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-- | The category of homotopy sets
2018-02-05 13:47:15 +00:00
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --cubical #-}
module Cat.Categories.Sets where
2017-11-15 20:51:10 +00:00
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Product
open import Function using (_∘_)
-- open import Cubical using (funExt ; refl ; isSet ; isProp ; _≡_ ; isEquiv ; sym ; trans ; _[_≡_] ; I ; Path ; PathP)
open import Cubical hiding (_≃_)
open import Cubical.Univalence using (univalence ; con ; _≃_ ; idtoeqv ; ua)
open import Cubical.GradLemma
2018-03-20 13:58:27 +00:00
open import Cubical.NType.Properties
open import Cat.Category
2018-02-05 13:59:53 +00:00
open import Cat.Category.Functor
open import Cat.Category.Product
open import Cat.Wishlist
open import Cat.Equivalence as Eqv using (AreInverses ; module Equiv ; module NoEta)
open NoEta
module Equivalence = Equivalence
_⊙_ : {a b c : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c} (A B) (B C) A C
eqA eqB = Equivalence.compose eqA eqB
sym≃ : {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} A B B A
sym≃ = Equivalence.symmetry
infixl 10 _⊙_
2017-11-15 20:51:10 +00:00
module _ { : Level} {A : Set } {a : A} where
id-coe : coe refl a a
id-coe = begin
2018-03-20 10:58:54 +00:00
coe refl a ≡⟨⟩
2018-03-20 11:12:09 +00:00
pathJ (λ y x A) _ A refl ≡⟨ pathJprop {x = a} (λ y x A) _
_ ≡⟨ pathJprop {x = a} (λ y x A) _
module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } {a : A} where
inv-coe : (p : A B) coe (sym p) (coe p a) a
inv-coe p =
D : (y : Set ) _ y Set _
D _ q = coe (sym q) (coe q a) a
d : D A refl
d = begin
coe (sym refl) (coe refl a) ≡⟨⟩
coe refl (coe refl a) ≡⟨ id-coe
coe refl a ≡⟨ id-coe
in pathJ D d B p
inv-coe' : (p : B A) coe p (coe (sym p) a) a
inv-coe' p =
D : (y : Set ) _ y Set _
D _ q = coe (sym q) (coe q a) a
k : coe p (coe (sym p) a) a
k = pathJ D (trans id-coe id-coe) B (sym p)
in k
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
module _ ( : Level) where
2018-03-20 13:58:27 +00:00
open import Cubical.Universe using (hSet) public
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
SetsRaw : RawCategory (lsuc )
RawCategory.Object SetsRaw = hSet {}
RawCategory.Arrow SetsRaw (T , _) (U , _) = T U
RawCategory.𝟙 SetsRaw =
RawCategory._∘_ SetsRaw = Function._∘_
open RawCategory SetsRaw hiding (_∘_)
isIdentity : IsIdentity
proj₁ isIdentity = funExt λ _ refl
proj₂ isIdentity = funExt λ _ refl
open Univalence (λ {A} {B} {f} isIdentity {A} {B} {f})
arrowsAreSets : ArrowsAreSets
arrowsAreSets {B = (_ , s)} = setPi λ _ s
isIso = Eqv.Isomorphism
module _ {hA hB : hSet {}} where
open Σ hA renaming (proj₁ to A ; proj₂ to sA)
open Σ hB renaming (proj₁ to B ; proj₂ to sB)
lem1 : (f : A B) isSet A isSet B isProp (isIso f)
lem1 f sA sB = res
module _ (x y : isIso f) where
module x = Σ x renaming (proj₁ to inverse ; proj₂ to areInverses)
module y = Σ y renaming (proj₁ to inverse ; proj₂ to areInverses)
module xA = AreInverses x.areInverses
module yA = AreInverses y.areInverses
-- I had a lot of difficulty using the corresponding proof where
-- AreInverses is defined. This is sadly a bit anti-modular. The
-- reason for my troubles is probably related to the type of objects
-- being hSet's rather than sets.
p : {f} g isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
p {f} g xx yy i = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
module xxA = AreInverses xx
module yyA = AreInverses yy
ve-re : g f
ve-re = arrowsAreSets {A = hA} {B = hA} _ _ xxA.verso-recto yyA.verso-recto i
re-ve : f g
re-ve = arrowsAreSets {A = hB} {B = hB} _ _ xxA.recto-verso yyA.recto-verso i
1eq : x.inverse y.inverse
1eq = begin
x.inverse ≡⟨⟩
x.inverse ≡⟨ cong (λ φ x.inverse φ) (sym yA.recto-verso)
x.inverse (f y.inverse) ≡⟨⟩
(x.inverse f) y.inverse ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ y.inverse) xA.verso-recto y.inverse ≡⟨⟩
2eq : (λ i AreInverses f (1eq i)) [ x.areInverses y.areInverses ]
2eq = lemPropF p 1eq
res : x y
res i = 1eq i , 2eq i
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {P : A Set b} where
lem2 : ((x : A) isProp (P x)) (p q : Σ A P)
(p q) (proj₁ p proj₁ q)
lem2 pA p q = fromIsomorphism iso
2018-03-21 12:00:47 +00:00
f : {p q} p q proj₁ p proj₁ q
f e i = proj₁ (e i)
2018-03-21 12:00:47 +00:00
g : {p q} proj₁ p proj₁ q p q
g {p} {q} = lemSig pA p q
ve-re : (e : p q) (g f) e e
2018-03-21 12:00:47 +00:00
ve-re = pathJ (\ q (e : p q) (g f) e e)
(\ i j p .proj₁ , propSet (pA (p .proj₁)) (p .proj₂) (p .proj₂) (λ i (g {p} {p} f) (λ i₁ p) i .proj₂) (λ i p .proj₂) i j ) q
re-ve : (e : proj₁ p proj₁ q) (f {p} {q} g {p} {q}) e e
re-ve e = refl
2018-03-21 12:00:47 +00:00
inv : AreInverses (f {p} {q}) (g {p} {q})
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
iso : (p q) Eqv.≅ (proj₁ p proj₁ q)
iso = f , g , inv
lem3 : {Q : A Set b}
((a : A) P a Q a) Σ A P Σ A Q
lem3 {Q} eA = res
P→Q : {a} P a Q a
P→Q = ua (eA _)
Q→P : {a} Q a P a
Q→P = sym P→Q
f : Σ A P Σ A Q
f (a , pA) = a , coe P→Q pA
g : Σ A Q Σ A P
g (a , qA) = a , coe Q→P qA
ve-re : (x : Σ A P) (g f) x x
ve-re x i = proj₁ x , eq i
eq : proj₂ ((g f) x) proj₂ x
eq = begin
proj₂ ((g f) x) ≡⟨⟩
coe Q→P (proj₂ (f x)) ≡⟨⟩
coe Q→P (coe P→Q (proj₂ x)) ≡⟨ inv-coe P→Q
proj₂ x
re-ve : (x : Σ A Q) (f g) x x
re-ve x i = proj₁ x , eq i
eq = begin
proj₂ ((f g) x) ≡⟨⟩
coe P→Q (coe Q→P (proj₂ x)) ≡⟨⟩
coe P→Q (coe (sym P→Q) (proj₂ x)) ≡⟨ inv-coe' P→Q
proj₂ x
inv : AreInverses f g
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
iso : Σ A P Eqv.≅ Σ A Q
iso = f , g , inv
res : Σ A P Σ A Q
res = fromIsomorphism iso
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
lem4 : isSet A isSet B (f : A B)
isEquiv A B f isIso f
lem4 sA sB f =
obv : isEquiv A B f isIso f
obv = Equiv≃.toIso A B
inv : isIso f isEquiv A B f
inv = Equiv≃.fromIso A B
re-ve : (x : isEquiv A B f) (inv obv) x x
re-ve = Equiv≃.inverse-from-to-iso A B
ve-re : (x : isIso f) (obv inv) x x
ve-re = Equiv≃.inverse-to-from-iso A B
iso : isEquiv A B f Eqv.≅ isIso f
iso = obv , inv ,
{ verso-recto = funExt re-ve
; recto-verso = funExt ve-re
in fromIsomorphism iso
module _ {hA hB : Object} where
A = proj₁ hA
sA = proj₂ hA
B = proj₁ hB
sB = proj₂ hB
-- lem3 and the equivalence from lem4
step0 : Σ (A B) isIso Σ (A B) (isEquiv A B)
step0 = lem3 (λ f sym≃ (lem4 sA sB f))
-- univalence
step1 : Σ (A B) (isEquiv A B) (A B)
step1 = hh h
h : (A B) (A B)
h = sym≃ (univalence {A = A} {B})
obv : Σ (A B) (isEquiv A B) A B
obv = Eqv.deEta
inv : A B Σ (A B) (isEquiv A B)
inv = Eqv.doEta
re-ve : (x : _) (inv obv) x x
re-ve x = refl
-- Because _≃_ does not have eta equality!
ve-re : (x : _) (obv inv) x x
ve-re (con eqv isEqv) i = con eqv isEqv
areInv : AreInverses obv inv
areInv = record { verso-recto = funExt re-ve ; recto-verso = funExt ve-re }
2018-03-20 10:58:54 +00:00
eqv : Σ (A B) (isEquiv A B) Eqv.≅ (A B)
eqv = obv , inv , areInv
2018-03-20 10:58:54 +00:00
hh : Σ (A B) (isEquiv A B) (A B)
hh = fromIsomorphism eqv
-- lem2 with propIsSet
step2 : (A B) (hA hB)
step2 = sym≃ (lem2 (λ A isSetIsProp) hA hB)
-- Go from an isomorphism on sets to an isomorphism on homotopic sets
trivial? : (hA hB) Σ (A B) isIso
trivial? = sym≃ (fromIsomorphism res)
fwd : Σ (A B) isIso hA hB
fwd (f , g , inv) = f , g , inv.toPair
module inv = AreInverses inv
bwd : hA hB Σ (A B) isIso
bwd (f , g , x , y) = f , g , record { verso-recto = x ; recto-verso = y }
res : Σ (A B) isIso Eqv.≅ (hA hB)
res = fwd , bwd , record { verso-recto = refl ; recto-verso = refl }
conclusion : (hA hB) (hA hB)
conclusion = trivial? step0 step1 step2
t : (hA hB) (hA hB)
t = sym≃ conclusion
-- TODO Is the morphism `(_≃_.eqv conclusion)` the same as
-- `(id-to-iso (λ {A} {B} → isIdentity {A} {B}) hA hB)` ?
res : isEquiv (hA hB) (hA hB) (_≃_.eqv t)
res = _≃_.isEqv t
module _ {hA hB : hSet {}} where
univalent : isEquiv (hA hB) (hA hB) ( (λ {A} {B} isIdentity {A} {B}) hA hB)
univalent = let k = _≃_.isEqv (sym≃ conclusion) in {!k!}
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
SetsIsCategory : IsCategory SetsRaw
IsCategory.isAssociative SetsIsCategory = refl
IsCategory.isIdentity SetsIsCategory {A} {B} = isIdentity {A} {B}
IsCategory.arrowsAreSets SetsIsCategory {A} {B} = arrowsAreSets {A} {B}
IsCategory.univalent SetsIsCategory = univalent
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
𝓢𝓮𝓽 Sets : Category (lsuc )
Category.raw 𝓢𝓮𝓽 = SetsRaw
Category.isCategory 𝓢𝓮𝓽 = SetsIsCategory
Sets = 𝓢𝓮𝓽
2018-01-24 15:38:28 +00:00
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
module _ { : Level} where
2018-01-24 15:38:28 +00:00
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
𝓢 = 𝓢𝓮𝓽
open Category 𝓢
open import Cubical.Sigma
module _ (hA hB : Object) where
open Σ hA renaming (proj₁ to A ; proj₂ to sA)
open Σ hB renaming (proj₁ to B ; proj₂ to sB)
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
productObject : Object
productObject = (A × B) , sigPresSet sA λ _ sB
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
module _ {X A B : Set } (f : X A) (g : X B) where
_&&&_ : (X A × B)
_&&&_ x = f x , g x
module _ (hX : Object) where
open Σ hX renaming (proj₁ to X)
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
module _ (f : X A ) (g : X B) where
ump : proj₁ Function.∘′ (f &&& g) f × proj₂ Function.∘′ (f &&& g) g
proj₁ ump = refl
proj₂ ump = refl
2018-03-08 09:22:21 +00:00
rawProduct : RawProduct 𝓢 hA hB
RawProduct.object rawProduct = productObject
2018-03-08 09:45:15 +00:00
RawProduct.proj₁ rawProduct = Data.Product.proj₁
RawProduct.proj₂ rawProduct = Data.Product.proj₂
2018-03-08 09:22:21 +00:00
2018-03-08 09:28:05 +00:00
isProduct : IsProduct 𝓢 _ _ rawProduct
IsProduct.ump isProduct {X = hX} f g
= (f &&& g) , ump hX f g
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
product : Product 𝓢 hA hB
2018-03-08 09:20:29 +00:00
Product.raw product = rawProduct
Product.isProduct product = isProduct
2018-01-24 15:38:28 +00:00
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
SetsHasProducts : HasProducts 𝓢
2018-01-24 15:38:28 +00:00
SetsHasProducts = record { product = product }
2017-11-15 20:51:10 +00:00
2018-03-05 10:17:31 +00:00
module _ {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
2018-03-20 15:50:03 +00:00
open Category
2018-03-05 10:17:31 +00:00
-- Covariant Presheaf
Representable : Set (a lsuc b)
Representable = Functor (𝓢𝓮𝓽 b)
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
2018-03-05 10:17:31 +00:00
-- Contravariant Presheaf
Presheaf : Set (a lsuc b)
Presheaf = Functor (opposite ) (𝓢𝓮𝓽 b)
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
-- The "co-yoneda" embedding.
2018-03-05 10:17:31 +00:00
representable : Category.Object Representable
representable A = record
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
{ raw = record
{ omap = λ B [ A , B ] , arrowsAreSets
; fmap = [_∘_]
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
; isFunctor = record
{ isIdentity = funExt λ _ leftIdentity
2018-02-23 11:53:35 +00:00
; isDistributive = funExt λ x sym isAssociative
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
-- Alternate name: `yoneda`
2018-03-05 10:17:31 +00:00
presheaf : Category.Object (opposite ) Presheaf
presheaf B = record
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
{ raw = record
{ omap = λ A [ A , B ] , arrowsAreSets
; fmap = λ f g [ g f ]
2018-01-30 15:23:36 +00:00
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
; isFunctor = record
{ isIdentity = funExt λ x rightIdentity
2018-02-23 11:53:35 +00:00
; isDistributive = funExt λ x isAssociative
2018-02-21 12:37:07 +00:00
2018-01-30 15:23:36 +00:00