:02:07 +00:00
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Ole Tange, and Free Software and Foundation, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# Simple jobs that never fails
# Each should be taking >300s and be possible to run in parallel
# I.e.: No race conditions, no logins
# tmpdir with > 5 GB available
export TMP5G
rm -f /tmp/*.{tmx,pac,arg,all,log,swp,loa,ssh,df,pip,tmb,chr,tms,par}
par_compare_exit_codes() {
echo '### compare the exit codes'
echo 'directly from shells, shells called from parallel,'
echo 'killed with different signals'
# run:
# * exit $val
# * kill -$1 $$'
# both:
# * under different shells
# * from parallel running under different shells
# record:
# * exit value
# * signal
echo sig=joblog_sig shell=parallel=joblog
# The quoting of \n is wrong for csh, so just use a sane TMPDIR here
export TMPDIR
mkdir -p "$TMPDIR"
qselfkill=$(parallel -0 --shellquote ::: "$selfkill")
qqselfkill=$(parallel -0 --shellquote --shellquote ::: "$selfkill")
export selfkill qselfkill qqselfkill
echo 'kill -$1 $$' >"$selfkill"
qexit=$(parallel -0 --shellquote ::: "$exit")
qqexit=$(parallel -0 --shellquote --shellquote ::: "$exit")
export exit qexit qqexit
echo 'exit $1' >"$exit"
doit() {
sig128=$(( sig + 128 ))
sh -c "$shell $qselfkill $sig" 2>/dev/null
sh -c "$shell $qexit $sig128" 2>/dev/null
qlog=$(parallel -0 --shellquote ::: "$log")
qqlog=$(parallel -0 --shellquote --shellquote ::: "$log")
$shell -c "parallel --halt now,done=1 --jl $qlog $shell $qqselfkill ::: $sig" 2>/dev/null
#echo parallel $shell $sig = $?
joblog_exit=$(field 7 < "$log" | tail -n1)
joblog_signal=$(field 8 < "$log" | tail -n1)
$shell -c "parallel --halt now,done=1 --jl $qlog $shell $qqexit ::: $sig128" 2>/dev/null
joblog_exit128=$(field 7 < "$log" | tail -n1)
joblog_signal128=$(field 8 < "$log" | tail -n1)
rm "$log"
echo $shell sig' ' $sig=$joblog_signal $raw=$parallel=$joblog_exit
echo $shell exit $sig128=$joblog_signal128 $raw128=$parallel128=$joblog_exit128
export -f doit
# These give the same exit code prepended with 'true;' or not
OK="ash csh dash fish fizsh posh rc sash sh tcsh"
# These do not give the same exit code prepended with 'true;' or not
BAD="bash ksh93 mksh static-sh yash zsh"
# Most block on signals: 19+20+21+22
ulimit -n `ulimit -Hn`
parallel -j1000% -k doit ::: $OK $BAD ::: {1..18} {23..64}
# fdsh blocks on a lot more signals
parallel -j1000% -k doit ::: fdsh ::: 2 {9..12} {14..18} {20..23} 26 27 29 30 {32..64}
) |
# Ignore lines where the exit codes are the same
perl -ne '/(\d+)=\1=\1/ or print'
rm "$selfkill" "$exit"
rmdir "$TMPDIR"
par_retries_unreachable() {
echo '### Test of --retries on unreachable host'
seq 2 | stdout parallel -k --retries 2 -v -S,: echo
par_outside_file_handle_limit() {
ulimit -n 1024
echo "### Test Force outside the file handle limit, 2009-02-17 Gave fork error"
(echo echo Start; seq 1 20000 | perl -pe 's/^/true /'; echo echo end) |
stdout parallel -uj 0 | egrep -v 'processes took|adjusting' |
perl -pe 's/\d\d\d/999/'
par_over_4GB() {
echo '### Test if we can deal with output > 4 GB'
echo |
nice parallel --tmpdir $TMP5G -q perl -e '$a="x"x1000000;for(0..4300){print $a}' |
nice md5sum
par__mem_leak() {
echo "### test for mem leak"
export parallel=parallel
no_mem_leak() {
run_measurements() {
measure() {
# Input:
# $1 = iterations
# $2 = sleep 1 sec for every $2
seq $1 | ramusage $parallel -u sleep '{= $_=$_%'$2'?0:1 =}'
export -f measure
seq $from $to | $parallel measure {} $pause_every |
sort -n
# Return false if leaking
# Normal: 16940-17320
max1000=$(run_measurements 1000 1007 100000 | tail -n1)
min30000=$(run_measurements 15000 15004 100000 | head -n1)
if [ $max1000 -gt $min30000 ] ; then
echo Probably no leak $max1000 -gt $min30000
return 0
echo Probably leaks $max1000 not -gt $min30000
# Make sure there are a few sleeps
max1000=$(run_measurements 1001 1007 100 | tail -n1)
min30000=$(run_measurements 30000 30004 100 | head -n1)
if [ $max1000 -gt $min30000 ] ; then
echo $max1000 -gt $min30000 = very likely no leak
return 0
echo not $max1000 -gt $min30000 = very likely leak
return 1
renice -n 3 $$ 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
if no_mem_leak >/dev/null ; then
echo no mem leak detected
echo possible mem leak;
par_xhalt_on_error() {
mytest() {
(echo "sleep 1;$BOOL1";
echo "sleep 2;$BOOL2";
echo "sleep 3;$BOOL1") |
parallel -j10 --halt-on-error $HALT
echo $?
(echo "sleep 1;$BOOL1";
echo "sleep 2;$BOOL2";
echo "sleep 3;$BOOL1";
echo "sleep 4;non_exist";
) |
parallel -j10 --halt-on-error $HALT
echo $?
export -f mytest
parallel -j1 -k --tag mytest ::: -2 -1 0 1 2 ::: true false ::: true false
par__test_build_and_install() {
cd ~/privat/parallel
# Make a .tar.gz file
stdout make dist |
perl -pe 's/make\[\d\]/make[0]/g;s/\d{8}/00000000/g'
LAST=$(ls *tar.gz | tail -n1)
cd /tmp
rm -rf parallel-20??????/
tar xf ~/privat/parallel/$LAST
cd parallel-20??????/
rm -rf /tmp/parallel-install
echo "### Test normal build and install"
# Make sure files depending on *.pod have to be rebuilt
touch src/*pod src/sql
./configure --prefix=/tmp/parallel-install &&
(stdout nice make -j3 >/dev/null;
stdout nice make install) |
perl -pe 's/make\[\d\]/make[0]/g;
s/rm: cannot remove.*\n//;
echo '### Test installation missing pod2*'
parallel which ::: pod2html pod2man pod2texi pod2pdf |
sudo parallel mv {} {}.hidden
# Make sure files depending on *.pod have to be rebuilt
touch src/*pod src/sql
./configure --prefix=/tmp/parallel-install &&
(stdout nice make -j3 >/dev/null;
stdout nice make install) |
perl -pe 's/make\[\d\]/make[0]/g;
s/rm: cannot remove.*\n//;
parallel which {}.hidden ::: pod2html pod2man pod2texi pod2pdf |
sudo parallel mv {} {.}
#par_crashing() {
# echo '### bug #56322: sem crashes when running with input from seq'
# echo "### This should time out - not fail"
# doit() { seq 100000000 |xargs -P 80 -n 1 sem true; }
# export -f doit
# stdout parallel -j1 --timeout 100 --nice 11 doit ::: 1
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | G "$@" par_ | LC_ALL=C sort |
2020-06-22 22:34:52 +00:00
parallel --timeout 1000% -j10 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1' |
perl -pe 's:/usr/bin:/bin:g'