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Benjamin Bach dbfbbb24fe
Adds a second clause about privacy, make it clear that this is about blocking and what the consequences are
2023-12-26 12:07:36 +01:00
bestyrelsen Update 'bestyrelsen/' 2021-01-20 21:02:31 +00:00
generalforsamlinger Upload regnskab for 2022 2023-05-19 09:43:43 +00:00
Acceptable Usage AUP: Fix link to 2020-12-22 21:34:40 +01:00 Merge pull request 'Forslag til vedtægtsændringer: Tilføjelse til paragraffen om administratorer' (#16) from forslag-tilfoejelse-administratorer into master 2022-06-01 18:19:52 +00:00 Adds a second clause about privacy, make it clear that this is about blocking and what the consequences are 2023-12-26 12:07:36 +01:00 Tilføj skabelon til referater 2023-01-03 12:31:40 +01:00