Compare commits
No commits in common. "c57e78943da7875bf515129ac9dd4dc572370241" and "4d083fa4435511c255f5e70791a3984b909066b3" have entirely different histories.
@ -49,11 +49,6 @@ layout: default
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/mobilepay5.svg">
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/mobilepay5.svg">
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<a href="">
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/global-goal-16-DA-BW.svg">
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<div class="paragraphs">
<div class="paragraphs">
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@ -81,4 +76,5 @@ layout: default
{{ global.errata | markdownify }}
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@ -17,30 +17,18 @@ sections:
link: Hvorfor?
link: Hvorfor?
heading: Hvorfor er det vigtigt?
heading: Hvorfor er det vigtigt?
content: |
content: |
I en demokratisk retsstat har borgerne tillid til staten, og alle har ret til en retfærdig rettergang. Logningsdata indsamles ulovligt, men kan alligevel bruges i en straffesag imod dig. Dansk politi kan rejse tiltale og varetægtsfængsle udelukkende på baggrund af hvor din telefon har været. Men du kan ikke bruge det i dit forsvar. Hvis du beviser at din telefon ikke var på gerningsstedet, kan anklageren bruge det som bevis for at du havde planlagt din forbrydelse.
Måske har du ikke noget at skjule i dag, men dine ligegyldige data kan blive vigtige i morgen. Hvis en bekendt bliver anholdt er du automatisk under mistanke, bare fordi du sendte en fødselsdags-sms. Måske har du googlet “gødning” dagen før en hjemmelavet bombe bliver fundet? Måske er du medlem af en forening eller tilbeder af en religion der bliver forbudt i morgen?
Politiet har lettere og hurtigere adgang til dine data, og i teleskandalen lærte vi at politiet ændrer data, uden at sige det til forsvarsadvokater og dommere. Måske er du gået forbi et sted hvor der blev begået en forbrydelse. Politiet får en liste over alle der var i nærheden, og så skal du bevise at du ikke var skyldig.
Måske er du gået forbi et sted hvor der blev begået en forbrydelse. Politiet får en liste over alle der var i nærheden, og så skal du bevise at du ikke var skyldig.
FN's verdensmål nr. 16 handler om at støtte fredelige og inkluderende samfund. Alle skal have adgang til retssikkerhed og samfund skal have effektive, ansvarlige og inddragende institutioner på alle niveauer. Vores retssag er et vigtigt skridt i retning af at opnå dette mål. Vi skaber retspraksis der giver EU's menneskerettigheder direkte virkning i Danmark. Tidligere kunne et simpelt flertal i Folketinget tilsidesætte de fleste rettigheder.
Dansk politi kan rejse tiltale og varetægtsfængsle udelukkende på baggrund af hvor din telefon har været. Måske bliver du sigtet i næste uge.
Det standser vi.
- id: tellmemore
- id: tellmemore
link: Hvordan?
link: Hvordan?
heading: Jeg vil vide mere…
heading: Jeg vil vide mere…
content: |
content: |
Teleindustrien og de største teleselskaber kæmper for at logge, og bruger et [personligt brev](papesbrev) fra justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsen som undskyldning. I brevet truer han organisationens medlemmer til at fortsætte logning. Det er en tom trussel, for den har ingen hjemmel. Logningsdirektivet som lå til grund for den danske lognings­bekendt­gørelse er blevet underkendt ved EU-domstolen, fordi det krænker retten til privatliv. Menneskeretten er inkorporeret i både dansk ret og EU-retten, og en minister kan derfor ikke udstede bekendtgørelser der krænker borgernes rettigheder.
Teleindustrien og de største teleselskaber kæmper for at logge, og bruger et [personligt brev](papesbrev) fra justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsen som undskyldning. I brevet truer han organisationens medlemmer til at fortsætte logning, men det er en tom trussel, for han har ingen hjemmel. Logningsdirektivet som lå til grund for den danske lognings­bekendt­gørelse er blevet underkendt ved EU-domstolen, fordi det krænker retten til privatliv. Menneskeretten er inkorporeret i både dansk ret og EU-retten, og en minister kan derfor ikke udstede bekendtgørelser der krænker borgernes rettigheder.
Sagen kunne teoretisk anlægges imod et teleselskab, men med brevet fra ministeren kan de påstå uvidenhed. I samråd med vores advokat er målet at få den danske stat dømt for at overtræde dansk lov, EU- og menneskeretten. Det er en større og dyrere sag end at sagsøge et teleselskab, men den vil til gengæld standse politikeres tendens til at ignorere vores fundamentale rettigheder.
Sagen kunne teoretisk anlægges imod et teleselskab, men med brevet fra ministeren kan de påstå uvidenhed. I samråd med vores advokat er målet at få den danske stat dømt for at overtræde dansk lov, EU- og menneskeretten. Det er en større og dyrere sag end at sagsøge et teleselskab, men den vil til gengæld standse politikeres tendens til at ignorere vores fundamentale rettigheder.
Hvis du vil læse processkrifterne, vores vedtægter, vores regnskaber eller andre relevante dokumenter kan du finde dem her:
* [Vedtægter](/assets/docs/vedtaegter.pdf)
* [Regnskab 2018-2019](/assets/docs/2019-08-22-regnskab.pdf)
* [Indsamlingstilladelse 2019-2020](/assets/docs/indsamlingstilladelse2019.pdf)
* [Stævning]()
* [Svarskrift]()
- id: wannahelp
- id: wannahelp
link: Hjælp/bidrag!
link: Hjælp/bidrag!
heading: Jeg vil hjælpe!
heading: Jeg vil hjælpe!
@ -49,21 +37,19 @@ sections:
Økonomiske bidrag kan indbetales via Mobile Pay til [40456](!&t=d), på konto <span class="donate">5301 272500</span> (Arbejdernes Landsbank) eller via bitcoin til <span class="donate">3KCgp9THXoETK2qxE2TiPKpCCt5EYuombG</span>. Selvom vi har indsamlet de første 650.000 kr, har vi stadig brug for støtte.
Økonomiske bidrag kan indbetales via Mobile Pay til [40456](!&t=d), på konto <span class="donate">5301 272500</span> (Arbejdernes Landsbank) eller via bitcoin til <span class="donate">3KCgp9THXoETK2qxE2TiPKpCCt5EYuombG</span>. Selvom vi har indsamlet de første 650.000 kr, har vi stadig brug for støtte.
Den danske stats advokat, Kammeradvokat Poul Schmith, har ubegrænsede midler, og den ulige balance forhindrer mange i at tage principielle spørgsmål til domstolene. Vores næste delmål er 1.000.000 kr. Så skulle vi gerne være sikre på at få sagen hele vejen igennem retssystemet.
Den danske stats advokat, Kammeradvokat Poul Schmith, har ubegrænsede midler, og den ulige balance forhindrer mange i at tage principielle spørgsmål til domstolene. Vores næste delmål er 1.000.000 kr. Så skulle vi gerne være sikre på at få sagen hele vejen igennem byretten.
Du kan også hjælpe ved at skabe opmærksomhed. Kontakt dit netværk, journalister og din familie, og fortæl hvorfor det er vigtigt at kæmpe for vores basale rettigheder.
Du kan også hjælpe ved at skabe opmærksomhed. Kontakt dit netværk, journalister og din familie, og fortæl hvorfor det er vigtigt at kæmpe for vores basale rettigheder.
- id: faq
- id: faq
link: FAQ
link: FAQ
- heading: Hvad med Søren Pape?
- heading: Hvorfor Søren Pape?
id: hvorforPape
id: hvorforPape
answer: Han er ikke længere justitsminister.
answer: Fordi han var justitsminister.
explanation: |
explanation: |
Logning har altid været ulovligt. Søren Pind, Mette Frederiksen, Karen Hækkerup, Morten Bødskov, Brian Mikkelsen og Søren Pape har logget ulovligt som justitsministre, så det er ikke et spørgsmål om politiske holdninger. Sagen fortsætter ufortrødent, nu hvor Nick Hækkerup er minister. Det er et spørgsmål om at respektere fundamentale rettigheder, herunder alles ret til privatliv.
Logning var også ulovligt da Søren Pind, Mette Frederiksen, Karen Hækkerup, Morten Bødskov og Brian Mikkelsen var justitsministre, så det er ikke et spørgsmål om politiske holdninger. Sagen fortsætter ufortrødent, selvom Nick Hækkerup nu er minister. Det er et spørgsmål om at respektere fundamentale rettigheder, herunder alles ret til privatliv.
Pape skiller sig dog ud fra mængden, fordi han skrev et [brev til telebranchen](papesbrev). Det var ulovligt at han skrev brevet, men kun Folketinget kan stille ham til ansvar for brud på ministeransvarsloven.
Sagen vil forhåbentlig ændre danske politikeres åbenlyse og intentionelle overtrædelser af menneskeretten.
Sagen vil forhåbentlig ændre danske politikeres åbenlyse og intentionelle overtrædelser af menneskeretten. Men uanset om den gør, ændrer den retspraksis.
- heading: Hvorfor ikke TDC?
- heading: Hvorfor ikke TDC?
id: hvorforIkkeTDC
id: hvorforIkkeTDC
answer: Fordi Pape skrev et brev, hvor der står at de skal overvåge ulovligt, og Nick Hækkerup har ikke trukket den ulovlige ordre tilbage.
answer: Fordi Pape skrev et brev, hvor der står at de skal overvåge ulovligt, og Nick Hækkerup har ikke trukket den ulovlige ordre tilbage.
@ -98,10 +84,6 @@ sections:
Menneskeretsjurist [Rasmus Malver]( startede indsamlingen, og den næste store donor var [Bitbureauet]( Derfra tog det fart, og flere hundrede andre personer, virksomheder og foreninger har doneret til sagen. De indsamlede penge “tilhører” en forening hvis eneste formål er at føre retssagen og at sprede budskabet. Du kan læse [vedtægterne](vedtaegter) her.
Menneskeretsjurist [Rasmus Malver]( startede indsamlingen, og den næste store donor var [Bitbureauet]( Derfra tog det fart, og flere hundrede andre personer, virksomheder og foreninger har doneret til sagen. De indsamlede penge “tilhører” en forening hvis eneste formål er at føre retssagen og at sprede budskabet. Du kan læse [vedtægterne](vedtaegter) her.
Foreningen har valgt IT- og EU-retsspecialistkontoret [Bird & Bird](, hvor advokat Martin von Haller er primær tovholder.
Foreningen har valgt IT- og EU-retsspecialistkontoret [Bird & Bird](, hvor advokat Martin von Haller er primær tovholder.
Du kan finde vores reviderede regnskab under [jeg vil vide mere](#tellmemore).
I bestyrelsen for Foreningen imod Ulovlig Logning sidder Rasmus Malver, Jeppe Ernst, Denis Smajlović, Peter Kofod og Henrik Kramshøj.
- heading: Hvad har logning med menneskeret at gøre?
- heading: Hvad har logning med menneskeret at gøre?
id: humanRights
id: humanRights
answer: Du har ret til privatliv.
answer: Du har ret til privatliv.
@ -128,8 +110,6 @@ sections:
Da vi nåede vores første delmål, 100.000 kr, skrev vores advokater [en udførlig stævning](staevning). Med pengene fra det næste delmål, 250.000 kr, havde vi råd til at stævne justitsminister Søren Pape, som repræsentant for den danske stat.
Da vi nåede vores første delmål, 100.000 kr, skrev vores advokater [en udførlig stævning](staevning). Med pengene fra det næste delmål, 250.000 kr, havde vi råd til at stævne justitsminister Søren Pape, som repræsentant for den danske stat.
Vi ved ikke hvor meget det vil ende med at koste, så vores næste mål er 1.000.000 kr. Selvom det lyder af meget, er det kun en brøkdel af hvad staten vil bruge. Det er dyrt at sikre vores rettigheder, og vi har tænkt os at gå hele vejen!
Vi ved ikke hvor meget det vil ende med at koste, så vores næste mål er 1.000.000 kr. Selvom det lyder af meget, er det kun en brøkdel af hvad staten vil bruge. Det er dyrt at sikre vores rettigheder, og vi har tænkt os at gå hele vejen!
Du kan finde vores reviderede regnskaber, tilladelse til indsamling og processkrifter i vores Dropbox.
- heading: Tjener i nogle penge på det her? Hvad hvis der er penge i overskud?
- heading: Tjener i nogle penge på det her? Hvad hvis der er penge i overskud?
id: areYouMakingMoney
id: areYouMakingMoney
answer: Nej, og hvis det er penge til overs går de til et lignende formål.
answer: Nej, og hvis det er penge til overs går de til et lignende formål.
@ -6,38 +6,28 @@ sections:
- id: intro
- id: intro
heading: Let's stop the mass surveillance!
heading: Let's stop the mass surveillance!
content: |
content: |
The mass surveillance conducted by European governments has on two occasions been struck down by the European Court of Justice. Most recently this happened in 2016 when the court reviewed the joint case of Tele2 from Sweden and Tom Watson et al from England and Wales. However Danish politicians and telco industry refuse to honour fundamental rights and continue to retain data illegally.
The mass surveillance conducted by European governments has on two occasions been struck down by the European Court of Justice. Most recently this happened in 2016 when the court reviewed the joint case of Tele2 from Sweden and Tom Watson et al from England and Wales. However Danish politicians and telco industry refuse to honor fundamental rights and continue to retain data illegally.
We are a motley crew of human rights advocates and privacy campaigners that have come together to use the courts to send a simple message: Honour the law and respect our fundamental rights.
We are a motley crew of human rights advocates and privacy campaigners that have come together to use the courts to send a simple message: Honour the law and respect our fundamental rights.
We have filed our suit against the Danish ministry of justice. You can download the subpœna (in Danish) [here (pdf)]( The lawsuit has been deemed important and as such referred to district court, but the government has twice been successful in delaying proceedings. Currently the case is on hold until March 2020, awaiting the decision by the European Court of Justice in the case of [Ordre des barreaux francophones and others](
We have filed our suit against the Danish ministry of justice. You can download the subpœna (in Danish) [here (pdf)]( The lawsuit has been deemed important and as such referred to district court, but the government has twice been successful in delaying proceedings. Currently the case is on hold until March 2020, awaiting the decision by the European Court of Justice in the case of [Ordre des barreaux francophones and others](
There is no doubt that we will win the case, so the government has no other tactic than to delay the inevitable while trying to bankrupt us. This is done by submitting ridiculous pleadings, which we are forced to pay our attorneys to respond to. Thus we need your help!
There is no doubt that we will win the case, so the government has no other tactic than to delay the inevitable while trying to bankrupt us. This is done by submitting ridiculous pleadings, which we are forced to pay our attorneys to respond to. Thus we need your help!
- id: butwhy
- id: butwhy
link: Why?
link: Why?
heading: But why?
heading: But why?
content: |
content: |
The rule of law is necessary to maintain a democratic society. Privacy, liberty, peaceful protests and freedom of speech and thought are essential to keep the public debate free and open. The right to a fair trial by an independent judiciary is an overlying guarantee necessary to uphold any other right.
You might not think that your secrets are worth keeping, but with enough data, everyone’s a suspect. Maybe you’ve sent a Merry Christmas text to the suspect of an ongoing investigation? Maybe you’ve googled “manure” the week before a homemade bomb is found?
The illegal data retention infringes all of these rights. Illegally obtained evidence is admissible in Danish courts, so illegally retained metadata is commonly used by the prosecutors. The same data is useless for the defense. If your phone was not at the scene of the crime, the prosecutors argue it is proof of cover-up.
Maybe you’re the only person with a mobile phone that’s been near the scene of a crime, and maybe you’d just bought binliners. Mass surveillance flips the burden of proof. Your movements are recorded and can be used against you, but not in your defense. You might have left your phone at home on purpose.
The police have easier access to the data, and your defense is not guaranteed to be notified of their access. The police edit the data before submitting it to the court. This was accepted until 2019, when they admitted that data had been corrupted in thousands of cases.
The Danish constitution have few rights, and most can be set aside by parliament. Our case relies on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and will set a new precedent for human rights in Denmark.
- id: tellmemore
- id: tellmemore
link: How?
link: How?
heading: Tell me more!
heading: Tell me more!
content: |
content: |
The Danish telecom industry is still retaining data, in violation of the human rights of their customers. Attempting to justify their illegal actions, the Telecom Association have published a letter from the former minister of justice, Søren Pape Poulsen, telling them to disregard the law.
The Danish telecom industry is still retaining data, in violation of the human rights of their customers. Attempting to justify their illegal actions, the Telecom Association have published a letter from the minister of justice, Søren Pape Poulsen, telling them to disregard the law.
The minister's letter had no legal foundation, and we have decided to file suit against the state. A democratic society cannot tolerate officials threatening citizens and companies with prosecution if they honour the law.
Unfortunately all of the documents concerning the case and our organisation are only available in Danish.
* [Bylaws](/assets/docs/vedtaegter.pdf)
* [Audited financial statement 2018-2019](/assets/docs/2019-08-22-regnskab.pdf)
* [Permission to fundraise 2019-2020](/assets/docs/indsamlingstilladelse2019.pdf)
The minister's letter had no legal foundation, and we have decided to file suit against the state. A democratic society cannot tolerate officials threatening citizens and companies with prosecution if they honor the law.
- id: wannahelp
- id: wannahelp
link: Help us!
link: Help us!
heading: I want to help!
heading: I want to help!
@ -52,12 +42,10 @@ sections:
- id: faq
- id: faq
link: FAQ
link: FAQ
- heading: What about Søren Pape?
- heading: Why Søren Pape?
answer: He is no longer minister of justice.
answer: He is Minister of Justice.
explanation: |
explanation: |
Current minister is Nick Hækkerup, so he is party to the lawsuit. Data retention was equally illegal when Søren Pind (V), Mette Frederiksen (S), Karen Hækkerup (S), Morten Bødskov (S), Brian Arthur Mikkelsen (K) and Søren Pape (K) held the office. It is not a political issue. It is about honouring the law and not violating the fundamental rights.
Søren Pape is the relevant minister. Data retention was equally illegal when Søren Pind (V), Mette Frederiksen (S), Karen Hækkerup (S), Morten Bødskov (S) and Brian Arthur Mikkelsen (K) held the office. It is not a political issue. It is about honoring the law and not violating the fundamental rights.
Pape was special because he wrote [an illegal letter](papesbrev), requiring the telco network owners to continue to retain data. This was a violation of the constitution, but the same document states that only parliament can hold him responsible.
This case will, hopefully, change Danish politicians obvious and intentional violations of our human rights.
This case will, hopefully, change Danish politicians obvious and intentional violations of our human rights.
- heading: Why not TDC?
- heading: Why not TDC?
@ -73,7 +61,7 @@ sections:
Have you bought a crowbar recently or have you walked past a house that has been burgled? Mass surveillance requires you to [doublethink]( to stay out of jail.
Have you bought a crowbar recently or have you walked past a house that has been burgled? Mass surveillance requires you to [doublethink]( to stay out of jail.
Honouring human rights does not leave the police blind as bats. Crime could be solved before 2006, but the police have to think for themselves. Who might be a suspect and why? It will still be possible to conduct surveillance, but only with sufficient democratic oversight.
Honoring human rights does not leave the police blind as bats. Crime could be solved before 2006, but the police have to think for themselves. Who might be a suspect and why? It will still be possible to conduct surveillance, but only with sufficient democratic oversight.
- heading: Who's behind this?
- heading: Who's behind this?
answer: Foreningen imod Ulovlig Logning (The Association Against Illegal Surveillance).
answer: Foreningen imod Ulovlig Logning (The Association Against Illegal Surveillance).
explanation: |
explanation: |
@ -97,7 +85,7 @@ sections:
- heading: What is being retained about me?
- heading: What is being retained about me?
answer: Among other things what phone you have, where you are and who you're communicating with.
answer: Among other things what phone you have, where you are and who you're communicating with.
explanation: |
explanation: |
The location of your mobile phone every time you send or receive a text or a call. Also who you communicate with. You can ask your provider for a copy of the data.
The location of your mobile phone at all times of every day. Who you communicate with and, to some degree, what you do online. You can ask your provider for a copy of the data. If they reply within a reasonable time, they are allowed to charge you up to 200 DKK for it.
- heading: The minister says he needs time to replace the legislation. Isn't that ok?
- heading: The minister says he needs time to replace the legislation. Isn't that ok?
answer: No.
answer: No.
explanation: |
explanation: |
@ -110,4 +98,4 @@ sections:
Justice minister Søren Pape Poulsen wants to continue the surveillance and is desperately looking for a way to sneak it through parliament. There is a large majority for doing it, but it would require Danish secession from the Council of Europe and potentially the European Union. Denmark would then stand with Belarus as one of only two European states not a party to the Convention on Human Rights.
Justice minister Søren Pape Poulsen wants to continue the surveillance and is desperately looking for a way to sneak it through parliament. There is a large majority for doing it, but it would require Danish secession from the Council of Europe and potentially the European Union. Denmark would then stand with Belarus as one of only two European states not a party to the Convention on Human Rights.
Metadata retention is a criminal act, and the minister is only kept out of jail by a constitutional provision stating that only other politicians can bring him to justice.
Metadata retention is a criminal act, and the minister is only kept out of jail by a constitutional provision stating that only other politicians can bring him to justice.
Binary file not shown.
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