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# Simple jobs that never fails
# Each should be taking 30-100s and be possible to run in parallel
# I.e.: No race conditions, no logins
par_exit_code() {
echo 'bug #52207: Exit status 0 when child job is killed, even with "now,fail=1"'
in_shell_run_command() {
# Runs command in given shell via Perl's open3
perl -MIPC::Open3 -e 'open3($a,$b,$c,"'$shell'","-c",'"$prg"'); wait; print $?>>8,"\n"'
export -f in_shell_run_command
runit() {
OK="ash bash csh dash fish mksh posh rc sash sh static-sh tcsh"
BAD="fdsh fizsh ksh ksh93 yash zsh"
rm -f /tmp/mysleep
cp /bin/sleep /tmp/mysleep
echo '# Ideally the command should return the same'
echo '# with or without parallel'
echo '# but fish 2.4.0 returns 1 while X.X.X returns 0'
parallel -kj500% --argsep ,, --tag in_shell_run_command {1} '{=2 $_=Q($_) =}' \
,, $OK $BAD ,, \
'/tmp/mysleep '$s \
'parallel --halt-on-error now,fail=1 /tmp/mysleep ::: '$s \
'parallel --halt-on-error now,done=1 /tmp/mysleep ::: '$s \
'parallel --halt-on-error now,done=1 /bin/true ::: '$s \
'parallel --halt-on-error now,done=1 exit ::: '$s \
'true;/tmp/mysleep '$s \
'parallel --halt-on-error now,fail=1 "true;/tmp/mysleep" ::: '$s \
'parallel --halt-on-error now,done=1 "true;/tmp/mysleep" ::: '$s \
'parallel --halt-on-error now,done=1 "true;/bin/true" ::: '$s \
'parallel --halt-on-error now,done=1 "true;exit" ::: '$s
export -f runit
killsleep() {
sleep 5
while true; do killall -9 mysleep 2>/dev/null; sleep 1; done
export -f killsleep
parallel -uj0 --halt now,done=1 ::: runit killsleep
par_macron() {
echo '### See if \257\256 \257<\257> is replaced correctly'
print_it() {
parallel $2 ::: "echo $1"
parallel $2 echo ::: "$1"
parallel $2 echo "$1" ::: "$1"
parallel $2 echo \""$1"\" ::: "$1"
parallel $2 echo "$1"{} ::: "$1"
parallel $2 echo \""$1"\"{} ::: "$1"
export -f print_it
parallel --tag -k print_it \
::: "$(perl -e 'print "\257"')" "$(perl -e 'print "\257\256"')" \
"$(perl -e 'print "\257\257\256"')" \
"$(perl -e 'print "\257<\257<\257>\257>"')" \
::: -X -q -Xq -k
par_groupby() {
tsv() {
printf "%s\t" a1 b1 C1; echo
printf "%s\t" 2 2 2; echo
printf "%s\t" 3 2 2; echo
printf "%s\t" 3 3 2; echo
printf "%s\t" 3 2 4; echo
printf "%s\t" 3 2 2; echo
printf "%s\t" 3 2 3; echo
export -f tsv
ssv() {
# space separated
printf "%s\t" a1 b1 C1; echo
printf "%s " 2 2 2; echo
printf "%s \t" 3 2 2; echo
printf "%s\t " 3 3 2; echo
printf "%s " 3 2 4; echo
printf "%s\t\t" 3 2 2; echo
printf "%s\t \t" 3 2 3; echo
export -f ssv
cssv() {
# , + space separated
printf "%s,\t" a1 b1 C1; echo
printf "%s ," 2 2 2; echo
printf "%s ,\t" 3 2 2; echo
printf "%s\t, " 3 3 2; echo
printf "%s,," 3 2 4; echo
printf "%s\t,,, " 3 2 2; echo
printf "%s\t" 3 2 3; echo
export -f cssv
csv() {
# , separated
printf "%s," a1 b1 C1; echo
printf "%s," 2 2 2; echo
printf "%s," 3 2 2; echo
printf "%s," 3 3 2; echo
printf "%s," 3 2 4; echo
printf "%s," 3 2 2; echo
printf "%s," 3 2 3; echo
export -f csv
tester() {
echo "### test $generator | --colsep $colsep --groupby $groupby $block"
$generator |
parallel --pipe --colsep "$colsep" --groupby "$groupby" -k $block 'echo NewRec; cat'
export -f tester
parallel --tag -k tester \
::: -N1 '--block 20' \
::: '3 $_%=2' 3 's/^(.).*/$1/' C1 'C1 $_%=2' \
::: tsv ssv cssv csv \
:::+ '\t' '\s+' '[\s,]+' ','
# Test --colsep char: OK
# Test --colsep pattern: OK
# Test --colsep -N1: OK
# Test --colsep --block 20: OK
# Test --groupby colno: OK
# Test --groupby 'colno perl': OK
# Test --groupby colname: OK
# Test --groupby 'colname perl': OK
# Test space sep --colsep '\s': OK
# Test --colsep --header : (OK: --header : not needed)
par_groupby_pipepart() {
tsv() {
printf "%s\t" a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1; echo
seq 100000 999999 | perl -pe '$_=join"\t",split//' |
sort --parallel=8 --buffer-size=50% -rk3
export -f tsv
ssv() {
# space separated
tsv | perl -pe '@sep=("\t"," "); s/\t/$sep[rand(2)]/ge;'
export -f ssv
cssv() {
# , + space separated
tsv | perl -pe '@sep=("\t"," ",","); s/\t/$sep[rand(2)].$sep[rand(2)]/ge;'
export -f cssv
csv() {
# , separated
tsv | perl -pe 's/\t/,/g;'
export -f csv
tester() {
echo "### test $generator | --colsep $colsep --groupby $groupby"
$generator > $tmp
parallel --pipepart -a $tmp --colsep "$colsep" --groupby "$groupby" -k 'echo NewRec; wc'
export -f tester
parallel --tag -k tester \
::: tsv ssv cssv csv \
:::+ '\t' '\s+' '[\s,]+' ',' \
::: '3 $_%=2' 3 c1 'c1 $_%=2' 's/^(\d+[\t ,]+){2}(\d+).*/$2/'
par_bug57364() {
echo '### bug #57364: Race condition creating len cache file.'
set -e
for i in $(seq 1 50); do
# Clear cache.
rm -rf "${HOME}/.parallel/tmp"
# Try to launch multiple parallel simultaneously.
seq $j |
xargs -P $j -n 1 parallel true $i :::
done 2>&1
par_sighup() {
echo '### Test SIGHUP'
parallel -k -j5 sleep 15';' echo ::: {1..99} >/tmp/parallel$$ 2>&1 &
sleep 29; kill -HUP $A
LC_ALL=C sort /tmp/parallel$$
rm /tmp/parallel$$
par_race_condition1() {
echo '### Test race condition on 8 CPU (my laptop)'
seq 1 5000000 > /tmp/parallel_race_cond
seq 1 10 |
parallel -k "cat /tmp/parallel_race_cond | parallel --pipe --recend '' -k gzip >/dev/null; echo {}"
rm /tmp/parallel_race_cond
par_memory_leak() {
a_run() {
seq $1 |time -v parallel true 2>&1 |
grep 'Maximum resident' |
field 6;
export -f a_run
echo "### Test for memory leaks"
echo "Of 100 runs of 1 job none should be bigger than a 3000 job run"
2019-10-21 19:18:32 +00:00
. `which env_parallel.bash`
parset small_max,big ::: 'seq 100 | parallel a_run 1 | jq -s max' 'a_run 3000'
if [ $small_max -lt $big ] ; then
echo "Bad: Memleak likely."
echo "Good: No memleak detected."
par_slow_total_jobs() {
echo 'bug #51006: Slow total_jobs() eats job'
(echo a; sleep 15; echo b; sleep 15; seq 2) |
parallel -k echo '{=total_jobs()=}' 2> >(perl -pe 's/\d/X/g')
par_memfree() {
echo '### test memfree - it should be killed by timeout'
parallel --memfree 1k echo Free mem: ::: 1k
stdout parallel --timeout 20 --argsep II parallel --memfree 1t echo Free mem: ::: II 1t |
grep -v TERM | grep -v ps/display.c
par_test_detected_shell() {
echo '### bug #42913: Dont use $SHELL but the shell currently running'
shells="ash bash csh dash fish fizsh ksh ksh93 mksh posh rbash rush rzsh sash sh static-sh tcsh yash zsh"
test_unknown_shell() {
# Remove the file to avoid potential text-file-busy
rm -f "$tmp"
cp $(which "$shell") "$tmp"
chmod +x "$tmp"
2018-11-25 18:06:06 +00:00
$tmp -c 'parallel -Dinit echo ::: 1; true' |
grep Global::shell
rm "$tmp"
export -f test_unknown_shell
test_known_shell_c() {
$shell -c 'parallel -Dinit echo ::: 1; true' |
grep Global::shell
export -f test_known_shell_c
test_known_shell_pipe() {
echo 'parallel -Dinit echo ::: 1; true' |
$shell | grep Global::shell
export -f test_known_shell_pipe
2019-01-21 02:16:59 +00:00
stdout parallel -j2 --tag -k \
::: test_unknown_shell test_known_shell_c test_known_shell_pipe \
::: $shells |
grep -Ev 'parallel: Warning: (Starting .* processes took|Consider adjusting)'
par_no_newline_compress() {
echo 'bug #41613: --compress --line-buffer - no newline';
pipe_doit() {
echo tagstring="$tagstring" compress="$compress"
perl -e 'print "O"'|
parallel "$compress" $tagstring --pipe --line-buffer cat
echo "K"
export -f pipe_doit
nopipe_doit() {
echo tagstring="$tagstring" compress="$compress"
parallel "$compress" $tagstring --line-buffer echo {} O ::: -n
echo "K"
export -f nopipe_doit
2019-01-21 02:16:59 +00:00
parallel -j1 -qk --header : {pipe}_doit {tagstring} {compress} \
::: tagstring '--tagstring {#}' -k \
::: compress --compress -k \
::: pipe pipe nopipe
par_max_length_len_128k() {
echo "### BUG: The length for -X is not close to max (131072)"
seq 1 60000 | perl -pe 's/$/.gif/' | parallel -X echo {.} aa {}{.} {}{}d{} {}dd{}d{.} |head -n 1 |wc
seq 1 60000 | perl -pe 's/$/.gif/' | parallel -X echo a{}b{}c |head -n 1 |wc
seq 1 60000 | perl -pe 's/$/.gif/' | parallel -X echo |head -n 1 |wc
seq 1 60000 | perl -pe 's/$/.gif/' | parallel -X echo a{}b{}c {} |head -n 1 |wc
seq 1 60000 | perl -pe 's/$/.gif/' | parallel -X echo {}aa{} |head -n 1 |wc
seq 1 60000 | perl -pe 's/$/.gif/' | parallel -X echo {} aa {} |head -n 1 |wc
par_round_robin_blocks() {
echo "bug #49664: --round-robin does not complete"
seq 20000000 | parallel -j8 --block 10M --round-robin --pipe wc -c | wc -l
par_plus_dyn_repl() {
echo "Dynamic replacement strings defined by --plus"
unset myvar
echo ${myvar:-myval}
parallel --rpl '{:-(.+)} $_ ||= $$1' echo {:-myval} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {:-myval} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2:-myval} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2:-myval} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar:2}
parallel --rpl '{:(\d+)} substr($_,0,$$1) = ""' echo {:2} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {:2} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2:2} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2:2} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar:2:3}
parallel --rpl '{:(\d+?):(\d+?)} $_ = substr($_,$$1,$$2);' echo {:2:3} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {:2:3} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2:2:3} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2:2:3} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${#myvar}
parallel --rpl '{#} $_ = length $_;' echo {#} ::: "$myvar"
# {#} used for job number
parallel --plus echo {#} ::: "$myvar"
echo ${myvar#bc}
parallel --rpl '{#(.+?)} s/^$$1//;' echo {#bc} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {#bc} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2#bc} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2#bc} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar#abc}
parallel --rpl '{#(.+?)} s/^$$1//;' echo {#abc} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {#abc} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2#abc} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2#abc} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar%de}
parallel --rpl '{%(.+?)} s/$$1$//;' echo {%de} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {%de} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2%de} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2%de} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar%def}
parallel --rpl '{%(.+?)} s/$$1$//;' echo {%def} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {%def} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2%def} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2%def} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar/def/ghi}
parallel --rpl '{/(.+?)/(.+?)} s/$$1/$$2/;' echo {/def/ghi} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {/def/ghi} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2/def/ghi} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2/def/ghi} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar^a}
parallel --rpl '{^(.+?)} s/^($$1)/uc($1)/e;' echo {^a} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {^a} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2^a} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2^a} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar^^a}
parallel --rpl '{^^(.+?)} s/($$1)/uc($1)/eg;' echo {^^a} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {^^a} ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo {2^^a} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo {-2^^a} ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar,A}
parallel --rpl '{,(.+?)} s/^($$1)/lc($1)/e;' echo '{,A}' ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo '{,A}' ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo '{2,A}' ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo '{-2,A}' ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
echo ${myvar,,A}
parallel --rpl '{,,(.+?)} s/($$1)/lc($1)/eg;' echo '{,,A}' ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo '{,,A}' ::: "$myvar"
parallel --plus echo '{2,,A}' ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
parallel --plus echo '{-2,,A}' ::: "wrong" ::: "$myvar" ::: "wrong"
par_keeporder_roundrobin() {
echo 'bug #50081: --keep-order --round-robin should give predictable results'
export PARALLEL="-j13 --block 1m --pipe --roundrobin"
random500m() {
< /dev/zero openssl enc -aes-128-ctr -K 1234 -iv 1234 2>/dev/null |
head -c 500m;
a=$(random500m | parallel -k 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' | sort)
b=$(random500m | parallel -k 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' | sort)
c=$(random500m | parallel 'echo {#} $(md5sum)' | sort)
if [ "$a" == "$b" ] ; then
# Good: -k should be == -k
if [ "$a" == "$c" ] ; then
# Bad: without -k the command should give different output
echo 'Broken: a == c'
printf "$a\n$b\n$c\n"
echo OK
echo 'Broken: a <> b'
printf "$a\n$b\n$c\n"
export -f $(compgen -A function | grep par_)
compgen -A function | grep par_ | sort |
parallel --delay 0.3 --timeout 1000% -j6 --tag -k --joblog /tmp/jl-`basename $0` '{} 2>&1'