Generate the site in danish and english #3

Manually merged
ulovliglogning merged 6 commits from multilang into master 2018-01-24 20:39:58 +00:00
22 changed files with 257 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ gem "jekyll", "~> 3.6.2"
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# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on.
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# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
title: Til kamp mod Ulovlig Logning<
title: Til kamp mod Ulovlig Logning!
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Den danske totalovervågning er kendt ulovlig, men teleselskaber og politikere er ligeglade.
Nu gør vi noget ved det! #ulovligLogning
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Til kamp mod Ulovlig Logning!
description: >-
Den danske totalovervågning er kendt ulovlig, men teleselskaber og politikere er ligeglade.
Nu gør vi noget ved det! #ulovligLogning
da: Dansk
en: Engelsk

_data/en/common.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: Fighting the illegal surveillance!
description: >-
The Danish states massurveillance has been ruled illegal, but the telcos and the politicians don't care.
Now we are going to do something about it! #ulovligLogning
da: Danish
en: English

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layout: default
title: About
permalink: /about/
This is the base Jekyll theme. You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at [](
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[jekyll][jekyll-organization] /
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assets/files/PapesBrev.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

assets/files/vedtaegter.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
layout: indexpage
lang: da
permalink: /
- id: intro
heading: Lad os stoppe overvågningen!
content: |
For mere end et år siden blev den danske totalovervågning af dine internetvaner og bevægemønstre kendt ulovlig ved EU-domstolen. Det bryder de danske politikere sig ikke om, så de har bedt telebranchen fortsætte ulovlighederne. Branchen er splittet. De fire store, TDC, 3, Telenor og Telia logger stadig. Også mere end de må.
For mere end et år siden blev den danske totalovervågning af dine internetvaner og bevægemønstre kendt ulovlig ved EU-domstolen. Det bryder de danske politikere sig ikke om, så de har bedt telebranchen fortsætte ulovlighederne. Branchen er splittet. De fire store, [TDC](, [3](, [Telenor]( og [Telia]( logger stadig. Også [mere end de må](
Vi er en broget flok af privatlivsentusiaster og menneskerettighedsforekæmpere der nu går til domstolene med simpelt budskab: Overhold loven og respektér vores fundamentale rettigheder!
@ -22,15 +24,15 @@ sections:
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Sagen startede med en registerindsigt hos teleselskabet TDC. Det var Rasmus Malver der bad om den, og efter lang tids venten og mange rykkere sendte TDC en ukrypteret indsigt. Indsigten viste sig at indeholde ulovligt optagne data, men brancheforeningen Teleindustrien insisterede på at TDC ikke ønskede at logge. Hvis de var tilfældet kunne man lægge sag an imod TDC, og de ville bare erkende at indsamlingen var ulovlig. Rasmus skrev en stævning, som du kan downloade her.
Men det viste sig at brancheorganisationen ikke havde talt med TDC, for det tidligere statsmonopol ville kæmpe for retten til ulovlig logning. Teleindustrien skiftede holdning, og tilvejebragte et personligt brev fra justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsen, hvori han truer organisationens medlemmer til at fortsætte logning.
Men det viste sig at brancheorganisationen ikke havde talt med TDC, for det tidligere statsmonopol ville kæmpe for retten til ulovlig logning. Teleindustrien skiftede holdning, og tilvejebragte et [personligt brev](assets/files/PapesBrev.pdf) fra justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsen, hvori han truer organisationens medlemmer til at fortsætte logning.
Sagen kan stadig anlægges imod TDC, men med brevet fra ministeren er det lettere for dem at påstå uvidenhed. I samråd med en advokat blev sagen ændret, og målet er nu at få den danske stat dømt for ikke at overholde menneskeretten. Det er en større og dyrere sag, men den har til gengæld potentiale for at ændre politikeres adgang til at ignorere vores fundamentale rettigheder.
- id: wannahelp
heading: Jeg vil hjælpe!
content: |
Hvis du har lyst til at hjælpe, kan du kontakte [Rasmus Malver]( på [Twitter]( eller på sms.
Hvis du har lyst til at hjælpe, kan du kontakte [Rasmus Malver]( på [Twitter]( eller på [sms/signal](sms:+4526809424).
I løbet af uge 3 (15. - 21. januar) forventer vi at få et kontonummer, så økonomiske bidrag kan indbetales så anonymt som muligt. Selvom vi har indsamlet 100.000 kr, og dermed har nået det første del-mål, har vi stadig brug for støtte.
Økonomiske bidrag kan indbetales så anonymt som muligt på konto 5042 1165817 (IBAN DK6850420001165817 / SWIFT JYBADKKK). Vær sød at skrive RASMA.0001 i beskedfeltet. Selvom vi har indsamlet 100.000 kr, og dermed har nået det første del-mål, har vi stadig brug for støtte.
Den danske stats advokat, Kammeradvokat Poul Schmith, har ubegrænsede midler, og den ulige balance forhindrer mange i at tage principielle spørgsmål til domstolene. Vores næste delmål er 250.000 kr. Det skulle gerne få sagen prøvet i første instans.
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ sections:
Sagen vil forhåbentlig ændre danske politikeres åbenlyse og intentionelle overtrædelser af menneskeretten.
* ### Hvorfor ikke TDC?
TDCs påstand er juridisk vildfarelse. Det betyder at de ikke kan stilles til ansvar for at gøre noget ulovligt, fordi de ikke kunne forventes at forstå at det var ulovligt. Med Papes brev til Teleindustrien står de bedre. Men der er stadig en forventning om at man skal kunne indse at en ordre er ulovlig. Også når den kommer fra en minister.
TDCs *påstand* er *juridisk vildfarelse*. Det betyder at de ikke kan stilles til ansvar for at gøre noget ulovligt, fordi de ikke kunne forventes at forstå at det var ulovligt. Med [Papes brev til Teleindustrien](assets/files/PapesBrev.pdf) står de bedre. Men der er stadig en forventning om at man skal kunne indse at en ordre er ulovlig. Også når den kommer fra en minister.
Det er både hårdere og dyrere at gå efter Justitsministeriet i stedet, men til gengæld kan det ændre retstilstanden i Danmark. Og måske politikernes aktive overtrædelse af vores rettigheder.
* ### Hvorfor skal jeg bekymre mig om logning? Jeg har intet at skjule, så hvis det hjælper mod kriminalitet går jeg ind for logning!
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ sections:
* ### Hvem står bag søgsmålet?
Menneskeretsjurist [Rasmus Malver]( startede indsamlingen, og den næste store donor var [Bitbureauet]( Derfra tog det fart, og mere end 20 andre personer, virksomheder og foreninger har doneret til sagen. De indsamlede penge “tilhører” en forening hvis eneste formål er at føre retssagen og at sprede budskabet. Du kan læse vedtægterne her.
Menneskeretsjurist [Rasmus Malver]( startede indsamlingen, og den næste store donor var [Bitbureauet]( Derfra tog det fart, og mere end 20 andre personer, virksomheder og foreninger har doneret til sagen. De indsamlede penge “tilhører” en forening hvis eneste formål er at føre retssagen og at sprede budskabet. Du kan læse [vedtægterne](assets/files/vedtaegter.pdf) her.
Foreningen har valgt IT- og EU-retsspecialistkontoret [Bird & Bird](, hvor advokat Martin von Haller er primær tovholder.

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
layout: indexpage
lang: en
permalink: /
- id: intro
heading: Lets stop the mass surveillance!
content: |
The mass surveillance conducted by European governments has on two occasions been struck down by the European Court of Justice. Most recently this happened in 2016, when the court reviewed the joint case of Tele2 from Sweden and Tom Watson et al from England and Wales. However Danish politicians and telco industry refuse to honour fundamental rights, and continue to retain data illegally.
We are a motley crew of human rights advocates and privacy campaigners that have come together to use the courts to send a simple message: Honour the law and respect our fundamental rights.
In cooperation with our attorneys we are currently working on the suppœna to file suit against the minister of justice, Søren Pape Poulsen. The document will be published 15 March for public consultation, and filed on 2 April 2018.
- id: butwhy
heading: But why?
content: |
You might not think that your secrets are worth keeping, but with enough data, everyone's a suspect. Maybe you've sent a merry christmas-text to the suspect of an ongoing investigation? Maybe you've googled “manure” the week before a homemade bomb is found?
Maybe you're the only person with a mobile phone that's been near the scene of a crime, and maybe you'd just bought binliners. Mass surveillance flips the burden of proof. Your movements are recorded and can be used against you, but not in your defence. You might have left your phone at home on purpose.
- id: tellmemore
heading: Tell me more!
content: |
The movement began when Rasmus Malver asked his phone company, TDC, for a copy of their retained data. When the company finally delivered the data, it was evident that they had retained data illegally. The Telecom Industry Association of Denmark had publically claimed that they were opposed to violating human rights. Malver decided to call their bluff, and when presented with a draft suppœna TDC disowned the association's statement.
Attempting to justify their illegal actions, the Telecom Association published a letter from the minister of justice, Søren Pape Poulsen, telling them to disregard the law.
The case could still be brought against the phone companies, but with this letter they have a better case for arguing ignorance (although that is [technically a moot point]( However the actions of the minister are so grave that, in consultation with our attorneys, we have decided to file suit against the state instead. A democratic society cannot tolerate officials threatening citizens and companies with prosecution if they honour the law.
- id: wannahelp
heading: I want to help!
content: |
You can contact spokesperson [Rasmus Malver]( on [Twitter]( or via [sms/signal](sms:+4526809424).
You can also transfer money to `IBAN: DK6850420001165817`, `SWIFT: JYBADKKK` with the message `RASMA.0001` (important). We have already reached our first strech goal, 100.000 DKK, but we still need your help!
The designated attorney for the Danish government, Kammeradvokaten, has access to unlimited means. When your main customer prints their own money, you are free to charge a substantial sum.
You can also help us gain momentum through publicity. Contact your network, journalists, friends and family - and explain why it is important to fight for our rights.
- id: faq
heading: Questions & answers
content: |
* ### Why Søren Pape?
Because he is the relevant minister. Data retention was equally illegal when Søren Pind (V), Mette Frederiksen (S), Karen Hækkerup (S), Morten Bødskov (S) and Brian Arthur Mikkelsen (K) held the office. It is not a political issue. It is about hounouring the law and not violating the fundamental rights.
This case will, hopefully, change Danish politicians obvious and intentional violations of our human rights.
* ### Why not TDC?
TDC claim ignorance of the law. With the letter from the minister, they argue that they lack the ability to understand the illegality of a ministerial order.
It will be more difficult and more expensive to argue a case against the state of Denmark. But it will set the precedent for future governments wanting to oppress the fundamental rights of the people.
* ### Why should I care? If surveillance can hinder crime, I'm pro data retention!
Mass surveillance does not necessarily prevent or stop crime. It **can** lead to more arrests and fewer unsolved crimes, but mainly because innocent people will be punished. Having a database table of the location of unsolved crime and a database table of everybody's movements makes it possible to collate data and prove that everybody is guilty.
Have you bought a crowbar recently or have you walked past a house that has been burgled? Mass surveillance requires you to [doublethink]( to stay out of jail.
Honouring human rights does not leave the police blind as bats. Crime could be solved before 2006, but the police have to think for themselves. Who might be a suspect and why? It will still be possible to conduct surveillance, but only with sufficient democratic oversight.
* ### Who's behind this?
Human rights jurist [Rasmus Malver]( kickstarted the fundraising with a contribution of 30.000 DKK, and the second large donor is [Bitbureauet]( In January the movement gained traction and more than 20 people, businesses and organisation brought the total to 100.000 DKK. An organisation was created to hold the money, and it will all be used to pay the legal fees.
We have chosen IT- og EU-specialists [Bird & Bird](, and advokat Martin von Haller leads the team.
* ### What is the relationship to human rights?
Human rights are your rights againt governmental abuse. Some countries have human rights enshrined in their constitutions, but in Denmark they mainly exist in the form of the European Convention on Human Rights ([pdf]( It was written after the second world war to avoid history repeating, and over time it has been updated to protect minorities and to avoid the emerging terrors from states on both sides of the iron curtain.
The people of the European Union has agreed upon an updated version of the convention in 2000, the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights ([pdf](, where the protection of privacy is emphasised.
The Danish mass surveillance and retention of metadata is an obvious violation of both conventions, and it has been established that both are important parts of Danish law. The current surveillance is more intrusive than the surveillance conducted by both Gestapo and STASI.
You have the right not be the victim of this.
* ### Are you profiting from this? What will happen if there's too much money?
No. All of the funds will go to paying legal fees and the attorney, ([Bird & Bird]( If there is “too much” money (unlikely), it will be forwarded to a similar case or organisation.
* ### What is being retained about me?
The location of your mobile phone at all times of every day. Who you communicate with and, to some degree, what you do online. You can ask your provider for a copy of the data. If they reply within a reasonable time, they are allowed to charge you up to 200 DKK for it.
* ### The minister says he need time to replace the legislation. Isn't that ok?
No. When mass surveillance was brought in on EU level, politicians were told it violates human rights, and thus it would be illegal. When implemented in Denmark they were told the same. When the ministerial notice was issued they were told again.
A ministerial notice (bekendtgørelse) cannot exist without a legal basis in a law, and a law implementing EU regulation cannot exist when the regulation has been struck down.
The European Court of Justice was unusually clear when striking down the surveillance regulation in both the case of Digital Rights and Tele2/Watson. It did not come as a surprise to anybody, and obviously it withdrew any legal basis from the ministerial notice.
Justice minister Søren Pape Poulsen wants to continue surveillance, and is desperately looking for a way to sneak it through parliament. There is a large majority for doing it, but it would require Danish secession from the Council of Europe and potentially the European Union. Denmark would then stand with Belarus as one of only two European states not a party to the Convention on Human Rights.
Metadata retention is a criminal act, and the minister is only kept out of jail by constitutional provision stating that only other politicians can bring him to justice.