2015-02-01 14:31:44 +01:00

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echo "### Test memory consumption stays (almost) the same for 30 and 300 jobs"
### Test memory consumption stays (almost) the same for 30 and 300 jobs
mem30=$( stdout time -f %M parallel -j2 true :::: <(perl -e '$a="x"x100000;for(1..30){print $a,"\n"}') ); mem300=$( stdout time -f %M parallel -j2 true :::: <(perl -e '$a="x"x100000;for(1..300){print $a,"\n"}') ); echo "Memory use should not depend very much on the total number of jobs run\n"; echo "Test if memory consumption(300 jobs) < memory consumption(30 jobs) * 110% "; echo $(($mem300*100 < $mem30 * 110))
Memory use should not depend very much on the total number of jobs run\n
Test if memory consumption(300 jobs) < memory consumption(30 jobs) * 110%
echo '### Test --shellquote'
### Test --shellquote
perl -e 'print pack("c*",1..255)' | parallel -0 --shellquote
\\\\\\\ '
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \!\"\#\$%\&\'\(\)\*+,-./0123456789:\;\<=\>\?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]\^_\`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{\|\}\~<7F>\\ƒ\„\…\†\‡\ˆ\‰\Š\\Œ\<5C>\Ž\<5C>\<5C>\\\“\”\•\\—\˜\™\š\\œ\<5C>\ž\Ÿ\ \¡\¢\£\¤\¥\¦\§\¨\©\ª\«\¬\­\®\¯\°\±\²\³\´\µ\¶\·\¸\¹\º\»\¼\½\¾\¿\À\Á\Â\Ã\Ä\Å\Æ\Ç\È\É\Ê\Ë\Ì\Í\Î\Ï\Ð\Ñ\Ò\Ó\Ô\Õ\Ö\×\Ø\Ù\Ú\Û\Ü\Ý\Þ\ß\à\á\â\ã\ä\å\æ\ç\è\é\ê\ë\ì\í\î\ï\ð\ñ\ò\ó\ô\õ\ö\÷\ø\ù\ú\û\ü\ý\þ\ÿ